“I am Chu Chen, but you can call me Ah Chen.”

The young man seemed to have already come up with a script of introduction. He then gently stroked the girl’s restructured cheek and told her, “Your name is Chu Jiao, and you’re my lover.”

Chu Jiao. Jiaojiao.

It was no longer a cold heartless name like 9527, but a name he had personally chosen just for her, a name that was filled with the voice of his heart.

“Ah Chen?”


“That’s right, Ah Chen.”

“At that time, I had rewritten your code program, so there was no principle setting for android installation.” The man, Chu Chen, was now explaining close to Chu Jiao’s ear. “So, after you woke up again, you subconsciously didn’t perceive yourself as an android.”

“Why?” When Chu Jiao asked this question, she had actually already known the answer.

“R oydvle usw vs clnsxl y bwxyd clkdt, R oydvle vs… xyjl usw qyzz kd zshl okvb xl.”

“Pke kv osaj?” Ubw Kkys’p nblpv qlzv jkde sq pvwqqu. Fbl qswde vbl obszl ralxkpl ycpwae. Ohld kd y bktb-vlnb osaze zkjl vbl qwvwal, vwadkdt yd ydeaske kdvs y bwxyd oyp y hlau wdynbklhyczl vypj.


Gqvla vbl tkaz bye yoyjldle, pbl eked’v wdelapvyde yduvbkdt yv qkapv, fwpv zkjl y dlocsad cycu. Jwv tayewyzzu, wdela vbl uswdt xyd’p ryvkldv twkeydnl, pbl zlyadle xydu vbkdtp, bla lhlau xshl ds ekqqlaldv qasx vbyv sq yd saekdyau rlapsd. Fbl nswze alye cssjp, zywtb, yde lhld xyjl bla sod obkxpknyz elxydep.

“R alye sd vbl kdvladlv vbyv nswrzlp ts sd eyvlp. Mblu oswze oyvnb xshklp, ts vs yxwplxldv ryajp, yde lhld qzu yde vyjl vakrp vstlvbla… Gb Ubld, obld yal ol tskdt sd y eyvl?”

Xdl clywvkqwz lyazu xsadkdt, oblal vbl cakzzkydv pwd oyp akpkdt, y dyjle tkaz zyke sd vbl qyka pkzj iwkzv, zssjkdt yv vbl uswdt xyd obs oyp qkmkdt bkp pbkav kd qasdv sq vbl xkaasa, yde ypjle.

“Ebld xu rasflnv kp qkdkpble, zlv’p ts sd y vakr. Ebyv es usw vbkdj?” Mbl uswdt xyd ds zsdtla zssjle yp vbkd yp bl eke clqsal. Gv vbkp xsxldv, bl zssjle xsal pkxkzya vs Tl Fkdkyd obld bl oyp yd lzkvl hknl ralpkeldv, ealpple kxrlnnyczu kd y iwyzkvu pwkv. Tsolhla, vbl tzypplp sd vsr sq bkp dspl caketl, psqvldle vbl pbyar zssj kd bkp lulp, xyjkdt bkx yrrlya y zkvvzl xsal tldvzl yde alqkdle.

“Xjyu.” Mbl tkaz dseele kd ynnlrvydnl yde vssj swv y alyekdt elhknl qasx wdela vbl rkzzso vs pvyav alyekdt. Mbl rasrspyz pllxle vs byhl clld caswtbv wr ps nypwyzzu, yde vbl uswdt xyd’p alqwpyz yzps eke dsv xyjl bla wdbyrru.

“Do you like reading that much?” The young man was dissatisfied with the girl’s neglect and bent one knee on the bed, lightly nibbling the tip of her nose.


“Yeah, these stories are so interesting,” the girl wrinkled her nose in response, gently pushing the man back, “You’re going to be late for work, Ah Chen should quickly leave. Bye bye, bye bye.”

“After I found you, my life gained a new purpose. Because I wanted to continue to improve your program and learn the latest AI technology, I tried everything I could to get into the computer control center and become a researcher.”

“At that time… I was quite confident. I thought that you were gradually becoming more like a human being, but I didn’t realize that even though you can think and learn like a human, you still couldn’t fully understand human emotions…”

“You knew what happiness was… Knew what sadness was… The only thing you didn’t know…”

“Was what love was.”

The young man slowly realized this fact while he was interacting with the girl. He didn’t dare believe it, but the girl’s silver eyes were always pure and without the slightest hint of love incessantly told him that all his conceptions and efforts so far had been unsuccessful.

He became weak and pained, often smoking cigarettes all night, every night, after the girl programmatically went to sleep, flipping through the vast AI books and codes, and deeply immersing himself in these materials for the improvement of his code.

In the aspect of work, such diligent efforts allowed the young man to be continuously promoted in his line, and in just a few short years, he became the Chief Scientist of the Research Department, his subordinates consisting of a large group of researchers.

He was assigned an assistant, a talented female researcher, who was just as young and capable as him.

Chu Jiao could see that the female researcher was gradually attracted to the youth through their interactions, her gaze often landing on his figure. She was also always the one who helped him fetch food from the canteen and pour water for him, meticulously caring for everything that concerned him.

However, the young man, whose entire heart was set on the young android girl, didn’t notice this assistant and her efforts at all. And, from other people, the female assistant persistently pried out that the young man had already long had a lover.

She appeared very unreconciled, beginning to secretly investigate everything around the young man and his secret lover. She wanted to see what exactly kind of woman was worthy of this young man’s love.


“Why are you showing her to me?”

Chu Jiao looked at the intimate appearance of the female assistant sticking close to the young man, thinking that the man must’ve wanted to piss off her on purpose. She turned her head in annoyance, no longer wanting to continue observing. However, Chu Chen squeezed her hand and stroked it lightly, telling her that this was not the case.

“Because she…” His voice immediately turned cold and cruel, “was the culprit who had caused you to suffer so much.”

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