Translator: MarcTempest

Editor: Rxel

Chapter 203

They lost to the meat.

At this point, Woojoo wondered if they should change their name from New Black to New Meat.

Main vocal Chaet.

Cute maknae Samgyeop.

Gobchang, who boasts a chewy rap.

Main dancer Anchang.

Leader Flower Sirloin.

Woojoo told his brothers this idea.

“How about it, isn’t it awesome?”

“Why do you have to be the flower sirloin, Hyung? That’s my position as the youngest.”


“It’s the most expensive. And it’s a flower.”

“Why a flower?”

Jiho tapped his chest as if it was obvious.

“Flower is me.”

“Stop the nonsense, baby.”

As Jiho and Woojoo were talking, the fans in the front row choked on their steaks.

They supplied drinks to the fans who were sobbing.

He turned his eyes.

Their fans in the audience were holding forks and almost inhaling… steaks.

Bijoo asked with a smile, “Did you all get hungry?”

Nod… gulp… nod.

Gulp gulp. Nod.

Jiho tilted his head and asked, “Didn’t we give you something delicious for lunch?”


One of the fans in the front row spoke, chewing on a steak.


But then the words stopped. Woojoo asked for the person who was choking for a while.

“Junghyun, give this person some grape soda.”


Junghyun brought a can of grape-flavored soda from a nearby box and poured it instead of wine.

And they bent down and listened.

The Soufflé who had a blocked throat drank the soda and swallowed the food.



“I digested everything while cheering.”

“…We gave you 1.5 servings per person, right?”

Nod nod.

They were their fans.

They applauded in admiration of their extraordinary digestion, and embarrassed laughter erupted everywhere.

Woojoo was also surprised to think that something went wrong with the delivery and the Soufflés were starving. It turned out that they just digested well.

They were eating steaks like crazy, sweating from the effort they put into cheering.

Meanwhile, Woojoo spoke like a speech.

“You’ve been working hard since dawn. I heard you lined up at six in the morning? And today’s weather…”

Gulp, gulp.

“…The weather is cold. And your seats are on the third floor, so you had to watch with binoculars because the distance was so far…”

Gulp gulp.

As he made a sad expression, the Soufflés began to chew their steaks slowly, looking around.




As if a rusty swing was making a squeaky sound, Rihyuk slapped Woojoo as they chewed their food.

“Hey, what are you doing to our fans who have been working hard all day? You should let them eat comfortably.”

“Rihyuk is right,” Junghyun agreed with a serious face. “They said they don’t even touch dogs when they eat.”

“Look, look. You’re making the fans miserable. The bad habits you had in the army are coming out here too.”

“Hyung. The fans are eating.”

Woojoo surrendered to the carpet bombing of his brothers. Then he smiled kindly at the fans.

“…Please enjoy your meal.”

Their Soufflés were excited and started eating steaks with forks.

Woojoo watched them quietly for a moment.

Every time he spoke, he could see the fans struggling.

He asked them jokingly, seeing them wavering like a child between their favorite food and an amusing TV cartoon.

“By the way, everyone.”

“Me, me.”

“Stop talking.”

Woojoo rolled his eyes at his teasing siblings and asked the fans who had already devoured more than half of their steaks, “Question! Do you like us or the meat?”


A deep voice came from beside Woojoo, startling him.

“Oh, you scared me.”

“It’s me. Hyung.”

“Junghyun. I didn’t ask you.”


Woojoo left Junghyun sulking and asked again about meat vs New Black.

“Do you like us or the meat?”

“…New Black.”

They gave Woojoo a look that said ‘of course, it’s you’, but he saw their pupils waver for 0.5 seconds.

And there were dozens of them.


His siblings looked shocked.

“Wow. I saw that. You hesitated when he asked which one you liked better.”

“Really… the meat? Not us?”

“We need that electric shocker we used on Idol Show.”

“It’s a lie detector, Hyung. We’ll get arrested if we use an electric shocker.”

The Soufflés desperately denied it and told them they were the best, but their wounded hearts didn’t seem to heal.

At first, Woojoo felt jealous, but then he thought it was pathetic to be jealous of meat, not a person.

He suggested, “Let’s just change our names to meat.”

“That sounds better.”

They all nodded and agreed.

Jiho drew a V on his eyes and introduced himself.

“Hello, I’m the youngest member, Flower Sirloin. My specialty is melting.”

“I’m the main dancer, Anchang.” Bijoo added softly, “Rare.”

“…Pfft! Cough! Cough!”

Then the fans started laughing so hard that they almost cried.

The rest of them also introduced ourselves.

“Main vocal, Chaetip. In English, it’s Sirloin.”

“Rapper Kim Gopchang.”

“The man with many layers of charm that comes out as you peel. Leader Samgyeop.”

They exchanged jokes and finished their introductions, and everyone in their fan section was drinking their drinks with flushed faces.


It wasn’t just the Soufflés, but also the Street Boys and Cement people who were listening to their conversation nearby.

They were all holding back their laughter.

Woojoo tilted his head and asked, “…Was it that funny?”

His siblings shrugged as if they didn’t know.

The road managers near them gave them a look that said ‘are you serious?’


10 p.m.

As they all sat together, Junghyun said, “It’s ten o’clock. The younger line, please raise your heads.”

“I’m not in the younger line.”

Woojoo said to Jiho, who protested seriously, “Jiho, stop playing Mafia and go to bed.”

“No, I don’t want to,” Jiho whined. “I want to play with you guys more. There’s nothing to do in the waiting room anyway. Rihyuk Hyung will talk about boring science or history.”

“Play phone games.”

“I forgot to bring my charger.”

Woojoo smiled at him with his mouth pouting and said to Rihyuk, “Take him away.”

“Hey, Wang Jiho. Follow me.”

“I don’t want to go…”

But the other underage idol members around them were getting up and leaving their seats.

The underage members had mixed expressions of joy and regret, saying ‘Finally, we can rest’ and ‘I’m not a baby’.

They waved their hands to the fans as they headed back to the waiting room.

“I’m going…”

Jiho grabbed his blanket and got up with a wobble, so Woojoo stopped him. A faintly pleased expression returned to his face.

“Are you holding me back?”

“Leave the blanket. You’re not the only one who’s cold. We’re cold too.”

Junghyun and Bijoo burst into laughter, and the youngest glared at Woojoo with a hurt expression.

“…You’ll see. I’ll pray in the waiting room and cast a debuff on you.”

“It’s okay. I’ve been through that kind of curse once.”

“I’ll ask my dad to make it so that when you search your name on the portal, it comes up as Wu Zhenmin, the Taiwanese singer.”

Woojoo couldn’t help but laugh at that.

Meanwhile, the youngest, who wanted to stay in his seat, was still dragging his feet.

Woojoo called him.



“Jiho, Jiho.”


Bijoo joined Woojoo in a sweet voice.

It was the growth song they sang on the idol show.

“I have something to say to you.”

“Close your backpack when you go to school.”

Junghyun chimed in, and their youngest ran away with a slightly red face.

They high-fived each other, giggling.

“That was a good harmony.”

“We had some tapioca for a change.”

Woojoo smiled wistfully as he watched their language genius, and looked around.

It was past 10 p.m., and the fans, the broadcasters, and the producers were all tired.

The idols who came out as players were ecstatic.


“Ah, I miss my mom.”

Woojoo missed their Lady Kim Deoksoon.

He had been doing makeup since 3 a.m. and sitting on the cold stadium floor until this time, so he was numb.

There wasn’t much left of the competition, so he was trying to keep his body as tense as possible.

If he relaxed a little bit here, he felt like he would catch a cold and suffer for a few days.

He was sleepy. He wanted to relax his face.

That was why he felt like lying in their Lady Kim Deoksoon’s arms for 10 seconds.

Woojoo saw the producers running around again, as if there was a problem with the sound.

“Ah, what’s the delay again?”

“It’s freaking delayed.”

“Didn’t they say they’d ban us from participating if we spoiled the results? Should we secretly spoil it after it’s over?”

They heard the lamenting voices from here and there, and they huddled together and leaned on each other.

“Mandu, mandu, mandu, mandu.”

“You won, Hyung.”

Instead of a punishment, Woojoo rubbed the shoulders of his brothers and waited.

It didn’t take long for the recording to resume.

The only thing left was the women’s 400-meter relay and the men’s 400-meter relay.

Junghyun looked at the girl group members on the track with a regretful expression.

“I wish I could have done the relay.”

“It’s tiring, it’s good, right? Let’s just enjoy it with our eyes.”

They were supposed to do the 400-meter relay too, but there was a problem.

They were a group of five, but two were underage.

They needed four to do the relay race, but they couldn’t line up with three.

Woojoo thought Junghyun alone would be enough, but they couldn’t help it if that was the rule.

They had to wait until next year when Rihyuk became an adult.

-The women’s 400-meter relay final is here!

-Ready! Yes, La Vi en Rose is taking the lead.

As the commentators’ voices rang out, they all barely held back their yawns and watched the night race.

The people who watch this on New Year’s Day will think it was filmed during the day, right?

Actually, it was almost midnight.

As he thought that and opened his eyes wide, the relay was won by Serenity, a rookie girl group from MOP Entertainment.

Scarlet, who had exhausted all their strength by winning the wrestling match, sprinted at the beginning but ran out of energy at the end and got the bronze medal.

The silver medal went to DNS Media’s girl group, La Vie en Rose.

Although the two groups were rivals in the same company, they hugged and smiled brightly at each other, just like their Mint Choco-dan.

The winner of the men’s 400-meter relay was Street Boys.


“Ah, thank you. I’m so relieved.”

Woojoo hugged Hanjo lightly, who had run with all his might as the last runner. He said while panting, “Ever since New Black won the gold medal in archery, the manager’s face has been very dark. And the President too.”

“You did a great job.”

“I think I can breathe a little easier now.”

Woojoo comforted him and exchanged friendship with him, who looked relieved as if he had survived.

A face popped up next to Woojoo.

“What about me? I’m second place.”

“Go away.”

“…Wow. Look at you acting like this after basketball is over. When you followed me around like a puppy, calling me captain, captain!”

“You’re making up nonsense.”

Woojoo pushed away the green-haired monster who chased him with a betrayed face.

He blamed Woojoo for betraying him after he raised him.

So Woojoo asked him when and where he raised him, and he said it was rude to apply the six degrees of separation to their relationship.

Meanwhile, as the recording was almost over, Woojoo greeted the idol seniors and the rookie boy groups who he had filmed with today.

It was essential to leave a good impression before parting.

But he didn’t greet the girl groups.

The company warned Woojoo, but so did Han Taehyun.

-I met eyes with Joo Hana by chance the other day, and a lot of videos went up on YouTube.

They said they made some videos overseas.

They only glanced at each other briefly, but a video came out with a romantic BGM.

So they avoided each other like oil and water.

Instead, they got along well with the same gender.

“Sir. You worked hard today.”

“Yes, Sunbae-nim.”

“Please speak comfortably. I’m not a person who holds grudges.”

“My brother said I can’t do that.”

“…I can’t help it. Then.”

Yeonhu, the youngest of Teen Spirit, was standing politely next to Junghyun.

With a face that looked like he had cured his puberty, Yeonhu asked Junghyun various things.

“I’ve been curious about something. Hyung. How can you make your body like that?”

“Um… It’s a secret.”

He looked like an elementary school student who admired a boxer, with a bright smile.

He didn’t seem to like his own cuteness.

Junghyun thought for a while and said, “Exercise is important, but so is nutrition. Do you eat a balanced diet?”


“Eat well. Not just protein, but fiber is important too. You need to eat vegetables and fruits.”

He looked like a professional fitness trainer, talking seriously about exercise.

But Woojoo saw Hwiyeon, the leader of Teen Spirit, giving Junghyun a thumbs up nearby.

Bijoo gave Woojoo a hint.

“The senior came to Junghyun earlier and gave him a Chupa Chups and asked him to answer like that.”

“Chupa Chups is legit.”

Woojoo nodded and moved on.

Today’s finale.

The award ceremony for the overall champion team.

-L Team, please come forward!

The three from New Black and the Scarlet members gathered together and took turns holding the trophy, while the Soufflés and Curtain cheered for them at the same time.

The spacious indoor gym.

Woojoo smiled as he took in all the scenery in there.

He felt very tired and like he could collapse at any moment, but he thought it wasn’t a bad day.

He sent a heart to the fans and left the stadium, and Junghyun, who was drawing a bear heart next to him, said, “Hyung, you look very happy.”


Because he had a really good thing happen.


Lemon Entertainment President’s room.

“Hot, hot, hot!”

As he looked at the photos from the scene that his managers had sent him, Park Kyuho, the president, laughed and hit the armrest of his chair.


He laughed, looking at the ceiling.

Then he turned his eyes to the directors, who were eating their late-night snacks with ‘why is he like that’ expressions on their faces.

The two office workers immediately smiled and managed their expressions.

“Me!” Park Kyuho said, his face flushed with alcohol, “This Kyuho!”

At his words, the two men exchanged glances.

‘He’s using the third person.’

‘He’s drunk. The boss.’

Park Kyuho had gotten some drinks from Im, the president of DNS, and he seemed very happy.

“Ever since middle school, I’ve been competing with that guy Hyunsik, from Taejin Records, and losing all the time! But I raised my kids well, huh! Hahaha! His face looked like a dog earlier!”

“…You’re that happy?”

“Yes, I am!”

Park Kyuho smiled warmly.

“Winning is the best.”

After laughing like that for a while, Park Kyuho returned to his usual gentle face after drinking a few glasses of water.

But the excitement was still there.

“By the way, Director.”


“Buy whatever the Scarlet kids want to eat. Snowflake sirloin or whatever. Tell them I’ll pay for everything with my own money.”

“Yes, President.”


His eyes turned to the other director.

“I told Woojoo that I’d buy him some equipment if he won the overall championship. He said he wanted the same equipment as the one you have at your house. What is it? Can you tell me?”


“What’s wrong?”


The Director blinked.

“Did you check the price of that?”


“…We’re in trouble. You promised him that?”


Park Kyuho felt a sense of foreboding and searched the internet site with the model name that the director gave him.


Park Kyuho blinked.

“This can’t be. Where’s my glasses cleaner?”

“Here you go.”

Park Kyuho quickly cleaned his glasses and screamed.

“There was one more zero?”


There were times like that.

When the alcohol wore off in an instant, as if the energy of the whole universe was swept away, and your mind became clear.

The redness on his face disappeared in no time, and Park Kyuho’s posture became straight like a boy from Cheonghak-dong.

“What’s wrong… Huh!”

The director, who had leaned in out of curiosity, also screamed, and the Jo Gyuhwan just gave a bitter smile.

‘I’m screwed.’

He had promised to buy him anything after making all kinds of fuss. What should he do?

‘He even told me to call him later.’

Park Kyuho’s hand trembled.

And then…


Like a person who pops popcorn in a movie theater, Park Kyuho threw his phone into the air.


The phone fell to the floor and vibrated roughly.

On the screen, the name ‘Our Lucky Charm Woojoo☆’ popped up.


Park Kyuho decided to change that name first.

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