Translator: MarcTempest

Editor: Rxel

Chapter 123

Woojoo skimmed through the fan cafe posts in reverse order to see what had happened.

At first, their Soufflés were having fun watching the live quiz show, but the mood changed at some point.

“What is this?”

The fans were angry about an internet article.

About Woojoo.

Woojoo clicked on the link and the article title made his siblings look at him nervously.

-New Black Woojoo, ‘Father’s Wealth Controversy?’… Netizens ‘Pretending to be Poor?’

It was an article from an unfamiliar entertainment media.

Woojoo calmly read its contents.

There was nothing special to say.

It was just a copy of a post that was uploaded on some internet community.

-That kid from New Black, Woojoo, didn’t he say his father was Seon Myungju on MuCa? At that time, Seon Myungju was a world-class celebrity, and he would have inherited a fortune that would last for three generations. But he acts like he can’t afford anything on TV.

There were various arguments in the comment section, but the entertainment reporter must have thought it was a good story and quickly copied it.

Minki Hyung took off his hands-free earphone from his ear and said, “I just finished talking with the manager, and he said the PR team is talking to that trashy company. The article will be down soon.”

“Thank you. Hyung.”

Woojoo refreshed the page a few more times and a message popped up saying the article was deleted.

It was something that happened within 30 minutes of being posted.

On the day of Chuseok, this kind of work speed was amazing. Their PR team really did a great job.

But the abusive article had already spread like wildfire, and the article was also exposed on the main page for a while.

Of course, it didn’t get any sympathy.

The original post was from a community that had a bad image among the public, and it was an internet article that was written without verifying the facts.

Most of the comments were on Woojoo’s side.

And the closest ones to Woojoo were also concerned about him.


“Ah, I’m fine. Don’t worry about it.”

Woojoo waved his hand with a smile at the guys who looked worried. Junghyun reached out from behind and rubbed his shoulder.

“Why are you rubbing my shoulder all of a sudden?”

“It looked tense.”

“Then I’ll rub your arm for you.”



“Not the left arm, the right arm. I think it’s stiff from pressing the button.”


It was funny to see the two action-takers rubbing him with a glance. The other two looked at the article and snorted, then looked at Woojoo with concern, then looked at the internet again with wide eyes.

He was fine…

“Moon Byeonghak, I remember the reporter’s name very well.”

“I wrote it down.”

Unlike Woojoo’s angry siblings, he was calm.

Honestly, it was a question he expected since the TV show where he talked about who his dad was.

Where did the inherited wealth go?

There was a complicated situation and Woojoo deliberately didn’t say anything, but someone seemed to have dug into it.

Well, he didn’t care.

It was bound to happen when someone did well and got applause, there were always one or two people who didn’t like it.

Woojoo thought it was a happening that happened because they got attention.

Besides, there was something that made him feel better.

“Hyung, look at this.”

Bijoo showed Woojoo a post that was uploaded on a site where housewives gathered.

[I was so angry when I saw that article (New Black acquaintance)]

[How can they say he’s pretending to be poor…;;

Of course, he’s not dirt poor or anything, but his family is not that well off either

I know because I run a nearby store with his grandmother

When I first opened the store…]

Woojoo knew who it was as soon as he read it. It was the gamjatang restaurant across from his grandmother’s rice restaurant.

It was Hye Yeon’s mother.

She had a plump and friendly face and a kind voice that came to my ears.

[His grandmother is also a really nice person. I thought she was very scary at first;; But there’s no one like her.

She always helped me out when I had trouble, saying ‘Why are you putting up with that!’ and she was the first one to reach out and hold my hand when I was in a bad mood.

And her grandson, Woojoo, is needless to say…

Do you remember how our daughter used to say she would marry Woojoo Oppa when she was little? Haha

[How nice Woojoo is…]

Woojoo saw many old stories that he had forgotten written down. He was smiling as he read them, when Jiho exclaimed, “Woojoo Hyung, you’re such a nice person.”

“I’m not giving you any red ginseng jelly.”

“I don’t like red ginseng anyway, so it’s fine.”

“Good, I’ll eat them all and grow taller.”

As Woojoo was joking around with the youngest, like they were in elementary school, Rihyuk asked him with a puzzled look, “By the way, I heard that the Street Boys’ fans helped us out this time?”

“Street Boys?”

Woojoo wondered what he was talking about, and he said that some people had attacked them using that article on SNS.

He thought about how much had happened in such a short time, and listened to the summary of the incident.

The reason why their Soufflés were not in a good mood was not only because of that article, but also because some other fandoms had used it to insult them.

Mostly the extreme fans of Daydream.

“Daydream? Oh…”

They were the senior idol group that they competed with for the male idol candidates to appear on Around the World With Dice.

They were from MOP, one of the four major agencies known for their outstanding visuals, and their fandom was very united.

Woojoo had no idea how the news about the casting had leaked.

He was just amazed by their logic that ‘our oppas would have done much better than New Black if they had appeared’ when he saw it.

Anyway, when their fans were swallowing their tears because of that attack, the Street Boys’ fans joined the fight and helped them.

Woojoo was surprised to see their fandom name.


“It means they support the Street Boys firmly.”

“Is this also something the company decided, like the Scarlet Noonas?”

“I don’t think so, they chose it themselves.”

Anyway, they seemed to have a strong fighting spirit, as their name suggested.

To be honest, Woojoo didn’t understand much.

Woojoo didn’t know what was going on in these SNS places, because there were too many terms he didn’t know.

The only thing he was sure of was that they had helped them unexpectedly.

“Why did they help us…?”

“Let me see, I looked it up and it said that on Around the World With Dice, Hyung talked like he was pretty close with the Street Boys.”


That was how the editing turned out.

They talked about Heysion and the Street Boys in the car, but somehow the editing made it look like they were friendly idol classmates.

“And yesterday, Hanjo or something? He said in a fancafe chat that Hyung was one of the rookie boy groups that he felt close to.”


“Hyung, you made a friend.”

They just greeted each other politely when they passed by, but suddenly Woojoo felt like he had a new friend out of nowhere.

Well, it was good to have a good thing.

Woojoo just laughed at the absurd situation, and looked at the fancafe screen.

There were many posts where their Soufflés were worried about him.

He was fine.

He wanted to tell them not to worry, but how could he make them feel at ease?

After thinking for a long time, Woojoo called the manager who was driving.

“Minki Hyung.”


“Can I write something on the fan cafe?”


[Hello, this is Woojoo]


Soufflé everyone~ It’s Woojoo.

The photo is the red ginseng jelly that we won as a prize on the quiz show today, and I’m going to eat it all by myself. (Whisper)

Um… Actually, I wanted to brag about this a little bit, but I came here to write a thank you note to the fans.

Thank you. Our Soufflé.

I think the reason why we can be happy every moment of our activities is because you exist.


As much as you love us, we will repay you with bigger love.

See you soon.

PS1. Rihyuk said that it would be more touching if I put some background music. I don’t know, so I’ll just leave a link.

PS2. I made a typo on the linkㅠㅠ This is the original

PS3. No… Not this one, please listen to U-Raise-Up

PS4. Those who posted the link again in the comments and those who continued the lyrics are banned

PS5. No… Not the Space Fantasy lyrics, please react to my post…

PS6. I’m never coming back to the fan cafe



Woojoo posted the wrong link and became a laughingstock.

He mistyped one letter in the address and it turned out to be an old song.

“You have to check carefully before you post.”



“Don’t you think that’s not something you should say?”

“…I made a mistake because I took cold medicine.”

He was much better than the person who created a black history by confusing the book cafe and the fan cafe.

Rihyuk lay down on the studio sofa, grumbling, and opened an intermediate Japanese textbook.

Wasn’t he a beginner a while ago?

Woojoo slowly looked around the members sitting on the studio sofa.

Junghyun and Jiho were playing a phone game together, and Bijoo, who had laid Rihyuk’s head on his lap, was knitting.

He had a very diligent handiwork every time Woojoo saw him.

Originally, Woojoo was going to send the kids to the dorm and go to the company to do some personal work, but suddenly they all said they wanted to follow him, so this happened.

The reason was that they were bored, but Woojoo guessed they were worried about the article earlier.

Woojoo chewed on a red ginseng jelly that they had won as a prize and looked at his phone.

The fan cafe atmosphere had definitely improved since he posted.

Of course, Woojoo didn’t mention anything about the article when he posted, but the fans seemed to be less worried because of it.

He finally felt relieved and was able to focus on his work.

“Where did it go~ Where did it go~”

Woojoo hummed a song and set up a mini-cam for reality on the table.

The main shooting was scheduled to start after Chuseok, so what he was filming now was a camera that showed their daily life.

Woojoo fixed his hair while looking at his reflection on the camera.

“What, you turned on the camera? You have to tell me when you turn it on.”

“It’s okay, Rihyuk. You can’t be seen from that angle.”

“Yeah, our Rihyuk is so small that he can’t be seen… Ouch!”

The youngest ran out of the studio and Rihyuk ran after him to chase him.

They were surprisingly calm watching that.

Bijoo glanced at it and continued knitting, and Junghyun smiled happily at the Win that appeared on the phone screen after Jiho left.

Then he pressed the rematch button using Jiho’s phone.

“Oh, I won again.”

Using the everyday scenes of the younger ones as a background, Woojoo turned on the computer and started working.

It was the final stage of the work.

After the youngest, who would be the main character of this song, was squeezed… Hmm, after talking a lot, he easily completed the demo version.

Woojoo clicked the mouse for about an hour, fixing some sloppy verses or changing their positions.

When the final version was finally completed, Woojoo closed his eyes and played the audio file.


That was his first thought.

He had heard it so many times that it was familiar to his ears, but it was hard to evaluate it objectively. However, he thought it would not receive harsh criticism if he put it out in the market.

It had a slightly artistic feel, but that was something that could be fixed by the A&R team’s help with the arrangement.

The only thing left was the title, and Woojoo decided to use the scene he saw in his dream as it was.

‘Masque’, which was the English translation of ‘mask play’.

Woojoo had considered using ‘Masquerade’, which was the English word for ‘masked ball’, but it felt too difficult.

After changing the title, Woojoo listened to the song again.

“Hyung, is that the final version?”

“Yeah. How is it?”

“It’s awesome.” Bijoo nodded his head and said, “It makes me imagine the choreography as I listen to it, and the song is serious but beautiful.”

“I think so too. The rap part section is also good.”

As Woojoo calmly listened to their comments, a good idea came to his mind.

“By the way, we haven’t done the guide recording yet. Are you bored?”


“Go inside the booth quickly.”



With the help of Woojoo’s younger brothers, he finished the guide recording and sent the completed file to the A&R team.

The empty company lounge.

They sat on the soft sofa and turned on the TV.

While the commercials were playing, they ate potato chips. The youngest one laughed at the two older ones who looked pale.

“Pfft! Hyungs, why are your faces so pale?”

Bijoo and Junghyun silently nodded their heads and hugged the cushions as they lay down on the sofa.

Woojoo felt a little sorry in a corner of his heart.

“Do you want a ginseng jelly?”


“How about you, Junghyun?”

“Jelly jelly.”


“Nod nod.”

They all laughed at the sight of the sulky rock who made sound effects with his mouth.

But the two younger ones soon regained their bright smiles when the spicy pork feet and bossam set that Woojoo ordered arrived.

As expected, the things that moved the world were money and meat.

“Oh, it’s starting.”

They put the tablet PC that showed the real-time comments on the table for monitoring, and they watched the second part of the Chuseok Special of Around the World With Dice.

Unlike the last time, when they were at the meat restaurant, it was a purely enjoyable atmosphere.

Back then, they were worried about how they would appear on the broadcast, but now they had less of those concerns.

Unless PD Gu Jaeyong did some devilish editing, there was nothing that could make them look bad.

They didn’t have much footage until the third mission started, after the other teams’ videos of the second mission were shown.

“Oh, now it’s our turn.”

But from the third mission, the weight started to get quite high.

Strictly speaking, it was when three large shovels were caught on the screen as they introduced the treasure chest finding mission.


“Hyung, you look like a very happy person.”

Woojoo’s face, that was proud of seeing the shovel, was shown in a close-up. He was embarrassed for a moment and covered his eyes with lettuce leaves.

It was a face that was so happy that it slapped its cheeks.

Unlike Woojoo, who was ashamed, the younger brothers and the internet viewers were laughing.

Then, the conversation he had in the car as a flashback flowed out.

The story that he practiced shoveling.

-Truthful smileㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-That was a foreshadowing… I wondered why they showed the shoveling story for a long time

-ㅋㅋㅋI’m looking forward to shoveling later

In the fan cafe, their Soufflés were making real-time gifs and enjoying them.

Woojoo wouldn’t go in for a while. He would go in tomorrow afternoon.

Meanwhile, the content of the third mission continued. But this time it was Woojoo’s turn to laugh.

“Ah, the kids in the half chat room are teasing me. They say I’m ignorant.”

They laughed at Gil Chaekyung and Jiho, who were having an ignorant battle, and.

Rihyuk’s expression of losing his country after losing to Bae Younghoon with a nonsense quiz made Woojoo laugh again.

“No, I didn’t make that expression. Do I usually do that?”


Rihyuk put down his chopsticks as if he had lost his appetite, looking at them who answered in unison.

Soon, the scene of Bijoo getting lost and wandering in the mountains came out.

“Ah, please edit that.”

The scene of their second child running to the VJ after finding him while anxiously calling out ‘Hello!’ and ‘Is anyone there?’ with a trembling voice looked like a person who was stranded in the Himalayas and rescued.

A burst of laughter erupted in the real-time comment window.

But today’s highlight was separate.


-Who thought of the seedling shovelㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-Seedling shovelㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

It was so funny to see the cast members digging the ground with serious faces, with a small seedling shovel used to weed the garden.

It was like a tragedy when you saw it up close, but it looked like a comedy when you saw it from afar.

One person per team dug the ground with a large shovel, and the rest of the members swung the seedling shovel with all their might.

When Team A and Team C were digging the ground hard, and Team B was admiring it.

“Oh, Hyung is coming out.”

Woojoo, who ran out with Maxi on the screen, started digging the ground after receiving a shovel from Ye Heeyeon.


-He’s really good.

-My cousin and I are watching it together, and he asked me if he was a former military policeman… He said he looked familiar with shoveling

-ㅋㅋㅋㅋHe’s really good at shoveling

-I know a little bit about shoveling, so look at his thigh movement. Usually beginners make mistakes and hurt their backs…

There were more comments that were amazed than funny.

The younger brothers next to Woojoo, who were watching it with him, also showed a similar reaction with a handful of bossam, and Woojoo remembered when he succeeded in a basketball shot.

It felt like the reaction was different from what he thought.

-New Black Woojoo, ‘This is the shoveling of a veteran idol’

…As the article appeared with a captured screen, a comment left by someone in the real-time comment window was seen.

-He would do well if he went to a military entertainment showㅋㅋㅋ

-Something like TBC’s Going to Be a Man? The production team must be eyeing him right now ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

Woojoo felt a strange sense of foreboding as he looked at the TV, and he got a message from Seokhwan Hyung.

Devil [Woojoo]

Me [No]

Devil [It’s a good opportunity]

Me [No no]

Woojoo sent a message saying that he didn’t do military entertainment and looked at the TV.

…Well, nothing would happen, right?

Woojoo was thinking that and drinking cola in a paper cup.

Bijoo was looking at his phone with a serious face, so Woojoo wondered what was going on and asked, “Bijoo, what are you doing?”


A gentle smile returned.

“It’s nothing.”


The secret chat room of New Black’s fan cafe.

RainAlchol: The mood is good now, but there could be more bad articles like this in the future.

RainAlchol: We have to work harder to prevent things like today from happening again.

Space_Love: I agreeㅠㅠㅠ

SSS-grade fan: Thanks to the Concrete fans, we got through today well, but I think we have to stand up when something like this happens in the future.

Space_Love: And defend the comments too.

Joonhyun♥Daegil: But I’ve been curious since before… Are you a staff member, RainAlchol? You seem to know a lot about the broadcasting station and other things.

After a brief pause, a reply appeared.

RainAlchol: What is a staff member?

Joonhyun♥Daegil: Oh… I guess you’re not.

Space_Love: You don’t even know what a staff member means, so you’re not.

Soon, the conversation went back to the topic of future article pranks and malicious comments, but no one in the chat room thought that there was a member of New Black there.

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