Chapter 172

I couldn’t speed up because I couldn’t make the sound of horseshoe loud.


It was the most nervous and impatient moment.

I glanced around the still-quiet mansion.

It is likely that Viese and Seral, who will notice it right away, will come out with a loud shout.

"It’s okay, Tia."

I don’t know if he has noticed my anxiety.

Perez soothed me with a low voice.

The distance of whispering in my ears was so close that I could feel uncomfortable.

Thanks to him, I was able to calm myself down.

I shouldn’t look nervous in front of Larane.

When I reached the main gate of the mansion.

"Nobody’s here."

Grandfather kept his promise.

The main gate, which the Knights of Lombardy and the soldiers were supposed to guard strictly, was empty with no one.

"The gate opened a little, too."

Even the unlocked iron gate was open enough to fit in and out.

"By any chance..."

The only person that can order the Knights of Lombardy and soldiers to vacate the post.

It’s just my grandfather.

Larane knew it well, so she looked at me with astonishment.

"I’m not the only one who wants you to be happy."

In fact, that’s why I asked the twins too.

I could’ve moved in advance and prepared a horse by myself.

Even if it was unlucky to have parents like Seral and Viese, I wanted her to know that Lombardy has people who support and love her.

I don’t want Larane to reminisce sadly until the day she left Lombardy.


Larane didn’t say anything after that.

I didn’t talk to her on purpose either.

It was because I thought she needed time to organize her thoughts alone.

Fortunately, by the time we get out of the mansion and reach our destination, the plains.

Larane was smiling refreshingly as she drove her horse.


Avinox, who was hovering nervously near the carriage he had prepared, came running as soon as he saw Larane.

"Sir Avinox!"

Half jumped from the horse, Larane fell into Avinox’s arms.

The couple, who had been reunited with difficulty, hugged each other so tightly.

"Take this."

I approached those two people and brought out an envelope.

"This is a boarding pass."

"A boarding pass...?"

"The two of you are going to Cheshire as soon as possible from now on. Go and take the Eastern Cruise ship of Pellet Corporation."

"Eastern... Cruise? Ah!"

Larane opened the envelope, looked at the boarding pass, and opened her eyes wide.

If you take the cruise, you can arrive in the East in a week.

It’s much safer and faster than running away by land.

"Once you two arrive at Cheshire port, my father will be waiting. I told him beforehand."

I stood in front of Larane.

And at that moment, I hugged her skinny body tightly.

"Go to the East and live a happy life, Larane. You can forget about Lombardy a little bit."


"But that doesn’t mean you have to overdo it. If you’re having a hard time, feel free to write to me for help. Okay?"

"Th, thank you. Thank you very much, Tia."

In the end, Larane burst into tears.

I took out a handkerchief, pressed it down on Larane’s eyes, and said.

"And when the date of the wedding is set, send someone to the Pellet Corporation. I’ll let you have a big wedding, Larane, for everyone to envy you."

"To Pellet... Corporation?"

Larane’s eyes, who was briefly looking at the boarding pass, were shaken.

It’s as if she has realized something.

"By any chance..."

I said with a big smile at Larane, who asked carefully.

"Larane and Avinox’s rooms are specially reserved for the best suites on the cruise."

Surprised for a moment.

Larane hugged me tightly and cried.

"Thank you, thank you, Tia."

"That’s enough for my cousin. And Sir Avinox."

Avinox replied a bit nervously to my sharp eyes.

"Yes, Lady Florentia."

"If you make our Larane cry. The cruise to the East and the trade ship, I’m going to cut it all off."

"Well, don’t worry!"

I glanced at Avinox give him a warning until the end, then gently pushed Larane’s back towards the carriage.

"Go on. You don’t have much time because you have to arrive by the date on the boarding pass."

"Thank you, Lady Florentia, and the Prince."

Avinox bowed to Perez and got on the carriage first.

"Well, then, I’m off."1

Larane said, clenching my sleeve.

"I’ll write to you as soon as I arrive at Luman. And His Highness the Prince."

Larane suddenly looked back at Perez and said.

"Please take good care of Tia."1

"Larane, what are you talking about? Perez, why are you nodding again!"+

Instead of answering, Larane smiled oddly and climbed onto the carriage.

It was a very light step.

The carriage wheels began to roll slowly with a clatter of doors closing.

Tak tak tak!

At the sound of the horseshoe, the appearance of the carriage gradually faded away.

Watching from behind, it was only me and Perez on the dark plains.


The wind blew hard.


Perez called me.


"This won’t be the end. There could be after you."

"Perhaps. I know."

I’m prepared to do that.

But it’ll be better than seeing Larane withering cold again.

The fact that the carriage is now far from sight gave a strange sense of relief.

"The Empress is not the one to give up here."

I’m not the one who’s going to push all the way here without any plans.

I looked back at Perez and asked.

"If the situation worsened. Are you going to help me, Perez?"

Perez caught my long hair flying in the wind.

And kissed quietly at it.

“Even if I die, I can.”2

It sounded like an exaggeration, but I couldn’t laugh.

Because I know Perez’s sincerity.

I stood on the plain a little longer and looked at the way Larane had left, and it was not until very late at night that I returned to the mansion.

* * *

"How long do I have to wait, Empress!"

Jovannes ran into Empress’s Palace and shouted.

"Lombardy cut off all the supplies coming into the Capital, and the people are clamoring! Everybody swearing at me!"

The Emperor was a little embarrassed

He only added a little support because the Empress said there was a good way to tie Lombardy’s limbs.

Of course, the iron mine he received was being mined smoothly, but it had long been erased from Jovannes’s head.

Whether or not she knows the nervousness of Emperor Jovannes.

Empress Rabini replied, rising from her seat in a leisurely manner.

"It’ll be over tomorrow, Your Majesty."


"Yes, there is a regular meeting of the aristocracy tomorrow. The agenda to be presented at that time must have been delivered to each family by now, so the response will come soon."

"What’s on the agenda?"

Jovannes asked out of curiosity.

"Nothing special. It is just a law that strengthens the law of firstborn succession, which has been the basis for the growth of the Empire.”

"The law of succession to the eldest son?"

Jovannes, who had habitually poured alcohol, was startled.

Rabini smiled and took a bottle from the Emperor’s hand and filled the glass for him.

"Unless the eldest son has a major reason for disqualification, such as lineage, the succession of the family takes precedence over the eldest son."

"Well, that kind of law would certainly bring out Lombardy."

Jovannes squirmed his head.

For some reason, Lulak seemed reluctant to hand over the family to his eldest son, Viese.1

"To prevent the law from being passed by the aristocracy, Lombardy will have to attend a meeting in the Capital on its own. But he can’t cross the gates of the Capital until we lift the Golden Order..."

Empress Rabini’s smile deepened.

"Right now, he’ll have to agree to the marriage of Viese’s daughter and Astana to resolve the Golden Order, or he’ll have to sit back and watch the law of the first-born succession to pass."

The Empress was very satisfied with the idea she had come up with.

If the first-born succession law was passed, Viese would succeed the Lombardy family, so Astana would create an ally that had never been before.

Even if Lulak Lombardy appears at the meeting and interferes with the law of the first-born succession, the marriage of Larane Lombardy and Astana will bring great financial benefits.

Also, it wasn’t only the nobles who were affected by this law.

Rabini sneaked a glance at Emperor Jovannes.

Agenda passed by the aristocratic council is bound to come up to a conference hosted by the Emperor.

And if there is no right justification, the Emperor will have to pass the law, and future succession to the throne will be affected.

"The Empress has come up with a very good idea."

Jovannes said so and hid his expression behind the glass.

If the law of succession of the eldest son is passed and affects the throne, it will be difficult for him to gain benefits by weighing the First and Second Prince.

’But Lombardy’s wouldn’t let that happen.’

Aside from the Lombardy family, Lulak was not the only one to be swept down from the throne.

So this time he’ll have to allow his granddaughter to marry, if that happens Jovannes can keep his pride.

’And we will be able to soothe the public sentiment as soon as possible.’

For Emperor Jovanes, it was a business that had nothing to lose.

Thinking that the Empress had done something he liked for the first time in a long time, Jovannes sipped the glass with a relaxed heart.1

* * *

Pellet Corporation’s office.

"Cough! Cough! Hey, look at this!”

It was the new agenda of the aristocratic council that makes Bate forgot the cake delivery box and rushed to inform.

The law of succession to the eldest son.

"It’s a big deal."

Clerivan said, washing his face dry.

"If there’s something wrong, Sir Viese really going to change the family..."

Violet shook her head and muttered as if it were terrible just to imagine.

In the meantime, I.

"They’ve used their brain a little bit."

I admit it.

This time, the Empress seems to have worked her brains out.

I knew there was something to be aimed at, but I didn’t expect there’s a kind of law like this.

However, this does not mean that there is no way to overcome this situation.+

"They’re probably happy Lombardy has dug a trap that will never be able to escape."

I still have a way to properly water the Empress. (Fall down/eliminate)

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