Well, this was the oddest battle they have seen.

Who would've thought the little girl's cooking wok could not only grow in size but could also be used to slam one of Dsang Tsi's minions into the ground like a nail?

The little girl hit him so hard that he could see stars.


Little Lulu flicked her pigtails arrogantly.

"How dare you challenge the God Tongue when you can't even handle a cooking wok? Listen here, your taste is tacky, your defense is weak, and overall, you are very disappointing."


"If I were to make an analogy, your attack gives me the same annoying feeling I get when I step into the rain, lose my footing in the mud and fall. It won't harm me, but it's just troublesome."


"It's truly disappointing. With your abundant resources and your great Yanging prestige and reputation, I wonder why you have not made it in life."


Can he say he feels like crying?

The minion didn't know what came over him, but he felt so defeated and saddened, feeling the harshness from little Lulu's mouth.


Many also looked at him pitifully. If they were him, they would crawl underneath a rock in shame after being tainted by a person from the Tah province. Worse, it was a little girl.


"Worthy of being Senior Erina's disciple. The little girl is very good at character incorporation."

"Upstairs, she did it so well that she left the proud Yanging disciple teary-eyed."

"Hey, I can't wait to see everyone else's battle!"


The barrage kept going crazy, looking at the beaten minion who was suddenly counting himself.

Many also found something wrong with that disciple, but only sneered, thinking he was too weak.

"Oh? What's this? A disciple of the great Heaven Bearing Sect can't even take a little tainting? Old Sydan, since when did your sect's value plummet so low?"

"Well, it looks like their impenetrable wall is starting to have cracks."

"Old Sydan, are you sure I will be able to handle it or does your little disciple down there need a tissue to wipe his eyes dry with?

The sect masters from the other 2 prominent Yanging province sects didn't miss this opportunity to tease and mock Sydan.

Fortunately, it wasn’t a disciple from their sect who stood forth to confront these Profound Sect members, or wouldn't it be then who gets embarrassed?

Still, this didn't mean they favored the Profound Sect.

In their eyes, they saw those Profound Sect disciples as walking corpses.

And Wait!

Many people in the audience abruptly stood up in shock.

"Am I seeing what I'm seeing?"

"This... this... this... is elemental fire coming out of his hands? How can this be? No one in the lower realm has such an ability!"

"Quickly! What is his name? Check his information for me now!"

Many people, including the emperors of all 3 provinces, were quick to react, already thinking of how to ensure that Batang doesn't die.

How can they allow such a genius to die? No way!

Greed filled their eyes in a heartbeat.

That's it. This Batang must have a secret method that allows him to transmit his innate energy to his fists.

Everyone knows that in the lower realm, one must use a weapon or an object to transmit elemental powers like fire, wind, water, and whatnot.

One can use a sword to send wind attacks as sharp as blades, and one can also use a staff to control water.

In short, any attack using fists or direct body parts is typically non-elemental based and relies mostly on raw strength.

So who can tell them what's going on here?


Some rose, putting their hands on their hair and pulling tight in astonishment.

"Genius! Such a genius shouldn't die until we get to the bottom of this!"

The hidden evil forces in the dark were also thinking the same.

"Tell the others not to kill that kid. Anyone who dares defy my orders will die!"

Immediately, Batang became a celebrity as the crowd watched him teleport behind Dsang Tsi, striking him with a powerful flaming punch.

"Hellfire Fury!"


Dsang Tsi spat blood in shock. Was he the one bleeding just now?

When was the last time he saw his own blood?

Flying through the air, Dsang Tsi was still in disbelief and very much unwilling to go down like this.

But what happened next was something not only he couldn't expect, but the audience too.

Flying through the air, he felt something suddenly fierce through his left leg, bypassing his flesh and even moving amid the gaps between his bones.


A hook attached to a chain?


Everyone in the Live Streaming barrage went crazy, holding their breath for Batang to say the magic words.

Sure enough, he more than delivered on their anticipation.


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