Carter hung up the phone, Gu Jin heart more and more uneasy.

What to do? Si Li Ting didn't know whether she was alive or dead, so he didn't dare to move Carter. He became the biggest threat to Si Li Ting.

If we do not break this situation, let Carter do it, and the consequences will be unimaginable.

But now he was injured and trapped in the sea. Two days after Carter left, Gu Jin te tried to get close to the maid. He would not say a word of superfluous words.

By the way, hurt.

Gu Jin's mind flashed an idea, this matter is because Carter likes him, just developed to the present situation.

He likes that he is a double-edged sword. He can hurt himself, so he can also use this to hurt him.

The bathroom is not monitored. This night, Gu Jin went in and took a bath as usual, but the water put into the bathtub was not hot water, but cold water.

From the fact that she ate and drank all kinds of tonic drugs every day, she knew that Carter had taken care of her.

Since she is weak, she takes advantage of it.

Usually at home by Si Li Ting hold in the heart of the woman, but now it is teeth bubble in the water.

It's not cold in June. It's a little bit colder on the island in the evening. It won't do anything for ordinary people to take a cold bath.

However, Gu Jin also knew that her condition was very poor. She spent more than an hour soaking.

She had a high fever at night and she rang the bell.

"What's the matter with you, miss?" The maid saw her rosy cheek.

Gu Jin shakes his head, "I don't know, just feel dizzy."

The maid measured the temperature, "call the doctor quickly, miss. How did you burn like this?"

"It's probably the sea breeze in the afternoon." Gu Jin never mentions that she deliberately took a cold bath.

After all, Carter has to take care of the doctor before he leaves.

"It's burning too much. I'll give the lady an injection to reduce the fever."

Gu Jin did not expect her body to fit in so well. She only had more than an hour of cold water, and it was so awesome.

Si Li Ting and Carter did not tell her the real condition of her body. She always thought that she was only caused by massive bleeding. She would be better after a period of good cultivation.

This night, the villa was busy. Gu Jintou was pasted with a fever abatement stick, and he took some medicine.

The temperature has receded a little bit. In the fog of Gu Jinyun, I have a fever and a cold.

She felt as if she were floating in the clouds, flying and falling.

The maid reported to Carter at the first time, and Carter was also worried.

"How can a good man have a fever?"

"In the afternoon, the Miss blew the sea breeze for a while. Maybe it was at that time that she caught a cold."

If it's just another cold, it's Gu Jin. The doctor has repeatedly told her about her physical condition.

"How are you now?"

"I've returned some, but it's still a little hot."

"Let the doctor take her high fever down anyway, and tell me if she is still very serious tomorrow."

"Yes, boss."

Carter hung up the phone and was not at ease. He turned on the monitor and looked at the weak little woman in bed. Maybe he was angry by himself.

Knowing that he didn't say those words made Gu Jin miserable. Knowing that she was not in good health, Carter regretted it.

He couldn't wait for dawn at all. He called all night to ask about the situation.

Even if he had a fever reduction needle, Gu Jin's temperature just dropped a little, and repeatedly, so that in Europe he had no other way but to worry.

He had to leave. Carter used his relationship. Even if it was like this, the visa and passport of Xiao Qi would take two days at the earliest, and ordinary people would need at least one week.

Gu Jin's condition is very bad, the flight time is as long as ten hours, he can't wait.

Carter had no choice but to plan a new route, which was a black line. In a word, Xiaoqi was taken away by smuggling.

This method has both advantages and disadvantages. The biggest advantage is that Mu Chen can't find out where Xiao Qi is going for a while.

The bad thing is that he needs to turn around several times, which is much more troublesome than ordinary airplanes.

Carter couldn't think about the familiar road. He had to go back to Gu Jin as soon as possible.

Fortunately, Mu Chen left early this morning. He told Xiao Qi to leave quickly.

Xiao Qi had thought that there were still a few days, but she didn't expect to leave so soon. She had never been far away.

Carter seemed to be in a bad mood. Listening to her hesitation, he urged: "Miss Qi, I have something to go back to. If you want to, you can leave with me now. If you don't, I will go first."

Xiao Qi thought of Si Li Ting's face. She had been waiting for 15 years to wait until today. She bit her teeth and stomped her feet. "OK, I'll go pick up my things."

"No, I have everything here. If you want to leave, I'll arrange someone to pick you up as soon as you can get rid of the people who follow you.""I'll go with you, right away."

Besides wanting to see that person, Xiao Qi wants to take this step more importantly.

Since that incident, Mu Chen was afraid that she would be hurt. He never let her leave, that is, he was afraid of her injury.

Usually to go out must be accompanied by many people, if Mu Chen is at home, he will certainly accompany himself.

Xiao Qi wants freedom. Even if she knows that Mu Chen is for her good, she still wants her own freedom.

Carter is like a devil, a little bit of what she wants to lure out of her heart.

It was settled soon. As long as Mu Chen was not there, and Xiao Qi was very clever, she easily got rid of the bodyguards and others who came with her.

When the plane took off, Xiao Qi still had some unreal feelings. She had never left the country when she was so big.

She is the blood of Oriental people, but she has never been back, which is a very depressing thing for her.

Xiao Qi lies at the window and looks at the scenery that is getting farther and farther below. "Big brother, this is my first time to leave."

Seven in the position is excited like a bird, if usually Carter will talk to her.

Now his heart is all in Gu Jin's body. Before getting on the plane, Gu Jin's fever still hasn't come down.

Although Xiao Qi is simple, she is very sensible. She can see that Carter is in a bad mood.

"Big brother, do you have something on your mind?"

"Well, I'm in a good mood."

"Oh." Xiao Qi sat by his side and didn't speak again.

Along the way, Carter's eyebrows have been tight frowning state, Xiao Qi is very independent to play their own.

After flying, stopping and turning around, two people arrived in China within 30 hours.

Carter did not plan to let Xiao Qi meet Gu Jin for the time being, so she was placed in a villa in a city.

"I have some things to do. If you have any need, just tell the housekeeper not to run around, you know? If you are not familiar with the place, you will encounter danger and wait for me at home. "

"OK, Carter, don't worry. I'll be good."

Xiao Qi was very clever all the way, but Carter still believed her very much.

"This is my number. Call me if you have any problems. I will take you to him as soon as I have dealt with the matter.

This is credit card and RMB. If you want to go out, you must have someone accompany you. "


Although Carter was relieved of Xiao Qi and was afraid that she would encounter some danger, he specially sent a bodyguard to stay.

After setting up seven Carter, he flew to the island for the first time.

Three days later, Gu Jin's fever went down and up again and again. He arrived at the island in anger and grabbed the doctor's collar.

"How do you become a doctor? A cold you've made her sick for so long

The doctor was helpless. "Boss, you know this lady's body is special. Maybe it's because of this that she's in good and bad times.

I have reminded her to send her to the hospital for a good examination. The equipment here is not enough. Maybe this cold is caused by her body

Carter pushed him away and walked quickly to the bedroom.

The bedroom still looks like he left, but Gu Jin is not as lively as before.

Like a beautiful flower withered.

Gu Jin opened his eyes dimly and said, "you I'm back at last. "

That nonsense almost broke Carter's heart, and he suddenly hugged Gu Jin into his arms.

"I'm back."

This time, Gu Jin did not struggle, but drew a sneer in his arms.

You're back at last. It's worth my cold bath every day.

The next step is to leave.

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