Originally, Si Li Ting was just joking with him. During the vacation, Lin would inevitably relax a little, and it would be OK to answer the phone later.

Who knows that his stuttering explanation further proves that Lin Jun has a problem.

Lin Jun is his right hand and good helper. He can handle everything in order. He is not good at lying.

To be exact, he can see that anyone lies in front of Si Li Ting, not to mention Lin Jun's poor lie.

"Assistant Lin, you're too old. There's a woman who's normal. Without a woman, I think you're abnormal."

Lin Jun was even more confused. "Mr. Secretary, don't misunderstand me. I really have nothing to do with her."

His voice just fell, Si Li Ting heard a female voice on the other end of the phone: "have all slept in a bed, but also said nothing?"

How does Si Li Ting think that Lin Jun or does not provoke, this provokes unexpectedly is a female hooligan?

However, thinking of Lin Jun's somewhat introverted personality in men and women, perhaps female hooligans are more suitable for him.

"Cough, assistant Lin, in that case, you should be responsible for others."

Lin Jun wanted to cry without tears. "Mr. Si, she and I are not the relationship you imagined. We..."

"Yes, we have a deeper relationship than you think." The rascal had no shame in interrupting him.

"You are a woman, why do you say such a bad thing to your reputation, and you are not afraid to get married?" Lin is worried.

"Do I want to marry someone else, or you can marry me? If you don't marry me, you will be married anyway. "

It seems that Lin Jun this is to provoke a cruel role, Si Li Ting is not kind to add fuel.

"Then you can take care of your affairs and come back again. Remember not to treat others well."

"Mr. Secretary, listen to my explanation..."

Lin Junhua has not spoken yet. The other party has already hung up the phone. Unfortunately, he must have misunderstood him.

Si Li Ting hung up the phone, Gu Jin looked at him with a smile in his eyes.

He was laughing so happily besides himself and nono. It must have been something interesting.

"Brother Li Ting, what's so happy about?"

"Maybe Assistant Lin met his true love. "

Si Li Ting is not a person who likes to talk about everything. Although he seldom mentions Lin Jun, Gu Jin can feel that Lin Jun occupies a very important position in his heart.

In addition to the relationship between the superior and the subordinate, he and Lin are even like brothers or friends.

At the beginning, Si Li Ting took a fancy to his talent and left him with a poor life. After his accident, Lin Jun had been supporting Emperor Huang.

This gratitude Si Li Ting has always been in the heart, waiting for one day in the future he will make a good return to Lin Jun.

"Really?" Heard that Lin Jun met love, Gu Jin's eyes lit up, "only half a month, so soon met?"

"My intuition has never been wrong. This girl and Lin should be a good match."

"You must be right to say that. You don't know what kind of woman assistant Lin likes."

Assistant Lin, who usually does things and talks with a straight eye, Gu Jin can hardly imagine what he will look like when he meets his beloved one day.

"Like it? It will take some time, but no one can stop the feeling.

If he gets married, I will be able to hand over Emperor Huang to him as soon as possible, and our family can go back to the United States to deal with Carter

Si Li Ting has long thought that part of the shares of Emperor Huang will be given to Lin Jun as a wedding gift.

After all, he still has the Smith family to manage, but Dihuang was raised by him. Although he can't compare with the Smith family, he has devoted a lot of efforts to it.

He couldn't bear to sell Dihuang. He didn't have the ability to separate himself. He could run back and forth on both sides.

If he is not married, it doesn't matter if he is tired, but he has a family to rely on, and now he just wants to spend more time with his family.

Lin Jun is the most reliable candidate, his ability and character are the object that Si Li Ting is optimistic about.

"I hope assistant Lin can find happiness."

"Speaking of weddings, Susu, I still owe you a wedding." Si Li Ting pulled her into his arms and rubbed her soft hair.

"Anyway, wedding is just a form. I actually I don't care. "

This is not to say that Gu Jin is against his will. Every time two people are engaged or married, someone always comes to find trouble.

The last engagement ceremony had been timid. If something happened to her again, she would rather not have it in her life.

Although every woman hopes to wear a white wedding dress and finish the ceremony with her beloved, they were one step short of the other three years ago.

However, if compared with the safety of everyone, these are not important things.

"Susu, this is what I owe you. When the island is completed, we will get married in the spring when cherry blossoms are flying."

Gu Jin likes the island that Si Li Ting plans for her personally. Every March and April, cherry blossoms fly on the island, which looks like a fairyland on earth.With his commitment, Gu Jin has more expectations for the future.

"Will there really be such a day?" These years of ups and downs, she did not dare to indulge in those, just want a safe family reunion.

"Si Li Ting's mouth lifted up a smile," there will be. "


The two are discussing the future wedding. Lin Jun is also the first two.

Half a month ago, Si Li Ting gave him a long holiday, let him take this opportunity to have a good rest.

Originally busy used to people, you suddenly let him rest, he is still a little uncomfortable.

After a day at home, he was at a loss after handing over all the information he had sorted out to other assistants.

From following Si Li Ting, he has been fighting with Si Li Ting all the time, waiting for the communication of Si Li Ting for 24 hours.

He is always on the alert and doesn't let himself make any mistakes.

However, knowing that he would not find himself now, he suddenly relaxed and felt that time passed quickly.

Go home? As soon as he got to the stairwell, there came a dispute between his stepmother and his father.

"Isn't your son a senior assistant in a big company? He must be very rich. Go to him and ask for it

"The last time he gave me money, he said he would break the relationship between father and son, and I also want to expect him to provide me with pension in the future!"

So you can't ask for it too often, right? Lin Jun has no choice but to smile bitterly.

When he graduated from University, he wanted to display his ambition. Even if the family was not harmonious, he would not go home.

Who knows that Dad actually carried him behind his back and used his name to loan on various software, from thousands to tens of thousands, a total of dozens of platforms.

Later, all the platforms asked him to pay back the debts. How could a graduate take out hundreds of thousands?

He was sad to go home and ask for a talk. It turned out that his stepmother's son did not do well in school. If he wanted to send him to an aristocratic school, it would cost him more than 200000 yuan to transfer school.

The rest of the money is for them to spend, all the debt to themselves.

The stepmother also crossed her waist and said, "you are not a famous school graduate. You can go to find a good job."

Lin Jun was very angry but helpless. Who asked him to give all his information to his father.

He went into a small company, and he ate and used frugally every month, but it was not enough to make up for the tip of the iceberg.

In order to pay off his debts, he has not eaten delicious food for months, and he works three jobs a day at the same time.

After work, he still had a few work to do, and finally he fainted from hunger in a snow field.

He will always remember that day, in the snowy winter, he watched the snow fall all over the sky.

He was cold and hungry, but his body couldn't move at all. He struggled to get up and gave up after several attempts.

Well, if you die like this, you don't have to pay back those debts.

He closed his eyes in despair and thought of his mother. When his father married the stepmother, everything in the family changed.

All the money was spent on the mother and son. Even if it was not enough, the stepmother treated him harshly.

Lin Jun thought that he could finish everything after he came out to work, but he was still shrouded in her shadow.

Dead or not, that's what he thought at that moment.

Until the ear suddenly heard a calm male voice: "you even have the courage to die, why can't you live?"

That sentence engraved into the heart, Lin Jun completely awakened from the dream.

He opened his eyes and looked at his blue pupils.

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