Su Meng returns to the hospital with nothing. In a short time, Su's mother has become very old.

As soon as Su's father collapsed, her mother's home, which she could rely on, collapsed, and her world began to collapse.

Every day, Su's father's hospitalization expenses have become a thorny matter, as if he had a pair of hands to push it all.

Knowing that Gu Jin is Su Jinxi, a glimmer of hope rose in her heart.

Seeing Su Meng's dejected return, she rushed to meet him, "what's the matter? Did she agree? "

"No, Su Jinxi is like a changed person. No matter how miserable I say, she doesn't show any emotion.

It's impossible for a person to change so much. She also said that she is not su Jinxi. Maybe we really recognize the wrong person? "

"No way. She must be su Jinxi. Didn't you talk about it?"

"It's not my reason at all, but Su Jinxi has completely become another person. Mom, you don't see her now. You will be surprised if you see her."

"Can a mouse become a cat? In the past, she had the softest ear. You just have to say two more nice words

"Mom, she doesn't listen to me at all. No matter what I say, she has an expression, just like she didn't hear it. I think maybe she's not su Jinxi."

"Don't worry about her. Your father's operation can't be delayed any more. We must raise money as soon as possible. Since Su Jinxi has no way out, we have to start from others."

"What can I do?"

"Su Jinxi can't count on it. Si Li Ting is a member of the Su family at least. Your father has to shout out his uncle. She can't be saved. I found that he just sold some shares in the United States, and he has nearly 20 billion yuan in capital."

Su Meng's eyes lit up when he heard this sentence, "20 billion? Mom, you're not mistaken

"This is what an old friend of mine told me. Even if he didn't have the 20 billion yuan, his original value would be quite high. If a ring could be sold at a high price, what would millions be to him?"

"Let's go and find him."

Mother and daughter rushed to Si Li Ting's villa, Gu Jin in the kitchen to Si Li Ting cooking.

Although there is a cook at home, knowing that Si Li Ting has a bad stomach, Gu Jin has time to cook for him personally.

Even if he has a bad appetite, he will taste more for his own sake.

Si Li Ting sitting in the living room online shopping, yes, recently he fell in love with online shopping.

Just because I saw a topic on the Internet that day, the feeling of girls' unpacking. In the comments, all the girls said they liked the feeling of happiness.

As soon as Si Li Ting was happy, he downloaded a shopping app, which started his online shopping career.

In the past, the necessities at home were all replaced by servants. Si Li Ting saw a lot of interesting things.

No matter whether Gu Jin will like it or not, in a word, buy and buy.

After a while, several hundred thousand were gone, and Si Li Ting felt very satisfied when he saw that the goods were to be delivered.

Gu Jin will be very happy when he receives the package.

One side of the servant to see Si Li Ting with a mobile phone giggle look very speechless, "I bet, the young master is doing something to please his wife."

"Look at this expression. In the past, the young master sat on the sofa with his face full of serious thought about how to earn money, but now he is full of thinking about how to treat his wife well."

"I don't know what surprise I'll give my wife this time. I feel like I've eaten a mouthful of dog food when I look at the good relationship between them."

"Yes, living with them makes my life much happier."

Everyone quietly discussed, two uninvited guests came to visit, the servant came to Si Li Ting's side.

"Young master, there are guests."

Si Li Ting's eyes didn't lift, still browsing the page, the search engine showed the surprise gift for his girlfriend.

Is it a surprise? The finger accidentally points into the page of erotic underwear.

Each female model and her seductive show us the interesting part of this dress, one by one is in good shape.

If other men don't spurt blood to death, Si Li Ting makes up Gu Jin's appearance of wearing these clothes in his mind.

Nurse's clothes? Yes, stewardess? Buy, kitten maid's dress? buy whatever you want.

The servant saw Si Li Ting who was immersed in the network world and couldn't extricate himself. He called again: "young master, are you listening?"

"What, what?" Si Li Ting raised his head suddenly and found the maid standing in front of him.

I don't know if she has seen the things on the mobile phone page, those pictures make people fantasize, she won't misunderstand it!

"Did you see anything?" Si Li Ting looks at the maid seriously.

Why does the maid have a feeling that she should be killed when she bumps into Si Li Ting's secret? Where does she have the courage to see Si Li Ting's mobile phone.

Quickly honest shook his head, "no, no, young master, I didn't see anything.""What did you just say?" Si Li Ting coldly asks a way, the ear root is quietly infected with a touch of pink.

"Young master, there is a guest." Seeing the red on his ears, the maid murmured in her heart what the young master was doing. How could his ears turn red?

"Who's here?" Si Li Ting put down his mobile phone. It should be enough to buy so much today.

"The people of the Su family, who have been let in by the guard, are waiting outside the door."

"From the Su family? No Si Li Ting didn't want to know why they came.

The guard should be to see and their relatives in order to let them in, he and they have no relationship, Si Li Ting hate is too late.

"Yes, young master."

The servant went out and said, "I'm sorry, Mrs. su. My young master doesn't want to see you. You'd better go."

Su Meng did not expect to even see his face, "we are his family, why not see us? You get out of my way. "

Su Meng took Su's mother and walked inside. The servants were also concerned about the relationship between Si Li Ting and them, and it was not good to stop them too much.

Two people so to the living room, Su mother pull rasu dream, let her not too presumptuous, after all, two people are asking for help.

Si Li Ting's legs overlap, leaning on the sofa and looking at the two people come in unhappily.

At home, he was dressed casually, and even that didn't suppress his momentum.

Hands around the chest, frowning at the two people in, "who let you in?"

"Cousin, we are all family anyway. Do you and we need to be so different?" Su Meng softened her voice.

From the first time she saw this man, she was afraid. His eyes were too sharp, as if you could see through what you were thinking.

"Cousin?" Si Li Ting pondered with a smile, for this address he did not have a little joy.

"Your mother and my father are brothers and sisters. My father is your little uncle. Of course you are my cousin."

Su's mother also came out to make a comeback. "Yes, Li Ting, do you think we are predestined. When we didn't know your identity before, you and Jinxi were together and we were a family.

Now we know your identity, we are still a family, and the family will not speak two words.

I believe you also know that the situation of the Su family is very bad now. The family has collapsed, and your uncle has also fallen.

He had a heart attack and the company was in debt. We couldn't even pay for the operation.

Your uncle's illness can't be delayed any longer. You can only see a doctor as soon as possible. Can you help us and lend us some money? "

Su's mother uses borrowed words. Everyone knows that this is a tiger borrowing a pig. Once borrowed, it won't be returned.

Si Li Ting lazily looked at two people, also did not let them sit down.

When Su's mother finished answering, he said, "OK, I can lend it to you. How much do you want to borrow?"

They didn't expect Si Li Ting to open his mouth so easily. They thought he would deliberately make trouble for them.

Su's mother and Su Meng are overjoyed, and they are finally saved.

Seeing Si Li Ting's tone, Su's mother immediately became treacherous, "that operation needs to go abroad for treatment. Even if the treatment is good, it still needs some rehabilitation expenses, as well as the high hospitalization expenses and medical expenses during this period of time.

According to the preliminary conservative estimate, it may cost 10 million yuan. Do you think it will be convenient for you? "

Su Meng gave her mother a compliment in her heart, but she couldn't spend so much money on treatment.

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