Si Li Ting itself is a strong pressure, whether it is physical or psychological, he is far beyond the average person.

Gu Jin wiped the wound with disinfectant. He thought he would cry pain. After all, he was still a few years old at this time.

"Does it hurt?" She wiped it carefully and looked up to see his reaction.

Si Li Ting smiles at her, "don't hurt Mommy, I'm very strong."

"Well, Ting Baobao is really good." Gu Jin rubbed his head.

He was bandaged and drugged, but Li Ting didn't say a word. He didn't even hum.

When he looked down at him, he was staring at himself. Gu Jin asked curiously, "ting Bao, what are you staring at me for?"

"I think Mommy is so beautiful. When I grow up, I must marry a wife as beautiful as mummy."

Gu Jin couldn't laugh or cry when she heard this. Could she tell him that he really married himself after more than 20 years?

Kneading your head is a bit too deep for you to be in the drama. It will be more than 20 years later.

"Mommy, where's my dad? Don't you say Daddy will come to see us one day. Why haven't I met him all the time

This is the first time Gu Jin heard that Si Li Ting mentioned his father. He quickly asked, "your mother, no, how did I tell you before?"

"Mommy said Daddy is far away and can't come for the time being. He will come to see us one day." Si Li Ting's big blue eyes are full of hope, beautiful as sapphire.

"Where is that far away place?" Gu Jin asked tentatively.

"I don't know. Mommy never said that." Si Li Ting's eyes are shining when he mentions his father.

"Mommy, you said that ting Baobao can see daddy when he grows up. I have grown up. When can I see him?"

To boss Li Ting that pair of beautiful eyes, Gu Jinshi does not know how to answer him.

Just like himself, he is also curious about his parents. Si Li Ting was born out of wedlock since he was a child. Only he can know his hardship.

Gu Jin gently kneaded Si Li Ting's soft hair, "ting baby is good, when you are a little older, you can see daddy."

"Mommy, I'll listen to you. As long as I'm good, I can see daddy. Mommy says my eyes are like daddy's, and I really want to see daddy's eyes."

"Good, one day daddy will come to see you. Ting'er is so good, how can daddy be willing to leave you?"

Gu Jin gently bandaged him, and they were really like mother and son.

When the bandage is finished, Si Li Ting happily jumps around Feng Xie, just like a lovely rabbit.

It seems that as a child, Si Li Ting was very lively. If he had not grown up, he would have been nice, soft and cute.

His appearance makes Gu Jin want a time machine and go directly to Si Li Ting's childhood.

"Mummy, Ting Baobao is so sleepy. Can Mommy tell a story to Ting Baobao

"Well, let's go to bed and tell stories." Gu Jin takes Si Li Ting's hand back to the bed. Si Li Ting puts his head in her chest and holds her waist in one hand.

"Mommy, today I'm going to listen to the story of how you and daddy got to know each other."

This It's hard for Gu Jin. How can she know the family affairs of Si Li Ting?

"Next time, tell Ting Baobao that mummy is a little sleepy." She quickly found a reason to fool it.

Fortunately, Si Li Ting is quite good. He said that he was sleepy and didn't make any noise. He put his finger behind him and patted him, just like coaxing himself to sleep.

Although growing up in a single parent family, Si Li Ting is a well-educated and clever child. Gu Jin can't help but want to give him a baby.

He and his baby will be very clever, if you can have a pair of eyes and he is better.

In this way, Gu Jin sleeps in the past, only to sleep in the middle of the night, Gu Jin is suddenly surprised by an inexplicable coolness.

Outside the heavy rain has not stopped, the thunder roars through the ear.

Gu Jin wake up the first time is to touch the man around, where there is Si Li Ting's figure.

"Third uncle?" Gu Jin called softly. Did he wake up and go back to the master's bedroom?

Gu Jin didn't think about it clearly and saw a figure at the head of the bed. It was estimated that he couldn't sleep and got up again.

"Ting baby, come and sleep with mommy." Gu Jin said.

The man came towards himself, and a sense of danger came to his mind. Just then, there was a flash of lightning in the sky.

Lightning lit up a flash of light, standing in the bedside of the hands of a fruit knife, eyes with killing intent.

Just a moment later, the room was dark again. Gu Jin had already been cool all over. How could Si Li Ting look like this!

Looking at the figure approaching him again, he raised the knife in his hand and directly stabbed himself. Gu Jin quickly rolled aside to avoid the blow."Ting Baobao, what are you doing? I'm Mommy?"

Gu Jin got out of bed barefoot and pressed the light. Si Li Ting was quite different from before, and his eyes were cold.

"You are not a mother, you are a little aunt, you hit me, Ting Er is so painful Ting'er is going to kill you, you big villain. "


What happened to Su's twin sisters?

At the moment, Gu Jin has no time and strength to think about these things. Although Si Li Ting's thinking is only a few years old, his body shape and strength is an adult.

If he is serious about himself, he is not his opponent at all.

"Ting Baobao, I'm not a little aunt. I'm a mommy. I won't hurt you." Gu Jin can only try to pacify his heart.

Si Li Ting still did not waver, "you cheat people. You like to pretend to be my mother and cheat me. You will hurt my mother. I will kill you. As long as you die, Mommy can take me to find daddy."

Gu Jinyue listen more confused, also do not wait for her to carefully think about the words of Si Li Ting's mouth, Si Li Ting has rushed towards her.

She finally knew why Si Li Ting would tie himself up before, in order to prevent him from hurting himself.

Now it is too late to understand, Si Li Ting is chasing after her.

Gu Jin picked up a pillow to block a knife. Goose feathers were flying in the room like snowflakes.

"Ting Baobao, don't kill me, I will hurt."

"You are a villain. As long as you die, mommy and I will be happy."

At this juncture, Gu Jin has given up, let Si Li Ting think of everything, and she ran to the door in a dream.

She repeatedly raised the vase to knock Si Li Ting dizzy, but in the end she was reluctant to give up.

That's her third uncle. Now he's just delirious. If he knocks down, he'll lose his memory, or hurt his brain?

Gu Jin can't start with Si Li Ting, so she has to be chased around by Si Li Ting. Si Li Ting doesn't mean to let her go.

"Auntie, you stand there obediently. You said that people will be relieved by pain when they die."

Damn it, his little aunt is such a pervert, what she has done to this child, what she has said to her.

Think of the lovely child Gu Jin who was around him before. He is a clever child.

Just as she was thinking wildly, she was not stable at the foot of her foot. She did not step on the stairs stably in the last few steps, and her body fell down from the stairs.


Si Li Ting has arrived, Gu Jin can not escape, regardless of the pain on his body, her eyes a nervous.

"Ting Bao, no, uncle, it's me. I'm Susu."

"Auntie, go to hell." Si Li Ting looked at her from a commanding position, only hate in his eyes.

The light of lightning flashed over his face, but his blue eyes were like a stormy sea, full of cold.

It was the gaze of a dead man. Gu Jin's brain was empty. She knew she was finished.

The knife was shining silver in the lightning. Gu Jin closed his eyes and cried out: "no, uncle."

The imaginary pain did not come, but the sound of knife landing sounded in my ear.


Hearing this sound, Gu Jinmeng opened his eyes, her body has been embraced into the arms.

"Susu, I'm sorry, I almost hurt you." Si Li Ting regained his senses.

"Uncle, you're back at last." Gu Jin tightly grasps Si Li Ting's clothes in front of him, and tears flow wildly.

If someone else, she may hurt that person for self-protection, but the person in front of her is Si Li Ting, and she doesn't want to hurt him at all.

So I can only watch him hurt himself, almost become his ghost.

"Susu, how can I do this to you?" But for the thunder and Gu Jin's wailing, Si Li Ting would have made a mistake that he would never have forgiven in his whole life

Gu Jin shook his head crazily, "uncle, don't blame yourself. I'm fine. I'm really fine."

"I fell down the stairs and said it was ok? I'll carry you back to your room

Si Li Ting picked her up and went back to the room full of light. Si Li Ting looked at her leg with pain.

"Uncle, it's no problem. It's just a few bruises." Seeing his distressed look, Gu Jin quickly advised him.

"It's all right when the skin is broken? Susu, don't come near me on Thunderstorm night. I don't know what I will do.

It's because I'm afraid of hurting you that I'll be separated from you. I didn't expect you to come Si Li Ting is quite helpless.

Gu Jin chuckled and said, "I didn't sleep well without my third uncle around me. You just know to say me, don't you forget yourself?

I break a little skin and I feel so sad. What about yourself? He was so cruel to himself. His hands were all red. The rope was pulled into the meat. I was very distressed"If you don't tie it firmly, I'll break free. You can see that I didn't recognize me just now."

"There are six relatives who don't recognize me. You are still holding me and calling me Mommy." Gu Jin knew that he was in a bad mood and deliberately made a mockery of him.

"You." Si Li Ting is a little embarrassed. This is the second time.

See him rarely blush, Gu Jin takes advantage of the victory to pursue, "third uncle must be soft and cute when he was a child, looking at me makes my heart crisp."

"Don't talk about it again!" It's a shame. It's probably his only black history.

Thinking about the picture of himself standing tall and shrinking in Gu Jinhuai and calling for Mommy, Si Li Ting himself felt a little inconceivable, with a layer of goose bumps on his back.

Gu Jin raised his mouth and put his hand on Si Li Ting's head, "ting baby is good, Mommy will buy you sugar."

The body was Si Li Ting pressed to the bed, "little Susu, if you don't forget the things before, don't want to get out of bed."

Gu Jinjiao pretty smile, "good, I forget, I forget the head office, do not make, sleep first."

Si Li Ting turned off the light and took Gu Jin into his arms again, but a sharp light flashed in his eyes.

Some previously forgotten fragments flashed through my mind.

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