Gu Jin's dishes are not bad, far worse than the top chefs.

Look at the appearance of Si Li Ting eating, he has the posture of eating all the food.

Si Li Ting put down his chopsticks and wiped the oil stains on his mouth with a cloth.

"Uncle, do you eat a little bit too much?"

If for other men this meal is nothing, Gu Jin and Si Li Ting together recently also know his appetite.

His stomach also needs to be adjusted slowly, not only can't eat too spicy and greasy things, but also can't eat too much or too little.

Today, he obviously ate a lot more than usual. I don't know if his stomach can hold up.

"It doesn't matter." Si Li Ting replied with a smile, "it's all because Susu's cooking is so delicious that I just..."

The voice did not fall, Si Li Ting's smile on the face was stiff.

The next second, he ran to the bathroom, Gu Jin know bad things, quickly followed the past, but was Si Li Ting anti lock the door.

"Uncle, let me in."

After a few minutes, Si Li Ting opened the door and looked at Gu Jin with sweat and pale face.

"Susu, I'm sorry, all the dishes you made for me have been vomited up."

Gu Jin looked at the pinched cheek. He was obviously like this, but he still apologized.

"Uncle I'm sorry. " Gu Jin bumps into Si Li Ting's arms and hugs him with both hands.

Si Li Ting stroked her hair, "it doesn't matter. I'm used to it. Susu, help me to have a rest upstairs."


Gu Jin helped Si Li Ting upstairs, and didn't notice a flash in his eyes.

Sorry, Susu.

Can he know his own body? Even if it was Gu Jin's cooking, he didn't have to eat so much at one go.

Si Li Ting deliberately ate more to make the stomach uncomfortable, the purpose is to let Gu Jin heartache.

The battle between him and Nangong Xun had already begun quietly. He thought Nangong Xun would go to the trouble of Gu's family, which would attract Gu Jin's resentment.

Who knows that the man did not disclose this matter at all, and kept the image in Gu Jin's heart.

Although Gu Jin likes him now, it's hard to guarantee that one day she will leave herself for the benefit of the family and the company.

When Si Li Ting started from scratch, he had never been afraid of anything. The big deal was to lose everything and end up in debt.

Gu Jin is the only exception. He can lose everything, but he can't lose her.

In order to retain Gu Jin, now we can only use bitter meat.

Si Li Ting had no choice but to smile bitterly. He didn't expect that one day he would use such a move. But who let Gu Jin occupy such a heavy position in his heart?

Gu Jin helped him to the bed, "uncle, you have a rest, I'll cook you some millet porridge."

"Let them do it. All you have to do is to accompany me, Susu, and get me some stomach medicine."

"Where did you put it?"

"In the drawer over there."

Gu Jin opens the drawer in a hurry. There are two small medicine bottles in it.

There is also a picture album, the cover of which is painted with a pair of lovely dolls, and the female doll is leaning against the male doll's arms.

The baby boy's blue eyes look at the man in his arms, just a picture can also see the sweetness of the two.

Gu Jin suddenly has a feeling, these two people are very similar to her and Si Li Ting.

"Uncle, can I have a look at this?" Gu Jin holds the picture album.

"Of course, you did it." Si Li Ting's weak reply.

Gu Jin came over with the medicine and picture album, took the medicine for Si Li Ting, and was pulled into his arms by Si Li Ting.

Open the album, inside is her tangled appearance, thinking about 30 million and the Su family.

After turning a few more pages, Gu Jinmeng said, "am I painting our story?"


Gu Jin has heard about the past version from Jian Yun and Si Li Ting, which is probably the most authentic version.

Because she painted and Si Li Ting's acquaintance, acquaintance and love.

Seeing the front pages, Gu Jin couldn't help laughing, "uncle, you're so bad. You always like to force me. I should hate you at that time."

Before Si Li Ting told her, she couldn't have said it in such a detailed way. She only used one sentence to summarize it.

Now see what Si Li Ting did to her, just comic form Gu Jin also felt his embarrassment at that time.

Si Li Ting chuckled in her ear, "who makes my little Susu so charming, as long as I see you, I can't control it, and I want to bully you, and I want to put you under my body to love you.

At that time, you were like a little rabbit. You wanted to resist but didn't dare, as long as you protested with a red face. "

At that time, Si Li Ting's eyebrows and eyes were stained with a layer of light gentle color, "say up, you are still lovely at that time."

Gu Jin's heart sank, "the third uncle doesn't like me now?"From the picture and the text narration, Gu Jin felt that she was different from the present in the past.

Si Li Ting gently smile, "little Susu, no matter what you become, is my Susu, I like you too late, and then look."

Gu Jin continues to turn around and sees her splashed with coffee by white light rain. It's raining heavily. She meets her boss Li Ting.

See Su Meng pull her to buy luxury porcelain, Si Li Ting sent people to rescue.

See her change acute appendicitis, it is Si Li Ting will send her to the hospital.

See her a little bit in love with that man, the man will her like a baby.

He gave her everything, freedom, faith, strength, a warm home.

The picture stops before the wedding, and the painting style and perspective change.

"Third uncle, are you painting the back?" Gu Jin stroked Li Ting's distraught face at the funeral.

Especially when she saw him in a car accident and rushed to the seaside with blood all over her body, her heart was also tangled.

Things are far more thrilling than Si Li Ting's description in their mouth. For her, Si Li Ting paid more than she imagined.

"At that time, I thought about you every day, and then I continued to draw your story."

Gu Jin looks at the complete picture album. He hasn't had time to paint the recent events. Gu Jin is in a very complicated mood.

"Now that you are back, the album will be returned to its original owner, and you will finish the ending."

"Good." Gu Jin put the whole album in her arms, which is the memory she lost.

Even if she can't remember, she still has some excitement when she sees these pictures.

"Uncle, I'm sorry to have kept you waiting too long."

Gu Jin leaned his head in his arms and grasped the collar of his shirt with his fingers.

"As long as you can come back, no matter how long you wait, Susu, don't leave me again.

I have no family, no friends. I have only you Si Li Ting's voice is full of sadness.

Gu Jin nodded heavily, "uncle, Su Su won't leave you! Certainly not! "

Si Li Ting mouth slightly hook, "Su Su, I will give you a gift."

"What gift, uncle?"

Si Li Ting kisses on her forehead, "soon you will know."

Hua Qing left the conference hall, half an hour after the end of the conference, her ugly photo was on the front page of the big media.

It even said that she was deliberately falling down to attract eyeballs, in order to grab the limelight of the star.

Angry Hua Qing smashed the mobile phone, about an hour later, she found that the news was still there.

With the company's public relations ability, this kind of thing has long been removed. Why is it still there?

Hua Qing was so angry that she called the director of the public relations department directly, "what are you eating for so long? My news is still on the front page?"

The other side is obviously a little careless, "sister Qing, this is the meaning of the above, we have no way."

What does it mean? Although the company she signed is not directly under the jurisdiction of Tang Chen, it is also a subsidiary of Tang Chen company.

The president takes into account the relationship between her and Tang Zhen, and has been holding her well. Before she went to see Si Li Ting, she was found by Tang Zhen.

Tang Zhen asked people to withdraw her resources in order to teach her a lesson. However, the reports now will also affect the face of the company. How dare those people?

Hua Qing realized that something was wrong, hung up the phone, picked up the bag and rushed to the president's office.

In the past, Mr. Wang always stood up to meet her in person. Today, she was stopped by the Secretary before she saw her.

"Miss Hua, the president is holding a video conference. I don't want to see you now."

Hua Qing pushed her away. "Just now I saw her go in. Get out of my way."

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