Nangong Xun thought that Gu Jin was so gentle and obedient when he was beside him. It was because of this that he had no sense of precaution against her.

She said that she was tired and needed a good sleep. She believed it and did not doubt the truth of her words. Who knows, she left the hotel to look for Si Li Ting.

Nangong Xun checked the surveillance. Gu Jin left the hotel quietly last night. Now he appears in the room of Si Li Ting. They stayed for a day and a night.

"What a caretaker. I've been involved in this play. I underestimated you." Nangong Xun's voice is like freezing.

Gu Jin saw that Nangong Xun's face was even colder than before, and she explained faintly: "Mr. Nangong, it was you who concealed my love, didn't you?

I am very grateful for your help in my time of crisis. Gratitude does not mean that I want to marry you. As for whether you and I have an engagement, we will talk about it later

Si Li Ting has already walked to her side, voice gentle way: "ready to go out."

He did not deliberately demonstrate to Nangong Xun because Gu Jin was his woman, and he didn't need to show it off with anyone.

So he was just as considerate as usual, holding Gu Jin's hand and ready to leave.

Gu Jin in the south palace smoked under the gaze of the intimate arm of Si Li Ting, "already ready, let's go."

It has to be said that this action is a little dazzling in Nangong Xun's eyes. When Gu Jin loses his memory, he can't help but want to touch her several times.

Every time, she flashed past without trace, but at the moment, she even took the initiative to touch Jisi Li Ting.

Her memory was really restored, and the relationship between them was better than expected.

"Mr. Nangong, let's go out for dinner first. We'll talk about other things another day." Gu Jin is polite and distant.

Before coming here, Nangong Mo was most worried that Si Li Ting and Nangong Xun would fight each other. When they arrived, they knew that this one could not be pinched at all.

The relationship between the two depends on Gu Jin's attitude. If Gu Jin's attitude is not firm, wandering between two excellent men will trigger a war between the two men.

Gu Jin has no hesitation and hesitation, let alone wavering.

From the beginning, she divided the boundaries of Nangong Xun. Before she lost her memory, she and Si Li Ting were a pair.

Even if Nangong Xun wants to intervene, he has no qualification to interfere with a pair of people who love each other.

Gu Jin and Si Li Ting leave, Nangong Mo feels that the man around him is cold.

"Elder brother, I have told you that their feelings are very deep. Ordinary people can't get involved. Otherwise, I will..."

At the beginning, he knew that there was a very important person in Gu Jin's heart.

So he gave up on his own initiative before going deep enough to become good friends with Gu Jin.

"My heart is not so easy to leave!" Nangong Xun coldly looked at the two people's back way.

"Big brother, although xiaojiner is good, there are many other women in the world.

If she doesn't have a boyfriend, I will advise you to insist. She already has a beloved, and their relationship is still so good, you can give up. "

As one of Gu Jin's few friends, Nangong Mo sincerely hopes that she can be happy.

Nangong Xun is quite different from him in character. Once he has identified something, he will never stop.

"I don't give up these two words in my dictionary. Gu Jin, this woman, I will decide, no matter what way and means."

"What are you going to do, brother?" Nangong Mo is the means to know his brother.

It's like Hua Qing framed Gu Jin. Rao was not involved in these things before Nangong Xun. He only took a few hours to settle the matter.

What he wants to do must be done by different means. Nangong Mo knew this for a long time, so he never thought of fighting with him for the Nangong family's property.

One is that he can't win, and then both sides will be hurt. Second, he doesn't want to fight.

Nangong Xun didn't answer and left directly. Nangong Mo felt like wind and rain.

Gu Jin on the Si Li Ting's car, found that the sight of Si Li Ting has been accumulated in her face.

"Uncle, why don't you know me?" She asked curiously.

"Susu, you didn't recover your memory, but just said to Nangong Xun that you have recovered your memory. You have completely torn your face with him."

"The third uncle didn't stop me when I tore my face. In fact, he wanted me to tear my face."

Si Li Ting didn't hide his emotions. "Su Su, I know Nangong Xun is a tough person. No matter how threatening he is, I hope you and he can divide the boundary as clean as possible."

"The third uncle doesn't hide his emotions at all."

Gu Jin chuckled, then leaned over and took the initiative to hold Si Li Ting's neck. He whispered in his ear: "but I love such a third uncle. I care about me, and I don't care about being enemies with the whole world."

"Susu, in front of love, you and I are all fools. No matter how skillful I am, I know how to minimize the loss.But I don't want to do that. I just want you, the only possessive desire for you, no matter what the result is. "

Si Li Ting's forehead lightly against Gu Jin's head, two people look at each other and smile.

Gu Jin's actions just now can be said to have completely angered Nangong Xun. At first, she didn't intend to fall out with Nangong Xun so soon.

However, in knowing that Si Li Ting has done so many things for her, Si Li Ting lies there without blood on his face.

She didn't want anything at that time. She just wanted the man in front of her to be healthy.

His good is more important than anything, in his most helpless time, she did not choose to leave.

Even if she knows the consequences, she doesn't want to worry about it. Even if the world is destroyed, it's not as important as this man.

She loves him and owes him too much. From now on, she just wants to make up for him.

"Susu, promise me one thing."


"No matter what happens in the future, don't let go of my hand."

"Well, uncle, I promise you that I will never let go unless I die."

Si Li Ting's lips gently imprinted her red lips, "no matter what kind of storm we'll encounter next, we'll spend everything hand in hand."


Gu Jin responded to his kiss and let the rain fall on the window.

The original love a person to the bone, do not need too many words.

Even if you don't remember him, your body will record all the good memories about being with him.

Remember his touch, his temperature, his heart rate for him.

Instead of mentioning Nangong Xun, they ate, went shopping and watched movies like ordinary people.

I didn't go back to the hotel until late at night. Neither of them had experienced such a happy feeling.

"Susu, I still owe you something."

"What's the matter?" Gu Jinwo asked in his arms.

"A honeymoon, I don't know what will happen if I don't make up for it."

"What does the third uncle mean?"

"A honeymoon."

Gu Jin looked at his watch. "It's already 12 o'clock now."

"Have you ever tried a walk away tour?" Si Li Ting asked.


At the beginning, Si Li Ting had planned so many scenic spots in various countries. He set aside a month to prepare to spend with Su Jinxi.

Who knows the sudden change completely broke his plan, no matter how perfect the plan is, it can't keep up with the change.

"Would you like to have a walk with me? Mrs. Smith? " Si Li Ting reaches out to Gu Jin.

Gu Jin put on his deep eyes and a bright smile on the corner of his mouth.

At this moment, what she is struggling with is not the identity of the damned home owner, nor how many lines she has to recite, nor how much to deal with Huaqing and others.

She is just a little woman, a little woman who loves Si Li Ting.

He put his hand on the palm of his generous palm and said, "OK, my Mr. si..."

Before two people did not discuss, also did not have any plan, Si Li Ting with the fastest speed set down the general plane to go abroad.

Even Lin didn't know that he had left. The plane took off, and there was a trace in the dark.

"Don't you ask where to go?" Si Li Ting himself did not think that one day he would do such a thing.

Gu Jin gently buried his head on his shoulder and said gently, "as long as we go with you, it's good to go anywhere, Mr. Si, my dear husband."

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