"Fourth brother, this woman is very beautiful." Murong Feng said with a smile.

The death of long Tingchen has become the heart disease of the whole family. Now, seeing long Tingchen come out with a woman in his arms, Murong Feng would like to call grandpa and grandma immediately to report the good news.

"Fourth brother, you have a good eye."

When Murong Feng's words were heard, long Tingchen's face sank. When he was ready to reply, Tang casually stuck to long Tingchen and said to Murong Feng with a smile, "you are so handsome, too. I like you."

It's OK that she doesn't speak. As soon as she speaks, a word "an" can be heard and Murong Feng looks back in surprise.

This is beautiful. How can I look at some flower lovers.

Murong Feng didn't dare to boast about Dragon Tingchen's vision any more.

Tang looked at Murong Feng with a smile at will. She thought about how to shoot Murong Feng next time.

Today's luck is not very good. I didn't read the calendar when I went out, but I met long Tingchen.

"Let's go." When Tang thought at will, the voice of long Tingchen came.

She was pulled into a car by long Tingchen. Tang sat in at will and knew that he had something to say to himself. But when long Tingchen got in, she stuck to it and said with a smile, "I know you like me."

"Shut up." Long Tingchen lowered his voice. He was indifferent to women, but he had never been so upset.

At present, Tang is very beautiful at will. Yes, she is very beautiful after dressing. When he saw it at the first sight, he almost didn't recognize it.

"Is your name fourth brother?"

Don casually continued, "fourth brother, you have to be responsible for me."

Long Tingchen looked at her and regretted how she was dragged into the car at the beginning. It was a mistake that became eternal hatred.

"How much is it?"

Asked long Tingchen.

He said, took out the check and wrote it to don casually.

"I don't want money."

Tang looked at long Tingchen at random, writing numbers. Well, it's better to write a few more zeros. She's short of money now. Otherwise, she would not take the business of assassinating Murong Feng.

"Take it." Long Tingchen said quietly, "I have nothing to do with you in the future."

Tang looked at the check in his hand at will. Well, the reward from his two hands was rich. Long Tingchen had a bad temper. He was colder, but he was rich and generous. His wife must be very happy after that.

"You!" Tang casually made a sad expression, and she tried hard to let her two tears come out.

The last time long Tingchen asked her to do something, she will never forget it.

She is the one who remembers her revenge. Otherwise, she would not have seen long Tingchen's impulse to shoot him.

Wait for her to finish Murong Feng, and then clean up long Tingchen.

"It's too much of a loser to do this to me."

Tang complains about long Tingchen casually and sadly. Long Tingchen is tired of listening. He says to the driver, "stop."

This is to get don off at will.

Tang looked at the car and stopped at will, looking at long Tingchen in a sad way.

Looking at him, she found that long Tingchen was a handsome man with a strong and charming face. She felt a move and leaned towards him. A kiss fell on his cheek quickly.

The warm lips were printed on his face, which made long Tingchen stunned. When he returned to his mind, he heard the girl's sobs, and then the door closed heavily.

He didn't look away and ran after don.

The front of the great "poof Yi" to laugh, long Tingchen followed the reaction, he was teased.

Take the money, kiss the man, don's mood is much better at will.

She went to a safe place and called Xiao Yi.

"Boss, are you ok?"

Xiao Yi asked anxiously.

Tang tidied up his mood at will, and his voice faded back, "it's OK."

"If our plan fails this time, they will be alert. It will not be so easy to kill Murong Feng next time."

"Yes." Tang is at liberty to answer, her mind suddenly jumped out of long Tingchen's appearance.

To be honest, he is really good-looking, which is not as perfect as Murong Feng, but his mature taste is enough for women's taste.

"Don't worry." She said, "I killed long Tingchen this time. Long Tingchen will be alert, but Murong Feng will not."

Yes, she almost killed long Tingchen, so Murong Feng didn't realize it.

Tang casually chatted with Xiao Yi. Her other mobile phone rang again. It's Mrs. Tang's.

She ran away with long Tingchen, and Mrs. Tang must be angry. I'm not sure how to deal with her when I go back to the Tang family.

As a killer, a cold-blooded killer, Don was afraid of anything at will.

In the past five years, countless bloody times have honed her into another person.

She has nothing to worry about.

As Tang Sui expected, she was slapped by Tang Feng as soon as she returned to the Tang family.This slap made her almost fall to the ground. Tang looked up at Tang Feng at will.

Tang Feng is a real scum man. He hooked up with Tang random's mother in the mountains and made a mess of others and left. Over the years, he ignored Tang random. When something happened to his family, he thought of Tang random coming and planned to send her to the city for a good price.

It's a pity that her random Tang is not really random Tang. I'm afraid Tang Feng's abacus is going to be empty.

"Good you don at will, our Tang family provides delicious and delicious food. That's how you treat us."

Madame Tang followed.

She is not a generous woman. This period of time is good for Tang casually. It's just that Tang casually is useful.

Today, she arranged everything and waited for the things that Tang casually and boss Zhang had become. Who knows that Tang casually was taken away by other men on the way.

"I can't see that you are as cheap as your mother."

Tang random did not answer, her heart is a sneer, Tang random mother foul base? This vile man is clearly the two in front of him.

One abandons his wife, one abandons his daughter, and one has a snake and a scorpion heart. The Tang family's spirit must end.

"Bitch!" Mrs. Tang said that she wanted to fight Tang casually. Anyway, it's allowed by Tang Feng to fight Tang casually now.

This slap didn't hit Tang casually.

When I came back just now, Tang Feng slapped her. Tang casually got angry. How could she be knocked down again.

She protected herself very well. In the past five years, Tang Feng's slap was the first. In the future, she will return it.

She is not really a good person. She is also a killer. How can she be a good person if she lives on the gun.

"Dad." Don stepped back at will and cried.

"I was taken away by a man."

She said, "that man is so powerful that he has beaten all the people of boss Zhang."

Mrs. Tang didn't see long Tingchen. She only knew from the angry boss Zhang that a man took Tang away at will.

Now, Tang Feng heard that a man took Tang away at will. He was better than boss Zhang. His eyes lit up immediately.

"Who is he?" Tang Feng asked immediately.

Tang casually didn't want to have anything to do with long Tingchen. She shook her head and said, "I don't know."

"But he is very kind to me."

Tang said it deliberately and casually to let Tang Feng know that there is a bigger gold Lord who is interested in him. In this way, Tang Feng will not make her decision for the time being.

During this period, she continued to use Tang's casual identity to assassinate Murong Feng. As soon as Murong Feng died, her task was completed.

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