After knocking down the man, Tang clapped his hands freely and proudly.

Longbaobao was about to throw himself in when the whip fell. Suddenly, a woman burst out and kicked the man who was going to "beat" him.

The problem is ugly!

Because of the sudden appearance of Tang, it was quiet.

Tang looked at his dragon bag on the ground happily. Wow, this little guy looks so nice!

"What are you doing, ugly woman!"

Longbaobao is confident that he has an all-in-one face, but he is annoyed at being looked at so by an ugly monster.

It's so ugly that it destroys his acting!

"Well?" Don casually a Leng, the ear spreads the director angry voice, "Ka Ka Ka!"

"What's the matter with you? We're here for the show! "


Don reacted at will. She turned to see the machine not far away, and the director behind it.

Yeah, it's a real show.

Just now she saw such a cute little guy being beaten, and she couldn't help but think of some distant things, so she went out.

Tang casually smiled with embarrassment. She saw a female assistant running to the front of the child. Wen Sheng asked, "brother long, are you ok? Do you want to have a rest?"

Tang is embarrassed at will. He is really kind enough to do bad things.

She apologized to the director and the actor who had just been beaten by herself. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry."

She said as she pulled out of the shooting scene, the director had to stop the scene and take a ten minute break because of Tang's random sudden entry.

Seeing that Tang left at will, longbaobao called her, "ugly!"

Although this woman is stupid and stupid, she just beat people in a handsome way, and she is to save herself. Longbaobao feels that he has to thank humanity no matter how.

Of course, the way of thanking in longbaobao is with xiaoaojiao.

Tang casually turns to see the lovely and beautiful dragon bag. She has a kind heart, especially for children. She is so cute and has no resistance.


"What's your name!" ? "my name..."

Hearing these two words, longbaobao frowned and returned me? Is she from the country?

"Don is at liberty."

Tang said her name at will. She couldn't help reaching out and pinching the face of the Dragon bag. God, how could there be such a cute little guy?

Longbaobao is a little thing with colored glasses. Usually, handsome uncle and beautiful aunt can touch his little face, but the old lady and aunt touch him like that, and he will immediately face.

However, when Tang reached for it at will, his face turned red to her clear and beautiful eyes.

”Ugly, don't touch me. " Longbaobao responded, he said with a red face.

Tang casually smiles and looks at long Baobao's acting here at such a young age. She is sure that the conditions at home are not good. She will be distressed if she thinks about it.

"Here you are." Don thought casually. She looked down and saw that she had a drink in her hand. She smiled and handed it over.

Long Baobao looks at her ugly face and the drink in her hand. Well, he looks at her so attentive and reluctantly picks it up.

"Ugly, do you have wechat?"

"Well?" Tang is at random. She hasn't been in Tang's house for a long time, but she has a strong learning ability. She already knows about wechat.

"Do you have any?"

Longbaobao asked anxiously. Although he looked at Tang casually, his little eyes were fixed on her mobile phone.

If she doesn't give him wechat, he will ask Uncle Xiaosan to grab his cell phone.

"Yes." Tang took the mobile phone out at will and added the wechat of longbaobao.

This is the first friend she knew in Haicheng. Looking at the cute little head in her mobile phone, she felt a little warm in her heart.

After adding wechat, Tang randomly receives a call from Tang Nian's agent and asks where she has gone?

Tang casually remembers that he hasn't sent breakfast to Tang Nian, but she has lost the breakfast, so he doesn't care.

"I have something to go first." Don said with a casual smile.

"Well." Longbaobao said coldly with a pale face.

As soon as Don turns around at will, his little face collapses. Isn't he cute? I don't know how to spend more time with him.

Wenshang bought breakfast from the city center, and longbaobao, the little ancestor, was as hard to serve as longtingchen. He even had breakfast, which was the most popular one in Haicheng, making him wait in line for an hour.

He came over with breakfast, just passing Tang at will. The unattractive girl, of course, won't notice.

He went to longbaobao and saw him staring at the door. He asked strangely, "Baobao, what are you looking at?"

"You say, she is not good-looking, but I am very happy to see her."

He was saved for the first time!Wen Shang heard the words of longbaobao and said scornfully, "Baobao, you don't even have hair, do you want to fall in love?"

Long Tingchen is critical of women. He doesn't know how to get married when he's a handful of years old. Long Baona and Xiao nenbao want to fall in love.

Long Baobao looked at Wen Shang angrily, and angrily retorted, "your hair is all grown, and you are not married!"

"I'm not encumbered by you and your father!"

It's not a matter of minutes for him to find a woman to marry.

"Hum." Long Baobao snorted coldly and deliberately said, "I tell you, Wen Shang, I won't agree with you and my father!"

"It's no use trying to please me any more!"


Long Baobao scolds, runs back to make-up and continues to make the film.

"Long Baobao, I'm not interested in your father. Stop for me!"

Tang came here late at will, but he still arrived empty handed. Tang Nian's face was so angry that he pulled the elder. If it wasn't for the cast, she would have scolded the waste.

The agent looks at Tang Nian and gets angry and coaxes her.

"Chant, won't there be a diving show later?"

"Just let her come!"

Agent gently said in Tang Niang's ear, Tang nianliang's eyes, her eyes followed and aimed at Tang who was playing with his mobile phone.

Tang is immersed in the wechat space of looking through the Dragon bag at will, but he doesn't notice that they beat the waiting diving to himself.

After a reminder from the agent, Tang Nian thought about why he brought Tang here at will. Didn't he just look at Tang at will and make her suffer?

After her diving scene, the director invited a double actor. In this winter, who would like to jump into such a sharp water, and the pool is not very clean.

If you let Tang dance at will, help the director save a sum of money, don't say, and let Tang suffer at will, she can't do such a small thing today.

"Sister." Tang Nian said with a smile.

Tang looked at Tang Nian randomly and strangely. She went to the Tang family for some days. When did Tang Nian call her sister. "Do you want to make a film?"

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