"Yuer, you are here at last!"

Yao was also there. Before Murong Yu got Murong group completely, Yao had to come.

"Down." Murong Lian grabbed Yao's hand and cried even more, "take me away quickly."

After a day's detention here, Murong Lian can't stay any longer. It's dark and crowded here. It's not the place he should stay at all.

"Murong Feng has evidence that you killed the old man." Murong Yu said in a cold voice.

He looked at Murong Lian and cried like a child. He cursed in his heart, "waste!"

If it were not for Murong Lian's usefulness, he would not have come to see Murong Lian at all.

"I know, I know." Murong Lianlian said, "this beast, in order to get Murong group, even I will do harm."

"Help me, please."

"Brother Lian, don't be afraid. Yu'er and I are already working out a way."

"Yesterday, Murong Feng came to yu'er and said that he would not let you live. How can we do that? "

"Murong Feng!" Murong Lian said with gnashing teeth.

"Why do you want to kill the old man?" Murong Yu asked in a cold voice. From now on, he will leave this matter and himself completely.

From Murong Feng's words, he knew that Murong Feng would not let Murong Lian go. Until now, he has not handed over the video to the police. I'm afraid he wanted Murong lian to frame him.


Old man, he must bear this matter with Murong Lian.

"Me!" Murong Lian opened his mouth, said a word and began to cry again.

"I don't want to either." He said, clenching Yao's hand and crying.

The reason why he wanted to fight against the old man was because he said that if the old man didn't die, the will would be invalid, and the old man was lying in bed now, no different from the dead.

So, he secretly went to the hospital, who knows that Murong Feng was hurting him.

"What should I do now?" Murong Lian then asked.

"Tomorrow is the deadline." Murong Yu murmured, "I will bail you out today, if we can fight for Murong group tomorrow..."

"Yes, if we seize the power, we will take part of the shares and ask Murong Feng to destroy the evidence." Murong Lian's eyes brightened, and he thought this was a good way.

Murong Yu listened and sank. He won't give Murong Feng any more shares, even one percent.

He came to take Murong Lian away. On the one hand, he stabilized Murong Lian. On the other hand, he prepared for the shareholders' meeting tomorrow.

Murong Lian is the only son of the old man. He is the only one who has the support of the directors.

Murong Feng, a wild species, is not worthy to stay in Murong group.

"Brother Lian, don't worry. Yu'er and I won't let you have anything to do." Yao Fanluo also understands Murong Yu's mind and comforts Murong Lian.

Seeing that Murong Yu's mother and son are so concerned about themselves, Murong Lian is moved.

"I'm really happy to have you."

"Don't worry, I will help Yuer get Murong group tomorrow."

"Well, I'll live with you forever." Murong Lian holds Yao's hand tightly and says affectionately.

"Yes. "Yao jiangluo called with a smile," brother Lian, you are so nice! "

Murong Yu glanced at the eyes of the two men, waiting for them to get Murong group. Where is Murong Lian's share, he can only spend the rest of his life in prison.

Murong Lian was bailed out by Murong Yu. Murong Feng was not surprised to know the news.

Murong Yu thought they would win a lot, but in fact They are completely blinded by desire and power, and think that a general meeting of shareholders can drive him out, which will definitely be a joke.

However, Murong Feng received a call from long Tingchen that night and asked if he needed any help?

Murong Feng smiled, "four brothers, it's just a little thing."

To Murong Feng, it's a trivial thing.

Soon, as soon as it was dark and bright, it was the day.

Murong Yu and Murong Lian came out to Murong group in the morning dressed neatly. When they arrived, Murong Feng was also there.

However, Murong Feng did not sit in the original position, but Murong Shanshan's position.

Murong Yu smile, Murong Feng's change is really fast, is to know that it's useless to resist death, simply regress?

"Yu'er, go ahead and do it." Murong said with a smile.

He also felt that today's affairs must be very smooth. After all, Murong Feng sent him to the police station, but he wanted Murong Yu to give him some shares after he got Murong group. Waiting for these things to be completed, he asked Murong Yu to give Murong Feng some shares.

In this way, he doesn't have to go to jail.

Think about it. Murong Lian is happy.

Murong Yu didn't immediately sit down, and the directors didn't arrive at Qi. He had to sit up in the public's welcome.In this way, we can feel that we are highly respected.

"Wait." Murong Yu goes to the original position and talks to Murong Lian.

Murong Lian nodded. He sat beside Murong Yu.

The directors soon expire, except for Murong Shanshan.

Murong Shanshan didn't show up, Murong Yu and Murong Lian didn't care, a adopted daughter, they didn't pay attention at all.

"The General Assembly will now begin." The meeting was held by Sibai.

"We now invite the chairman of the board to our seats."

In the past, the chairman of Murong group was Murong Feng. Today, Murong Feng is sitting next to him, so many people think that Murong Feng has given up holding shares in Murong group, so Murong Yu is the director of Murong group.

"Yuer, call you that. Go up." Murong said with a smile.

Murong Yu laughs, but Murong Feng is also wise.

He stood up and took care of his clothes. Just as he was walking towards the throne, the door of the conference room opened and Murong Shanshan came out. Before Murong Yu, she sat in the position of chairman.

"Well, let's have a meeting now." Murong Shanshan said after sitting down.

Seeing Murong Shanshan sitting there, others were stunned. Of course, there were several big directors who knew the situation.

The old man had already given Murong Shanshan his last share, so Murong Shanshan is the largest shareholder and the chairman of the board of directors.

Murong Yu watched Murong Shanshan take the seat, and the whole face sank.

It's impossible that Murong Feng transferred his shares to Murong Shanshan. Otherwise, Murong Feng doesn't have the right to sit here today. He doesn't hear what lawyer Murong Feng is looking for?

So what's wrong with Murong Shanshan? Why does she sit in that position.

"Murong Shanshan, what are you doing!" Murong Lian jumps out first, points to Murong Shanshan and says, "go down."

"This position is yu'er."

"Murong Yu's?" Murong Shanshan smiles. She turns to look at Murong Feng beside her. "Fengshao, didn't you tell them?"

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