"When I came back, I sorted out her relics, saw her and her daughter, her photo with Shanshan, and then I knew that I had a daughter and a granddaughter. And she called me before she died, not to forgive me, but to ask me to take care of Shanshan. "

Murong Feng thought of the old man's words, hugged Murong Shanshan and said, "Shanshan, it's OK."

He looked at the old man's sleepy face again, and remembered that what the old man finally said to him should be a plea.

"Fenger, please help me take care of Shanshan."

The old man knew that he was going to die, so he told the secrets one by one and entrusted Murong Shanshan to Murong Feng.

Murong Feng sat aside and said nothing more. He accompanied Murong Shanshan.

At this time, company is the most important.

Murong Shanshan accompanied the old man in the ward for a long time. Murong Feng made her so sad and tired that she didn't wake her up the next morning.

Today, it must be a very special day for him, because Murong Lian and Murong Yu are rushing to fight against him while the old man is seriously ill.

Murong Shanshan is in a bad mood. He doesn't want her to go there together.

Those people's faces and faces, he looked at enough, do not want to Murong Shanshan along with their own uncomfortable.

As soon as Murong Feng arrived at Murong group, Si Bai came over and said to him, "fengshao, the directors have also come."

"Yes." It's no surprise that Murong Feng responded.

If Murong Lian and Murong yu want to recapture Murong group, it's useless to rely on the will of the old man alone.

The old man is lying in the ward now, the doctor said, and he has no skill.

Murong Lian, they really don't want to wait more for a day. They can't wait to do it first.

"Fengshao, what do we need to prepare?" Asked spee.

Murong Feng looks at Si Bai, who has been with him for many years and is his powerful arm.

If he leaves Murong group, Sibai will be excluded from Murong group.

"I'm sorry, Siby." Murong Feng reached out and patted Si Bai's shoulder. In a low voice, he said, "I'm tired."

Si Bai was stunned and immediately understood his meaning from Murong Feng's words.

Murong Feng doesn't want to fight anymore.

"I follow fengshao." Sibai replied.

Murong Feng shook his head. "Si Bai, if you want to stay in Murong group, I will let Shanshan take care of you."

"Well?" Si Bai looks at Murong Feng doubtfully.

"Well." Murong Feng didn't say much. He turned around and walked into Murong group.

When he took over Murong group, Murong group developed well in the hands of the old man. In the early days, the old man didn't plan to give Murong group to Murong Lian. It may be that Murong Lian fell back with Yao Zhen, or Murong Lian didn't want Murong Feng's mother and son. The old man saw through this kind of person and didn't want to give his hard work to a person without conscience. So in the early days,

the old man trained Murong Feng and Murong Shanshan.

The two of them are also very competitive. After entering Murong group, they are not in harmony with each other, but they are very united in dealing with the affairs of Murong group.

Murong Feng went to the door of the meeting room and heard the noise.

Those directors know that Murong Lian is not a father-child relationship with himself, that Murong group is about to be shuffled, and one by one, they stand in line again.

Of course, these are small shareholders. The big directors know that Murong Feng and Murong Shanshan are not easy to be shaken unless they give up.

Si Bai goes in and helps Murong Feng open the door first.

When the people in the meeting room saw Sibai, they immediately closed their mouths and didn't speak again.

"Fengshao." Murong Feng went in and the directors stood up one by one to greet him.

Murong Feng went to the main position with a calm face. Before he reached it, Murong Lian said in a voice, "this position, you are not qualified to do it!"

When Murong Feng smiled, everyone thought that they would have a theory with Murong Feng, or asked the security guard to drive Murong Lian out again, but he didn't.

"We have something to say." He sat down beside the throne, which was usually done by Murong Shanshan.

"Hum." Murong Lian snorted, "Murong Feng, you are not the Murong family at all."

"Yes!" Murong Feng didn't even think about it. He replied.

Murong Lian was stunned by this answer.

In fact, his and Murong Feng's DNA was forged by someone. In order to let Murong Yu sit in the position of Murong group leader, he decided to sacrifice Murong Feng.

This is not wrong for Murong Lian.

However, hearing Murong Feng's admission, Murong Lian couldn't help thinking, is Murong Feng really not born of his own son, longhanxiang and others!

Murong Lian felt more at ease.

Hearing Murong Feng's answer, others were also stunned.

This matter is still true. At least Murong Feng wants to refute it. What's the matter?

"And then that?" Murong Feng sat there lazily and asked, his mind is not in the meeting, but thinking of Murong Shanshan.Don't know if Murong Shanshan is up? Don't know if she's still sad about the old man? When he will finish, he will take Shanshan to the hospital to accompany the old man.


Murong Feng's words blocked Murong Lian for a moment, and he didn't know how to take them. When he came, he thought of a good statement and good evidence, which would seem to be useless.

"Murong Feng, since you are not the Murong family, then give the power of Murong group to you."

Murong Yu followed.

"Well, you mean that I will transfer the shares of Murong group to you?"

Murong Feng asked.

Can he say that Murong Lian's father and son are fantastical?

"What is the qualification of people who are not Murong family to sit in this position?" Murong Yu said with a sneer, "but if you don't like Murong group, I can give you a position."

Murong Yu's tone is like that he has controlled Murong group.

He wants to demote Murong Feng to his previous position and humiliate him.


Murong Feng said, he said, and stood up.

Everyone was stupid and thought they had heard the wrong thing.

What did Murong Feng say?


He means to transfer the shares to Murong Yu, or go to the post Murong Yu said.

"Murong Feng, where are you going?" Seeing Murong Feng go out, Murong Lian shouted.

"Not to give Murong group to you? Given it to you, there is nothing for me here. "

"Sorry, everyone, my wife is waiting for me to pick her up." Murong Feng smiled and went out without taking care of the people in the meeting room.

"What does that mean?" The directors didn't understand what was going on and discussed with each other.

Murong Lian looks at Murong Yu, "Murong Feng means to give Murong group to us?"

"He knows the current affairs!"

Murong Yu is not as happy as Murong Lian. Murong Feng let go so easily. Instead, he is upset.

"Yuer, now I will give Murong group to you!" Murong Lian said happily to Murong Yu.

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