There are Murong Lian and Murong Yu family left here. Yao Luoluo feels his swollen face and wants to cry loudly, but he doesn't.

It's no use crying so badly.

"Dad, that's how you look at them bullying my mother!" Murong Yu said discontentedly.

He had been dissatisfied with Murong Lian for a long time. If it were not for Murong Lian, he would not have suffered so many years with Yao Jianluo.

At the beginning, Murong lianchongguan left Murong's house in anger. In Murong Yu's opinion, this was the most stupid way.

Murong Lian should continue to stay at Murong's house, waiting for him to seize the power of Murong's house, and then quarrel with Longhan Xiang, not to say that he wants nothing, in the eyes of outsiders, he is a bastard who can't be on the table.

"Me!" Murong Lian didn't know how to answer. He could only say, "I won't let her go."

Murong Lian has said this sentence many times, but he really has no way.

He wants to divorce Longhan Xiang. The old man doesn't agree. If he insists on doing so, he will break off the relationship with Murong family.

Yao minglou and Murong Yu will pay such a heavy price when they see him divorced, and they don't want him to leave.

He wanted to help Yao Xuan get angry, but longhanxiang was protected by the old man and the dragon family. He beat longhanxiang before and was caught by the dragon family and beaten violently.

The old man didn't help him.

So, he said that he wanted to protect Yao Jianluo, but not once.

When Murong Yu saw Murong Lian saying this, he looked at him with a little more contempt. To get Murong group, he had to rely on himself.

"All right."

"It's all my fault," she said in a soft voice "Brother Lian, let's sit here a little longer and leave early."

Yao minglou wanted to leave at once, but she knew the plan behind Murong Yu, so she couldn't just leave.


Murong Lian feels sorry to see Yao jiangluo, and even more distressed to see the redness and swelling on her face.

"Loer, I'll be with you."

Murong Yu looks at them sitting down and doesn't speak. He raises his wrist and looks at his mobile phone. It's strange that Tang Si hasn't called yet?

Just thinking about it, Murong Yu's mobile phone pops up a text message from Tang Si.


Murong Yu raised his lips and smiled coldly. Later, he caught Murong Feng and Tang Si in bed. This celebration is a joke.

Murong Yu looks around. He has to take a man to catch the traitor.

But this person needs to have a lot of weight at the party. Long Tingchen can't. He is Murong Feng's cousin.

When long Tingchen saw Murong Feng sleeping with Tang Si, he must have fainted first, and then concealed the matter.

Who do you need?

Murong Yu's eyes fell on Xiao Chen in the middle of the party.

The young master of the Xiao family and the son-in-law of his family, this man has a lot of weight to talk about, and he was imprisoned in the North City before. Although Murong Shanshan has put things in order, as long as he instigates some trouble, Xiao Chen will still break up with Murong Feng.

By this time, Xiao Chen can see what kind of person Murong Feng is!

Murong Yu's plan was calculated in her mind, and the more she thought about it, the more satisfied she was.

In the past, he wanted to talk to Xiao Chen about an important matter and asked him out.

In Murong Yu received a text message from Tang Si, and Murong Shanshan also received one.

She saw Murong Yu go to look for Xiao Chen and take him away from the party. She smiled and drank the champagne upside down.

"Go, tell Murong Yu that the old man wants to see him." Murong Shanshan said to the attendant.

Most of the attendants in the banquet were brought by the Murong family. If they were not servants, they would not serve the old man.

"Yes, young lady."

Murong Yu takes Xiao Chen to the next lounge. When he goes there, the waiter stops him and says the old man has something to do with him.

This joint, of course, is more important for Murong Feng.

However, it's hard for the old man to find him. He must have something very important to do.

Murong Yu hesitated for a while, but felt that he would go to the rest room to catch Murong Feng's traitor first.

He told the waiter that he would go to see the old man and wait for Murong Feng's scandal to come to light. The old man would surely attach importance to him.

When I came to the lounge, the door was ajar, and there was a rustle of noise.

Hearing these sounds, Murong Yu raised her mouth and smiled smugly.

Instead of going in at once, he turned to Xiao Chen and said, "Xiao Shao, let's talk here."

Xiao Chen follows Murong Yu in, the door of the rest room pushes open, and they see the men and women inside are hugging each other and falling on the sofa.

When Murong Yu saw the scene, she didn't see each other's face clearly. She was annoyed and said directly, "Murong Feng, what are you doing?"

"You bastard, you are cheating on me and Sisi!"

Said, Murong Yu in the past directly pull Murong Feng, a punch in the past.All his thoughts and attention were focused on Murong Feng, not to see the women under Murong Feng.

Murong Feng is pulled out by him. When Xiao Chen at the door sees the woman sitting on the sofa, he immediately understands what's going on! When Murong Yu looks for him, he feels confused.

When I came here, I saw Murong Feng again. It was clear that Murong Yu brought him to catch the traitor.

However, Murong Yu himself fell into the Bureau set by Murong Feng.

Murong Yu angrily punched in the past. How could Murong Feng let him fight? He dodged quickly and gave Murong Yu a fist.

Murong Yu was beaten. Although his face was very painful, now the more he was beaten, the better.

So, after Murong Feng's punches, he didn't try his best to resist.

Finally, Murong Yu was beaten to the ground directly by Murong Feng.

"Yuer." Yao jiangluo's voice followed. She cried loudly, which attracted the attention of several guests at the banquet gate. Gradually, the guests in the banquet hall also knew about the fight between Murong Feng and Murong Yu.

In today's celebration, Murong Shanshan invited many journalists, many of whom received Murong Yu's money, and they rushed to hear the news.

Murong Yu saw that all the people who were supposed to come came and got up from the ground.

"Yuer, how can you be beaten like this?" Yao jiangluo began to cry, "my poor son."

Murong Lian looks at Murong Yu who is beaten by Murong Feng. He is very angry.

Just now, longhanxiang hit his beloved woman. Now longhanxiang's son hit his precious son again.

Now all the anger falls on Murong Feng.

"Murong Feng, what are you doing!"

"How dare you fight your brother!"

Murong Lian roared angrily. He raised his hand and hit Murong Feng. How could Murong Feng let him fight? Murong Lian's hand didn't arrive, so he kicked it.

"Go away!"

"Murong Feng, against you." Murong Lian takes two steps back, and his face is even bigger at this time.

Today, he lost face in front of longhanxiang and murongfeng. Murong Feng is still his son. Yes, at this time, he remembered that Murong Feng was his own son.

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