Chapter 611 Armor

After the fleet temporarily stationed on the island, Wang Hong retreated on the island to study the gains.

First of all, there are seven crystals. This does not require too much research, and the specific method of use will be understood soon.

Just hold it in your hand and absorb its energy.

This energy does not help in the improvement of mana cultivation, but it has a miraculous effect on the physical body, that is, in body training.

The desolate beasts in the Sea of ??Absolute Spirits are all very powerful physically, not even the super monster race.

It is estimated that this is why they absorb this energy for many years.

So he would hold the spar in his hand to practice for a period of time every day, and with the help of this power, his physical strength was growing rapidly.

At the same time, Wang Hong took out some of the spars harvested on the central island this time and distributed them to the warriors in the fleet. This kind of energy will help the warriors the most.

As for the immortal cultivators, as long as their physical bodies have not reached Wang Hong's level, they only need to have Jingyuan Pill.

So, in the following time, the fleet divided into two groups and went out to hunt wild beasts in turn. In the hands of some wild beasts, some spars were still grabbed, and the rest were trained on the island.

Wang Hong also picked up a cyan scale from the ashes of the fifth-order desolate beast this time.

This cyan scale can be preserved in the Golden Crow Fire, which shows its uniqueness.

After repeated research and experimentation, he discovered that this scale is of the wind attribute, which can greatly increase the speed.

Thinking of the unfathomable speed of that lizard at that time, Wang Hong couldn't help but be full of anticipation.

If you want to use this scale, you must refine it into a magic weapon.

The magic weapon that can increase speed is best refined into boots, but there is a big problem here.

This scale cannot be damaged even by the Golden Crow Fire. With his current level, he certainly cannot melt it into a pair of boots.

When refining the weapon, it must only be inlaid on a magic weapon, and then connected together through a formation.

The problem is that he only has one scale, which can only be inlaid on one boot. If the speed is activated, he can only jump and run with one leg.

Not to mention whether this can increase the speed, this is like a disability, and it will definitely affect the display of combat effectiveness.

After thinking about it, he decided to refine a set of armor for himself, and inlaid this scale into the back waist of the armor.

The meridians on both legs need to pass through the back waist. In this way, after the scales on the back waist are activated, the energy will be evenly sent to the legs through the meridians.

As for the refining of the armor, after thinking about it, he felt that since refining a piece of armor, it can't just be inlaid with a scale.

A piece of armor should at least have some defensive capabilities.

He now has a lot of fourth-order monster skins and crustacean materials in his hands, but he no longer looks down on these ordinary fourth-order materials.

Ordinary fourth-tier materials are refined into armor, which is not as strong and resistant as his own physical body, so it doesn't make sense to wear it on his body.

He also has a good thing in his hands now, which is the branch he cut off from the jasper tree last time.

However, the defense of this branch comes from the avenue rune above, and this rune is an item that cannot be revealed.

After thinking for a few days, he finally thought of a way.

The first time they passed through the Sea of ??Absolute Spirits, they killed three desolate beasts, whose skins could insulate their consciousness.

He still doesn't know the upper limit of this kind of animal skin's barrier to spiritual consciousness. Anyway, his current spiritual consciousness can't penetrate this layer of barrier.

Wang Hong's spiritual consciousness is relatively strong, and through the practice of refining mystic techniques, in the middle stage of Nascent Soul, it is stronger than ordinary late Nascent Soul.

Now that he has reached the late stage of Nascent Soul, his spiritual consciousness has increased significantly. As for whether he has reached the level of the stage of transforming gods, he does not know.

There is too little information in this area, he can't refer to it for comparison, and he has never seen Huashen or fifth-level monsters.

I have seen three fifth-order desolate beasts, but their fighting methods are mainly hand-to-hand combat, and none of them have brought out their spiritual sense.

He decided to melt the two materials together.

The branches of the jasper tree are added to the inner layer of the armor, and a piece of wild animal skin is used on the outer layer to cover up the avenue rune inside.

After finalizing the plan, he began to refine it.

These jasper tree branches were not easy to refine, and it took him three months to refine them into many thin wooden boards.

Then refining these thin plates and animal skins into armor took another two months.

After nearly half a year, he finally refined this set of armor.

This set of armor is all black, and it protects the head, body and limbs. There is also a visor on the face, which can even cover the face if necessary.

With the powerful defensive ability of the avenue rune, even the attacks of the cultivator of the transformation of spirits, he can resist several times.

After wearing this set of armor, there is an additional effect, which is to isolate the detection of the spiritual sense.

Wang Hong looked at the armor on his body with satisfaction, and with a movement of his mind, a force was generated from his waist, which was transmitted to his legs, and he suddenly felt that his body was as light as a feather, as if he had merged with the wind.

At this time, he exerted a little force on his toes, and it was like a gust of wind blowing by his side, lifting his body and sending it forward.

In just an instant, he had already appeared three hundred feet away.

This ability to move the body as fast as the wind is not teleportation, but it is only slightly slower than teleportation.

But it also has an advantage over teleportation. Teleportation can only be performed one at a time, with a pause in the middle. As long as this skill is maintained with mana, it can be maintained forever.

Used for fighting and traveling, they are all supreme weapons.

In the past six months, apart from refining this armor, he has never lagged behind in training.

He has already used up two of the seven spars he obtained earlier.

Whether his physical strength has reached the level of transforming gods, he himself does not know. This kind of thing needs to be compared before he can know.

On this day, a huge fleet sailed into the Jue Ling Sea and found the island where Wang Hong and the others were temporarily stationed.

This fleet is composed of three types: large ships, large airships, and transport airships.

Great ships have the strongest combat effectiveness. They have concentrated energy cannons on them, which are equivalent to the power of Nascent Soul, and have the strongest defense capabilities. Each ship can carry about 2,000 people. It also has a warehouse that can carry a large amount of goods.

The disadvantage of this kind of sea-going ship is that the cost is too high, and the speed is relatively slow and cumbersome.

Due to the high cost, the Great Chu Immortal Kingdom only has 20 such large ships in total. This time, seven ships were sent, plus the three ships that came out before, a total of ten ships.

Large airships have only moderate combat effectiveness and can only carry about 300 people. The advantages are flexibility and fast speed, which effectively make up for the shortcomings of large ships.

There are a total of 100 large airships in this fleet.

Transportation flying boat, this is a flying boat developed by Chen Xiaofeng. It is low in cost and has a strong transportation capacity. One flying boat can carry 500 people.

At the same time, its shortcomings are also obvious. It has no combat effectiveness, and its body is extremely fragile, and it will shatter when hit.

A total of 2,000 transport airships were dispatched this time as the main force of this transport.

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