Immortal Space

Chapter 552: clean up the country

Chapter 552 Cleaning up the country

It is not easy to move all the population scattered throughout the Great Chu Immortal Kingdom to the Royal City.

During this process, we have to face all kinds of difficulties. We are reluctant to save our hard-earned property, which is only one aspect and needs to be mobilized.

There are still so many people, they are all mere mortals, they can't fly with imperial weapons, and they can't withstand all kinds of troubles.

This requires a large number of airships to transport. Now that all the airships of the Great Chu Immortal Kingdom are mobilized, they can only transport more than 100,000 points at the same time.

This is just a simple population. In addition, the county government and the spiritual land have been operating for several years, and they have accumulated some wealth.

These belongings include spiritual stones, spiritual mines, and various spiritual materials, which are definitely different from the cattle in ordinary people's homes, and it is impossible to throw them away.

Someone once suggested to Wang Hong that he should just leave those mortals behind. At present, these mortals are of no use but a drag.

But Wang Hong refused. He said at the time that everyone is a citizen of the Great Chu Immortal Kingdom. As a king, he cannot leave anyone behind.

Wang Hongyi's stern speech made the persuading people feel ashamed.

In fact, except for high-level immortal cultivators, the basic combat power of the Great Chu Immortal Kingdom all comes from warriors among mortals.

The demon subduing army is all warriors, and the tens of thousands of newly recruited troops are also warriors.

Most of these warriors did not jump out of rocks. They also have relatives and friends, and at least one or two familiar neighbors.

Abandoning their relatives and friends now, and then letting them fight, it is no wonder that the morale of the army can be stable.

Moreover, for these ordinary mortals, Wang Hong has other considerations.

The transportation airship continuously transports the population to Wangcheng, and there are people here who are in charge of receiving, arranging accommodation, and doing a good job of registration.

While transporting people to Wangcheng, there are 20 transportation airships, which are dedicated to pulling people out of the city every day.

These flying boats are full of heavily armed soldiers.

They are all soldiers recruited in recent years. Although they have practiced for several years, they have never experienced a real war.

Pulling them out this time is to let them adapt to the battle in advance, see blood, and increase combat experience.

Their battle targets are the monsters that were scattered all over the Great Chu Immortal Kingdom.

There are no high-level monsters among these monsters, and the highest is only second-level, but the total number exceeds the total population of the Great Chu Immortal Kingdom.

They are scattered everywhere, and in normal times, there is naturally no harm.

But now it is different from the past. If the monster clan invades aggressively, these free-range monsters will naturally be controlled by it, and instead become the help of the monster clan.

Now it is necessary to clean up all the monsters in the territory of the Great Chu Immortal Kingdom before the monster clan invades, leaving no one behind.

Anyway, if they can win this battle, they will naturally get more low-level monsters. On the contrary, if they lose the battle, everything here has nothing to do with them.

On a flying boat, Yang Tiezhu sat cross-legged in the boat, and beside him was a young man, Gu Wei.

Since witnessing his father Gu Qingyang's death in battle and his mother's disappearance, Gu Wei has suffered a great blow to his originally innocent heart.

It took several years for him to slowly recover, but his temperament was not as cheerful and innocent as before, and he became dull and melancholy.

All these years, he has been concentrating on training without seeing outsiders. When he reached the foundation establishment Dzogchen, Wang Hong gave him a golden elixir.

He was lucky, and with this golden elixir, he was finally promoted to a golden elixir monk.

Then he voluntarily joined the army. He led 10,000 recruits, and today it was the turn of the 10,000-strong team he led to fight.

As for Yang Tiezhu, he joined the war as a friend, and he came to support Gu Wei.

"Xiao Weizi, don't be nervous. There isn't even a third-tier monster among these monster clans. You have 10,000 soldiers under your command. As long as you line up, you can charge them away.

When the time comes, you just need to talk to me next to me. "

"I'm not nervous, but you insisted on saying that it was my first time, and insisted on pointing me out." Gu Wei denied that he would be nervous.

"Okay! You are getting more courageous, let's practice later?" Yang Tiezhu's cute baby face showed a sinister smile.

Frightened, Gu Wei quickly retracted his words, expressing that he was very nervous.

He didn't understand when he got into trouble with this baby-faced humanoid monster, anyway, the two of them often got together before they knew it.

What's even more tragic is that Gu Wei still can't beat her. The once passionate young man, after experiencing failures again and again, finally recognizes the reality and can no longer give birth to a heart of resistance.

It took a day for the 20 airships to send them to their destination. After throwing them down, the airships turned around and left. There are still several teams of ten thousand people in the royal city that have not yet been transported.

Gu Wei took out a jade slip and checked it, confirming that the message was correct.

"Everyone! Array!"

Soon, 10,000 people had already lined up and stood quietly on the edge of a grassland.

According to intelligence, there is a group of monsters gathered here, with a total number of about 15,000. Their first battle is to eliminate this group of monsters.

Gu Wei summoned ten captains to arrange the attack.

"The first, second, and third brigades attack from the east, the fourth, fifth, and sixth brigades attack from the south, and the seventh, eighth, and ninth brigades attack from the west.

The rest of the 10th Battalion, you lead people to ambush fifty miles away from the gap in the north.

Did everyone understand? "

After Gu Wei finished the arrangement, he asked again loudly.


After the ten commanders responded in unison, they all turned around and carried out the plan just now.

When Gu Wei made the battle plan and assigned the battle mission, Yang Tiezhu was by his side, looking at Gu Wei with a smile, his eyes bent into crescents.

When Gu Wei was doing business, she never disturbed her. If people who didn't know the truth saw her, they would think she was a gentle woman.

After Gu Wei assigned the task, he flew into the air with Yang Tiezhu and looked down.

The ten brigades soon arrived at their designated positions, and the low-level monsters in the grassland were unaware of the fact that they had been surrounded, and were still entertaining themselves.

As Gu Wei cast a huge fireball technique in the air, as the fireball fell from the sky and blasted towards the group of monsters below, the teams in three directions rushed inward quickly at the same time.

Each brigade of 1,000 people was able to keep the formation in order while charging forward quickly, with the weapons in their hands straight, like a wall, pressing towards the monster beast.

All of them are wearing armor refined from monster skins, and some key parts are inlaid with hard carapaces.

This set of armor allows them to calmly deal with monster attacks.

Countless panicked monsters slammed into the wall of soldiers in a panic, and only death greeted them.

Only a few lucky ones found the gap in the north, escaped from the north, and fled straight to the north.

Unfortunately, the Tenth Battalion, fifty miles away, had already been waiting for a long time.

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