Immortal Space

Chapter 546: Tier 4 Alchemist

Chapter 546 Fourth Tier Alchemist

The old man has a good impression of Wang Hong, and I want to mention a few more words about him.

"Wangcheng is recruiting new recruits. You can try it. The salary is still very good. The most important thing is that there are opportunities for meritorious service. The future is bright."

"Well, I will go to the new barracks to see." Wang Hong really planned to go to the barracks to see his soldiers after returning.

"My son used to be in the Demon Subduing Army, but now he is a centurion, commanding a hundred recruits.

If you decide to join the recruits, you can also go to my son's subordinates, and I will ask him to take care of you! "

"Ah! So your son belongs to the Demon Subduing Army!"

Wang Hong was really surprised, he didn't expect that the family members of Fu Yaojun were accompanying him.

"That's right! My son joined the team when he was in his teens, and it was later adapted into the Subduing Demon Army.

In these years, I have fought countless battles with the monarch, and I have made a lot of contributions, large and small. "

When the old man talked about his son, he was full of pride and eloquent, shaking off all his son's achievements over the years.

Wang Hong has been listening patiently. He knows that it is the greatest honor for parents that their children can be promising. If they can't show off in front of others, they will feel uncomfortable.

It took three days for the flying boat to fly to Wangcheng without any haste.

When getting off the flying boat, the old man gave Wang Hong an address, so that Wang Hong could go to him if he was in trouble.

After Wang Hong returned to Wangcheng, he found that only two years had passed, and Wangcheng seemed to be much more prosperous. The population should have increased a lot.

After he entered the city, he didn't hide his body anymore, and was soon discovered by eyeliners lurking in various parts of the king's city, and reported to the superior officials one after another.

When he reached the gate of the palace, a large group of officials from the royal city greeted him and saluted together.

"Welcome Your Majesty!"

"Free gift!"

After Wang Hong returned the salute, he took the lead to walk inside the palace, followed by his officials and entered the palace together.

Not far from the palace gate, the old man who was left with Wang Hong happened to see this scene, and he almost bit off his tongue in fright.

It turned out that the young man whom he taught and raised along the way turned out to be the king of the Great Chu Immortal Kingdom, which made him restless for a long time.

I really ate the bear heart and leopard courage, and even taught the king of the Great Chu Immortal Kingdom how to be a man, and taught him for three days in a row.

At this moment, Wang Hong didn't care about these trivial matters at all. He had already arrived in the main hall, discussing matters with his subordinates.

"I wish Your Majesty a safe return!"

There were too many people at the door just now, and now everyone congratulated Wang Hong together.

"I have gained a lot this time, and I have worked hard for you in the past two years."

"Xu Lun, I found that the population of each city has increased a lot. Where did these populations come from?"

In two years, even if the Great Chu Immortal Kingdom was at full strength to give birth, it would not be so fast.

"Reporting to Your Majesty, in the past two years, we have sent people to sneak into the territory of the surrounding monster races, and quietly brought some hidden human races over.

So, the current population is still increasing.

In the past two years, the population of Great Chu Immortal Kingdom has increased by 50%. "

"Good! Good job! This matter can continue."

The most important problem affecting the development of the Great Chu Immortal Kingdom is the population. The army is not populated enough, and the cities and spiritual lands are also understaffed.

"Luo Zhongjie, since the population has increased, how is the recruiting going?"

Since the population is growing, more soldiers can be recruited.

"Reporting to the boss, a total of 50,000 recruits are now recruited."

Next, Wang Hong discussed with everyone for a long time. During the time Wang Hong left, everything in the country was operating normally.

In addition to the increase in population, all aspects have developed.

Due to the large supply of resources, everyone's strength is growing rapidly, and the resources obtained in the war can maintain such rapid growth for about ten years.

Of course, Wang Hong brought back all the resources of the Winged Tiger Clan this time, so that this consumption can be prolonged.

After Wang Hong dismissed the meeting, he returned to the cave alone. Most of the materials recovered this time were put in the warehouse by him, leaving only a few rare spiritual objects with him.

In the space, he has already planted the elixir for refining the Yingying Pill. Among them, there are a few mature spiritual herbs, which together can make a batch of medicinal materials for the Yingying Pill.

However, Wang Hong has not planned to refine it for the time being. He has not been promoted to Nascent Soul for a long time, and he has not refined the fourth-level elixir yet.

Yingying Pill already belongs to the fourth-level elixir, and he only has one ingredient in total, so he doesn't want to refine it to waste it.

He needs to practice the refining of Tier 4 elixirs in advance, anyway, he will need the assistance of Tier 4 elixirs in the future.

However, he had no chance to get the fourth-order elixirs before, and he couldn't get together the formula of a batch of elixirs.

He also has ready-made fourth-order elixir. There are many elixir that have grown for thousands of years in the space, and their medicinal properties have reached the fourth-order level.

These elixirs were originally low-level elixirs, because they grew and mutated in space for a long time.

Naturally, it is impossible for him to have the pills of these mutated elixir, he can only develop new pills by himself.

Picked some elixirs with grades up to the fourth level from the space, and returned to the cave to start studying the alchemy.

After repeated trials and failures, three months later.

In the alchemy room, Wang Hong played a set of formulas for congealing and collecting alchemy against the alchemy furnace.

The elixir fragrance that had been radiating from the elixir furnace before, after absorbing these formulas, no more fragrance overflowed, achieving the effect of introverted aura.

At this time, he quickly put away the spiritual fire under the pill furnace, opened the furnace lid, and there were three golden pills the size of a thumb lying inside.

Wang Hong picked up the pill, and there was still a lot of gray-black residue left in the pill furnace.

These gray and black ones are all waste refining materials. This kind of alchemy residue is messy and cannot be taken. Since it contains a lot of spiritual energy, it can be sprinkled into the spiritual field as fertilizer.

After continuous experimentation and consumption of a large number of high-level elixir, a stable pill was finally designed. Wang Hong also tried the refined pill, and the effect made Wang Hong very satisfied, which was of great help to the cultivation of Nascent Soul monks .

General Nascent Soul cultivators hardly have the opportunity to take elixir. They often get a elixir by luck and take it directly.

Because the fourth-level elixir is rare, one often has to go through untold hardships and fight wits with monks of the same level to get one or two elixir.

It is difficult to make up a batch of pills from these two elixir plants. Even if I want to save them, I don't know that it will take years of monkeys to make them together.

Moreover, even if you have all the ingredients together, it is still difficult to refine, because the fourth-level alchemist is even rarer than the fourth-level elixir.

Due to lack of refining experience, the very few alchemists who break through to the fourth level by chance have an extremely low alchemy rate.

It is already a high level for someone like Wang Hong to be able to produce three pills in one furnace.

As far as Wang Hong knows, there was only one fourth-level alchemist in the former Dongzhou Immortal Cultivation World, and this fourth-level alchemist belonged to Qing Xuzong.

Now that he has become a Tier 4 alchemist, he can finally make the Yingying Pill.

Sorry, I fell asleep while writing, and I have only finished coding the second chapter.

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