Chapter 484 Exposure

Fusang wood can release the Golden Crow Fire, which, as a blazing flame, can burn everything in the world.

What he has to do now is to refine these hibiscus wood into a one-time magic weapon, and bring out the power of the Golden Crow Fire to the extreme at one time.

However, he does not have a ready-made refining method for this, and he needs to conduct countless experiments and try again and again.

After a month of retreat, he already had a rough design idea.

Only then did I leave the customs. I went to the warehouse to find some auxiliary materials for refining, and then started a long time of retreat.

While he was retreating, everyone in Yunxia Mountain was busy step by step.

Luo Zhongjie arranged for these mortals trained by himself to station in the original territory of the demon cow and wolf, and this time he also allowed them to bring their families to live there.

After they moved in, Luo Zhongjie conveyed the owner's announcement to them.

The owner asked them to lead their families to garrison here, and at the same time, suitable wasteland was reclaimed into spiritual fields.

For the reclaimed spiritual fields, their family members can share one mu of first-order spiritual fields, and all the spiritual things planted belong to them.

This move greatly inspired these mortals. They were just ordinary mortals before, and it was fine if they had never seen the spirits of the fairy family. Now they often contact the immortals, and they naturally understand the benefits of the spiritual field and various spirits.

Owning a spiritual field and planting some spiritual things of their own is something they never even dared to dream of before.

These mortals planted the most Tier 1 spiritual grains, followed by various Tier 1 elixir, especially the auxiliary elixir for refining Jingyuan Pill, which was welcomed by everyone.

These spirits can only be harvested in a few years, and they are the most helpful to them at this stage.

At the time when Wang Hong's subordinates were enthusiastically cultivating the spiritual field and planting spiritual things.

In the Qingxu Mountains, the former land of the Qingxu Sect, on Tianquan Peak, in a majestic and majestic hall.

At this moment, there are more than a dozen huge green foxes with amazing breath sitting around it.

They are all third-tier monsters, the elders of the Qinghu clan.

The Qinghu family has two fourth-level ancestors and dozens of third-level blue foxes.

Participating in the war against the human race this time, as the victorious party, they occupied the former Qingxu sect site.

Therefore, the current Qinghu family is divided into two, half of the strength is still in the Xizhou Demon Realm, and the other half is in the Qingxu Mountains.

At this time, a green fox above said: "Everyone, do you still remember that group of human treasure-hunting monks who suddenly appeared a while ago?"

"Oh? Could it be that there is something missing, where?" a green fox asked.

The attention of several other green foxes also attracted them, and they all pricked up their ears, looking up at this green fox.

The green fox at the top saw everyone looking at him, so he said slowly:

"Within our sphere of influence, there is a clan of demon wolves. The strength is not too strong, but it is definitely not weak either. Not long ago, this clan of demon wolves was wiped out."

"I know this monster wolf, but its strength is really good, especially the leader of the wolf tribe, and I am not its opponent!" One of the green foxes has fought with this monster wolf before, so it knows something about it.

"However, this team of monster wolves and a team of monster cows were all wiped out, and it was the Yunxia Mountain forces who shot.

The most important thing is that all the forces dispatched by Yunxia Mountain in this battle are all human races, and there is not a single monster race among them.

This aroused my suspicion, so I sent some human slaves to investigate. Although there is no conclusive evidence, it is almost the same. "

"Then what is the strength of this force? Among the previous treasure hunters, there were dozens of Golden Core monks."

"The spies I sent can only inquire on the outside, but they cannot penetrate the inside. The exact number is unknown.

However, when this force was fighting the monster wolf, there were as many as dozens of Golden Core cultivators. "

Hearing these news, all the green foxes gasped. Such a huge human force was hidden in their territory, but they didn't know anything about it.

If this force is allowed to continue to grow, and when it becomes stronger in the future, it will be the Green Fox Clan who will bear the brunt of it.

Now in their territory, there is such a force hidden, no matter whether they are the previous team of treasure hunters, they must be eradicated as soon as possible.

"It must be eradicated as soon as possible, but our strength alone is not enough right now. Even if we barely win the opponent in the end, I am afraid that our own losses will not be small?" A green fox spoke.

"I invited everyone here this time to discuss this matter with you.

Currently, we have three options. One is to gather all our strengths to level Yunxia Mountain.

There are still many monster clans of small and medium forces within our sphere of influence, all gathered together, it is not difficult to defeat the opponent, but the loss will certainly not be small.

The second is to invite the ancestor to leave the customs. With the strength of the ancestor, it is no problem to crush Yunxia Mountain.

It's just that the ancestor's injury has not healed yet, and I'm afraid it will affect the injury and affect his recovery.

Besides, this battle between the same ranks shouldn't let the ancestor end, otherwise, what's the use of me waiting?

The third is to invite other forces to work together to encircle and suppress this human force.

It's just that this will involve too much, and it will take a long time to coordinate and discuss, and it will take a long time, and it will be easy to leak the news, so that the human race can take precautions.

What do you brothers think? "

The green fox at the top listed the methods that can be used, as well as their pros and cons, for everyone to refer to and choose.

Although it is for everyone to refer to and choose, in fact, it has been waiting for everyone to choose the third option.

Because the first two seem to be feasible, in fact, no one will choose them, because these two hurt the interests of the Qinghu family, and the Qinghu family will never be so great.

As for the last one, although there are shortcomings, so what if the other party is prepared?

At that time, a large number of monsters will be assembled, even if they cannot be killed, at least they can be driven out of the sphere of influence of the green fox clan.

As long as it is not within the territory of their green fox clan. It's not bad to leave it to other monsters to worry about.

After some discussions, all the green foxes really chose the third option, inviting other forces to encircle and suppress the human race together.

After the meeting was adjourned, they sent countless messengers to contact the monster clans of all parties, inviting them to the Qingxu Mountains to discuss the encirclement and suppression plan.

Since only the senior officials of the Qinghu clan knew about this meeting, the secrecy work was done relatively well, and none of the spies sent by Liu Changsheng knew anything about it.

At this time, everyone in Yunxia Mountain is still happy for the newly reclaimed spiritual field.

Of course, even if they don’t know the news, they have been working hard to improve their strength.

They live surrounded by thousands of monsters, and they don't feel any sense of security at all times. Only by working hard to improve their own strength can they ease the fear in their hearts.

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