Chapter 464

Chen Xiaofeng thought of these questions, but finally couldn't hold back, and asked Wang Hong:

"Master, I have a little doubt, although cultivating mortals will bring back some advantages in numbers.

But the cultivation cost of mortals should be extremely high, right? In this way, if the quantity is too large, I am afraid that the resources will not be able to afford it? "

"It's nice of you to think of that!"

Wang Hong didn't mean to blame him for his question. As the lowest-level fighter, he doesn't need to think, he just needs to follow the order.

But if you are a general, don't know how to think, and don't know how to adapt to changes, this is obviously not enough.

So, when he discussed matters with his subordinates, he didn't speak with one voice, but anyone could put forward their opinions and then discuss them, but the final decision rested with Wang Hong.

What Chen Xiaofeng said is indeed true. If all the spiritual grass resources are consumed, even if he has the space, he will not be able to supply so much.

"You try this elixir."

Wang Hong casually threw Chen Xiaofeng a bottle of elixir, which contained some simplified versions of Jingyuan elixir.

Chen Xiaofeng poured out a pill, looked at it with divine sense, brought it to his nose and smelled it, and then swallowed it in one gulp.

He didn't suspect that Wang Hong would poison him, but as an alchemist, he always had the habit of appraising new pills when he saw them.

After refining this elixir, he experienced it carefully and felt its efficacy.

"How do you feel?" Wang Hong asked with a smile.

"It has the effect of body training and can enhance physical strength, but the effect can only be considered average. Could it be that those mortals have taken this kind of elixir?" Chen Xiaofeng said truthfully.


"It's just that this elixir should consume a lot, right?"

"What if this pill can be mass-produced?"

Wang Hong said that he is not afraid of him leaking the secret now, he still has the slave seal in his hand, and, regarding the matter of Jingyuan Pill, he had already contributed it before the Qingxu Sect was destroyed.

Chen Xiaofeng's pupils shrank, he didn't expect that he had already mastered the secret of mass production of this elixir.

The latter part must be a matter of confidentiality. For a newcomer like him, it is not suitable for further inquiry.

Wang Hong didn't take it seriously, and continued: "The resources in the world of cultivating immortals cannot be supplied, but isn't there still a monster race? The monster race is the resource for our future development."

Hearing these words, both Yun Qingya and Chen Xiaofeng were greatly shocked.

They don't know how to operate it, but if they turn the monster race into a resource for their own development, there are only two endings.

One is that it has not yet developed itself, but was killed by the demon clan in its infancy.

The other is that when you strengthen yourself, you will continue to weaken the monster race, and your ultimate achievements will be limitless.

At this time, the three of them had already arrived at the foot of Yunxia Mountain. When they arrived here, they could already see pieces of spiritual fields.

Since the world of cultivating immortals was occupied by the demon clan, there has never been such a magnificent spiritual field. Most of the demon clan do not know how to farm.

After Wang Hong brought the two to the top of the mountain, he handed Chen Xiaofeng over to the Ma brothers, who are both second-tier alchemists, and asked them to communicate more.

Especially Chen Xiaofeng is new here, and he is not familiar with many alchemy methods here.

After arranging Chen Xiaofeng to leave, he looked at Yun Qingya again.

"Master, my life was also saved by the master. I would like to follow the master from now on and serve the master's food and daily life!"

Yun Qingya is different from Chen Xiaofeng, she has this kind of image, which is the kind that is disliked among the monster clan.

If she hadn't still had some combat power and a little bit of alchemy, she would have been killed and eaten by the monsters long ago. If she hadn't been bought back by Wang Hong this time, her fate would definitely not be so good.

"Junior Sister Yun, you and I have been in the same school before, so you don't have to."

Wang Hongan Weidao, although Yun Qingya had participated in the ambush of the monster clan before, but she couldn't help herself at that time.

So, Wang Hong didn't have much dislike for her, and even had some inexplicable liking for her. Wang Hong himself didn't know where this liking came from.

Maybe he was influenced by her peerless beauty, anyway, he didn't know it himself, but he kept restraining himself from feeling this way.

He feels that this irrational emotion cannot be affected, and he needs to remain calm and rational at all times.

If he can't even control his own emotions, how can he talk about the great way, and how can he lead many subordinates to fight in this demon clan's territory?

Actually, he himself didn't realize that if he was a mortal, he would already be full of children and grandchildren at his age.

And he is still a bachelor now, and he has even maintained a boyish body.

It is quite normal for an old bachelor like him to be attracted to a beautiful woman when he meets her.

Yin and yang attract each other, this is the principle of all things in the world, even a cultivator will be affected unconsciously.

It is said that some old bachelors among mortals, who have been single for a long time, will be interested in seeing the opposite sex.

Even when I see a tree by the roadside, I will circle around it a few times, insisting on distinguishing the male from the female.

Wang Hong suppressed the goodwill in his heart, but still rejected this very attractive request, and could not influence his choice because of the woman's appearance.

The second day after returning to Yunxia Mountain, Wang Hong called all his subordinates together to discuss.

"My trip to Taihao City has been very fruitful. In addition to cooperating with Xiandao Trading Company, I opened a new shop in Taihao City, and I also got a lot of refining materials.

Xu Lun, turn around and organize a refiner to refine a batch of spiritual weapons from these second-level materials. "

These second-order materials are no longer useful to him, so it is better to take them out and use them for his subordinates in the future.

"Okay, we now have a lot of second-tier refiners." Xu Lun responded, he didn't expect that Wang Hong would solve so many things by going there himself.

"Luo Zhongjie, how is the mortal you trained?"

"Reporting to my boss, I have already begun to obey orders."

Although it was a task just assigned by Wang Hong before he went out, under their intensive practice, it has already achieved initial results.

"Good! Not bad!" Wang Hong praised.

Actually, when he came back, he had already seen it along the way, and the practice results were really good.

"Boss, there is one more thing. Some time ago, a small group of demon wolves wandered into our wheat fields and injured several people in a surprise attack."

Then our people beheaded five demon wolves, and ran away the rest.

These demon wolves sometimes invade their territory. They do not have many patrolling personnel, and the scope of their responsibility is still too large to prevent them at any time.

Therefore, mortals who are often attacked by monster wolves in the village succeed.

They also went to suppress and kill several times, but with little success.

The most important thing is that they still dare not provoke these wolves too much.

This pack of wolves is the strongest monster clan in this area. If they concentrate on fighting with them, they will naturally be able to kill them, but it is also easy to expose their human identity.

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