Immortal Space

Chapter 451: Peripheral situation

Chapter 451 Peripheral Situation

Wang Hong took the newly designed formation map and found the sloppy old man. Among them, the sloppy old man is the highest in terms of formation skills.

"Wonderful! The design of this formation map is top-notch among the third-order formations, and I can't find any faults for a while."

After observing the formation map for a while, the sloppy old man was greatly impressed by it.

"Since Elder Chu also thinks there is no problem, I'll let you set up the mountain protection formation!" Wang Hong smoothly pushed this matter into the hands of the sloppy old man.

"Well, I knew you had no good intentions and pushed all the hard work on me."

The sloppy old man complained in his mouth, but said happily in his heart.

Although he was a former Golden Core Elder, but now after all, he only has the Foundation Establishment cultivation level, and he needs a lot of resources to restore to the Golden Core Stage.

It is impossible for him to always rely on some previous relationships to eat and drink, to help out and do something, so that he has the value of existence.

And entrusting him with the formation of the mountain protection array is a sign of trust in him.

"Don't worry, I won't let you do it for nothing. That colorful pheasant laid an egg a few days ago. I haven't had time to eat it yet, so it's just used to reward you." Wang Hong said with a smile.

The sloppy old man naturally smiled when he heard this. He is also a foodie, and he has been coveting that third-level colorful pheasant for a long time. Now that he can’t eat chicken, it’s not bad to eat an egg. The third-level monster was bred with the essence of life The eggs must be extraordinary.

Wang Hong handed over the formation task and many formation materials to the sloppy old man, and left.

With so many people under him, he naturally doesn't need to do everything by himself.

After returning to his cave, he entered the space again, inspected all the horned dragon tea, and found that the mutated leaves never grew again.

He didn't know whether it was just the leaf that mutated, or the whole tree.

If it’s just a leaf mutation, use it up this time, maybe there won’t be any more in the future.

If the whole tree mutates, there is still a chance to grow this mutated tea in the future.

The efficacy of this mutated tea is too miraculous. He can clearly feel that after taking it, his thinking becomes extremely agile and flexible, and his understanding is greatly improved.

There are many things in the world of cultivating immortals that require a lot of time and energy to comprehend.

For example, some advanced exercises, supernatural powers, and the runes he practiced, all of which took a long time to ponder and comprehend.

Some people have poor comprehension in certain aspects, so it is natural to learn with half the effort. For example, he felt this way when he was learning formations, and he spent far more time than others.

If there is no mutated tea to help him this time, he probably will spend a lot of time in the space.

Searched in the space, but found no more mutated tea leaves, so he exited the space.

After leaving the cave, he greeted Xu Lun, who was in charge, and rode Xiaopeng out of Yunxia Mountain.

He made several detours along the way, and finally came to the foot of a mountain and stopped in front of a stone wall.

Take out a message talisman, say a few words to the talisman, and wave it at the stone wall, a wave rippled on the stone wall, and the message flew straight through the stone wall.

Soon, ripples appeared on the stone wall again, and then a figure walked out of it.

"Boss, please come in and talk!"

After Liu Changsheng walked out of the stone wall, he didn't have time to salute, so he directly called Wang Hong in.

Here is a new stronghold of Xiandao Trading Company, which is mainly responsible for providing some intelligence services for Wang Hong.

Just moved here a few days ago, currently only Liu Changsheng and a dozen of his subordinates are here.

After Wang Hong passed through the stone wall, there was a very spacious cave inside, and traces of excavation could still be seen on the wall.

There is a hall inside, and there are more than a dozen stone rooms.

The two of them entered one of the stone chambers and opened a formation. Only then did Liu Changsheng say:

"Boss! The surrounding situation has been roughly investigated.

There are thirteen groups of monsters in the vicinity, only two groups have third-level monsters, and the strongest of the remaining eleven groups of monsters is only second-level monsters. "

Hearing what Liu Changsheng said, Wang Hong also had an idea in his mind. He had passed by here before, and he knew that the aura in this area was weak, and there would not be many monster forces.

"What is the specific situation of these two monster clans with third-tier monsters?"

"These two groups, the one closest to Yunxia Mountain is a group of red-haired demon cows, and there are two third-tier demon cows in this group, and further investigation is needed for specific information.

The other group is a group of silver moon demon wolves. This group has five third-rank monsters, and the strongest wolf king is a third-rank top-rank monster with powerful strength and tyrannical temperament.

This group of monster wolves is equivalent to the overlord of this area, and other monster clans will be controlled by it.

The remaining eleven groups of monsters are big and small, strong and weak. The weak groups don’t even have a second-order monster. "

Liu Changsheng has obtained so much information in such a short period of time, which made Wang Hong secretly amazed.

"Okay! Thank you for your hard work. With your first-hand news, I feel much more at ease."

"It's all thanks to everyone." Liu Changsheng said modestly.

"Also, where is the fourth-level monster closest to Yunxia Mountain?"

Wang Hong asked again, none of the above groups of monsters could pose any danger to them, but if they accidentally provoke fourth-order monsters, it would be dangerous.

"There are no fourth-order monsters around here. After all, there are not too many fourth-order monsters. They have relatively high requirements for the training environment. If they don't have enough spiritual veins, they won't go."

Liu Changsheng thought for a while and then said: "If we say that the closest one is, judging from the information we have so far, the closest one is still the ancestor of the Qinghu clan.

However, the ancestor of the Qinghu clan will not go out for a short time. It is rumored that it was seriously injured when it participated in the war, and it is still healing at the former site of the Qingxu clan. "

Wang Hong didn't expect that a group of his own hurried and hurried away for several months, and they were still within the sphere of influence of the Qinghu clan.

However, compared to the Qinghu clan, this place should be considered a remote place. As long as you don't make too much noise, you shouldn't receive too much attention.

Wang Hong suddenly thought of another matter, and asked again:

"By the way, how are the mortals in this surrounding area now?"

"The closest to Yunxia Mountain is Jingnan City, and now there is only a piece of waste, which has long been deserted, and the population inside has also been captured by the first monster on Yunxia Mountain.

The mortals gathered around Yunxia Mountain are mostly from Jingnan City.

There used to be several mortal kingdoms around here, but they have been devastated by monsters, and only a few towns are still inhabited by humans. "

When Liu Changsheng said this, he couldn't help sighing deeply.

Then he took out another map and marked the locations of monsters and beasts everywhere, and also marked the places where people still lived.

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