Immortal Space

Chapter 387: Awesome team

Chapter 387 Powerful team

On the second day, there were only a dozen people stationed in the valley, and the remaining more than 2,000 people were ready to go.

Before noon, the sloppy old man had already led a group of people to the valley.

There are about a thousand monks following the old Taoist priest, and the composition of the personnel is varied, including more than a dozen forces.

When these people approached the valley, they saw a scene that shocked them.

At this time, there were more than 2,000 people standing quietly in Taniguchi, and the number of people in this faction alone was more than twice that of them.

What they felt the most was not the large number of people here, nor did they never see the tens of thousands of monks.

Instead, I can feel a unique temperament from these two thousand people, which is incompatible with all the monks in the world of cultivating immortals.

Especially the more than 200 Foundation Establishment cultivators at the front gave them this feeling even more clearly.

The two hundred people just stood there quietly, uniform, giving people a sense of chilling, like a tiger crouching down.

The two hundred or so foundation-building monks were all wearing uniform leather armor. Judging from the fluctuation of spiritual power, they were at least medium-grade spiritual weapons.

From these unified spiritual weapons, one can see the opponent's generosity.

Moreover, apart from the Qingxu Sect, there are only a very few of the various forces that can have more than 200 foundation-building monks.

The sloppy old man approached Wang Hong, and looked at Wang Hong again, his eyes were a little strange.

Yesterday he only thought that Wang Hong was rich, but seeing today's lineup, how can such a group of people be brought out, how can it be described as rich.

"Nephew Wang, I underestimated you! Let's go!" It was the first time that the sloppy old man called Wang Hong his nephew seriously.

"Obey!" Wang Hong responded, then turned around and shouted to the rear: "Let's go!"

"Set off!"

The two thousand monks in the back responded in unison, and the sound of more than two thousand monks shouting in unison gathered into a huge sound wave, shaking the surrounding rocks and washing grounds to roll down.

Then the sloppy old man led the way ahead, more than 2,000 people stepped forward to keep up, and then more than 1,000 people followed sparsely.

Afterwards, they gathered more than ten groups of people, adding up to more than 4,000 people, and then they went to the frontline battlefield in a mighty way.

Because the qi training monks in the team slowed down their schedule, it took them three days to reach the battlefield.

When he arrived, the battle on the city wall was raging, and the sloppy old man led them into the battlefield without saying a word.

With the addition of a new force, it took only an hour to repel the monster clan's attack.

While cleaning the battlefield, a Jindan cultivator stationed here came over to greet the sloppy old man.

"Brother Chu, thanks to your timely arrival this time, otherwise I would not be able to persist here. Before you came, we had already fought with this group of monsters all day."

This Golden Core cultivator is also a cultivator of the Qingxu Sect. The two of them were familiar with each other before, so they didn't have so many formalities when they met.

"Brother Gu, I see that you are full of energy and don't look tired at all. If you want to be lazy, just say so." The sloppy old man replied cursing.

"Alas! But these little brats have indeed been fighting for a whole day. If it takes longer, they really can't hold on anymore.

Brother Chu, where did you find this group of fierce people this time? It looks very vigorous! "

Gu Yuan pointed to Wang Hong and his group who were collecting spoils under the city wall, and asked the sloppy old man.

In the battle just now, he was deeply touched by the fighting power of this group of people. Judging from their attire, they were not monks of the Qingxu Sect, but their fighting strength was better than that of the disciples of the Qingxu Sect.

Especially the two thousand people seemed to have rehearsed countless times in advance. During the battle, they were divided into many small teams, each with 50 to 100 people.

Each team cooperates with each other and has a degree of offense and defense. After a battle, there are only a few minor injuries, not even a single serious injury, let alone casualties.

You must know that after every battle, some monks will die more or less, even if it is a big victory, it is difficult to avoid.

The performance of this team greatly increased Gu Yuan's interest.

"See that kid down there? It's the team that this kid brought out. To be honest, when I first saw this team, I was also taken aback."

When the sloppy old man spoke at this time, his expression was somewhat conceited, with a sense of pride.

"Oh! Which faction does this kid belong to now?" Because Wang Hong was not wearing Qingxuzong's standard purple robe at this time, Gu Yuan showed a very interested look.

"Are you tempted? Want to win him over?" The sloppy old man asked with a smile.

"Yes! This son is really good. If he is willing to join the Qingxu Sect, I can accept him as a disciple." Gu Yuan admitted frankly.

"Hahaha! If you really do this, just wait for Gu Qingyang to come to your door and find you desperately." The sloppy old man laughed.

"Has it already been ordered by that old boy Gu Qingyang?"

"Hey! To tell you the truth, this kid has been worshiping my Qingxu Sect for decades, and he is Gu Qingyang's fifth official disciple." The sloppy old man finally told the truth.

"It's a pity! It's a pity! With the elm head of Gu Qingyang, it is absolutely impossible to train such an excellent disciple. It is a waste for such a talent to fall into his hands." Gu Yuan sighed repeatedly.

"It sounds like you are better than Gu Qingyang. Gu Qingyang has a beautiful Taoist partner, but you are still a poor bachelor.

He also has a stupid son, and you are still a bachelor.

He has five good disciples, but you are still a polished commander. "

The series of blows by the sloppy old man made Gu Yuan blush, speechless.

He really wanted to say that you are not a bachelor, but he still took a deep breath and held back.

Because anyone who knows the old sloppy past knows that this matter cannot be mentioned to him. This is the old sloppy scar.

At that time, Wang Hong and the others had packed up the loot and returned. They came to the city and saluted Gu Yuan again.

"From today onwards, you will belong to our section of the city wall, under the direct command of me and Elder Chu.

Including you, there are now a total of 10,000 monks. The section of the city wall that needs to be defended is two miles long. I can divide you into three groups, and then take turns to defend. "

While arranging these things, Gu Yuan was still very confident in guarding this section of the city wall.

On average, 10,000 people, each of them only needs to defend the city wall a few inches wide. Let alone defending that small portion of the city wall, even if all these people are squeezed into the city wall, they will not be able to squeeze out.

The most important thing is that the people brought back by the sloppy old man are more powerful.

Among Wang Hong's group, the total number of Foundation Establishment cultivators alone has reached more than two hundred, nearly three hundred, which is quite a high proportion.

Together with their two Jindan ancestors, it should be safe to guard this section of the city wall.

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