Immortal Space

Chapter 358: the cave

Chapter 358 Cave

As soon as Wang Hong rode Xiaopeng into the sky above the group of monsters, he fell into the siege of countless monsters in the air.

Xiaopeng spread his wings, like two huge sharp blades, cutting blood lines among the monster birds, and countless limbs of monster birds fell down like rain.

Wang Hong sat on Xiaopeng's back at this time, and did not make a move. He took out several bottles that were sealed in layers.

The last time he fought a monster, he used a bottle of pink skull flower pollen, and it worked very well.

But the amount of pollen he collected was limited, so he didn't use it later. This time he had already taken out all his stocks.

When Xiaopeng was rushing to kill among the beasts, he sat firmly on its back and slowly sprinkled the pollen in the bottle into the beasts.

At this time, the beast swarm in the distance was getting closer and closer, and the outlines of the monsters in the front row could already be seen clearly. The roar of countless monsters running made people's hearts beat faster.

"Retreat! Retreat!"

When Wang Hong rode Xiaopeng back to the city wall, he shouted at the people in the stronghold.

Finally hearing Wang Hong's order to retreat, these monks abandoned their opponents and fled as if they had received an amnesty.

Wang Hong saw this scene, and sighed in his heart, all these days of practice were wasted.

Fortunately for him, most of the elite monk teams led by his subordinates can still barely maintain their formation at this moment.

Wang Hong used a relatively large amount of poison this time. At this moment, the tens of thousands of monsters under the city wall stood there strangely.

The only ones that are still active now are a small number of monsters that are attacking the city.

Fu Li did not escape alone, he felt that if he followed Wang Hong, the chance of successful escape should be greater.

Before leaving, he looked back at the group of monsters standing under the city wall like a forest, and he felt like his hairs were standing on end.

The tens of thousands of monsters that forced them to use all their means just now were subdued in just a moment.

Wang Hong led the crowd out of the stronghold and retreated in the direction of the second line of defense. At this time, there were about a thousand monks still following them.

Of the more than 2,000 late-stage qi training elites he organized before, there are only 800 or 900 people left here, and some monks choose to follow him.

"Quick! Get down the flying boat!" Luo Zhongjie shouted from the flying boat.

They originally arranged for a large number of foundation-building monks to drive the airship and prepare to provide support in the air.

But at this moment, they saw that the countless demon birds behind were attracted by the airship, flying in this direction, and quickly landed the airship.

I had to quickly put away the two flying boats. Now that the flying boats are too conspicuous in the sky, they will definitely be taken care of first by the flying monsters.

Running on the ground at least has some cover, and there are so many targets on the ground, and you won't be able to deal with them all.

At this moment, those squads that can still maintain the original organization are running fast in a battle formation, and the other monks who have not found an organization can only resort to their own defense methods.

The monster birds that were chasing after flew over them, most of them chose to continue to fly forward, and only a few chose to attack them and pounced downward.

These monster birds that jumped down were smashed by a large piece of magic weapon light flying out of the crowd, and the dying howls of these monster birds attracted other monster birds to join.

They attacked all the way forward in this way, and people fell down from time to time along the road, but the ones who fell down were those monks who were alone.

It seems that these monsters also know that monks who are alone are better to bully, and most of the attacks are aimed at them.

Because of the organized monk team, in addition to someone who is responsible for defense, someone will also be responsible for beheading the approaching monsters.

The monk who was alone escaped at this moment, as long as he could protect himself, it would be fine, and he didn't have the energy to attack the monster bird at all.

During the process of killing the monster birds, the noise they made would attract the attention of other monster birds, causing more and more monster birds to be killed in the air.

In this short period of time, more than 300 people have fallen. When the single monks were almost dead, these monster birds turned their targets to those teams that were more difficult to deal with.

Most of those teams were formed by Wang Hong's late-stage Qi training elites, but they were gradually unable to support the endless attacks of monster birds.

The spiritual power in each person's body has been replenished several times, but it still can't keep up with the intense consumption.

Finally, the defensive shield jointly sacrificed by a team was breached by monster birds, and then was overwhelmed by countless monster birds.

When Yang Tiezhu came to rescue with a small team, there were more than forty people in the whole team, and only a dozen people remained.

"The qi training team defends and advances with all their strength!" Luo Zhongjie shouted.

After hearing the words, the team during the Qi training period stopped killing monsters and birds, and everyone sacrificed defensive magic weapons, layered on top of each other, protecting them like a tortoise shell.

Up to now, there are only more than 800 of the original more than 1,000 people, but the main ones who died were monks in the Qi training period.

At this moment, hundreds of monks came from in front of them. When they approached, they could see clearly that these were Wang Hong's subordinates who were stationed in other strongholds. I didn't expect them to meet here.

"There is a big cave ten miles ahead on the left, we can hide in it." The monk who greeted him said to Wang Hong.

"Okay! Let's go to the cave to hide for a while, and lead the way ahead!"

Most people are now at the end of their strength, and if they persist for a while, the number of casualties will definitely increase significantly.

The hundreds of people just now turned back immediately, leading the way against the attack of the monster birds, and the rest followed closely.

At this time, everyone is fully defensive and dare not make any entanglements with the monster birds. If they accidentally fall behind, it is basically a dead end.

When they gritted their teeth and rushed forward for more than ten miles, they saw a very conspicuous cave on the halfway of a mountain in front of them.

There are few trees on the peak here, and most of the places are bare rocks. Therefore, the black cave entrance is very conspicuous.

At this time, everyone ignored other things and rushed towards the entrance of the cave.

"How is the inside of this cave, have you ever checked it?" Wang Hong asked a subordinate beside him at this time.

"Don't worry, my master, we retreated relatively smoothly before, we arrived here early, and we will rest in this cave and wait for our master.

Later, I heard the sound of battle coming from your side, so I rushed over to respond. "

This subordinate slapped the approaching monster bird with a huge wooden shield, and explained to Wang Hong.

The entrance of this cave is also big enough. The entrance of the cave is more than one foot wide, allowing several people to walk in parallel. At this time, everyone quickly drilled into the cave.

After everyone went in, Wang Hong threw dozens of formation disks at the entrance of the cave. After being activated, a large rock appeared at the entrance of the cave, completely covering the entrance of the cave.

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