Immortal Only Accepts Female Disciples

Chapter 99: Another One For the Collection

Chen Wentian let his disciples train on their own for a while. They each had a clear training method and their own plans. He finally felt comfortable leaving them to handle some overdue problems.

The news from the Immortal Association's gr.a.p.evine was that the Lion faction and Eagle faction of the Beast God Sanctum had been engaged in a cold war ever since the beginning of the monster invasion. The remnants of the Snake Lord's forces had either abandoned the sect or been captured and killed. Nobody had heard anything from the Spirit Lords under Immortal Mamba of Shadow. It was like they had all disappeared.

The two factions were too busy guarding against each other and the four other provinces under their protection were mismanaged and in shambles. The Beast God Province was safe from the monster invasion but it was probably even more dangerous for cultivators.

Chen Wentian still had to pay back the Lion faction for all their crimes against his disciples. He was also curious about the death of Immortal Mamba of Shadow. He decided it was a good time to do some spying and dig into the secrets of the Beast God Sanctum.

The first thing he needed to infiltrate the sect was a person, a cultivator to be exact. He needed anyone that was a member of the Beast God Sanctum, preferably with the Lion faction. After announcing he was going to Cloudy Mountain Province to train his disciples, he slipped away from the Immortal Association's attention and headed out to hunt.

His target was the two provinces under the control of He Zicheng's Lion faction. They didn't care about the fate of the commoners and monsters had overrun large swaths of territory. However, this also meant rich gains and resources when they occasionally headed out to cull a few valuable species.

He couldn't fly around carelessly as his spiritual aura and residual spiritual energy would alert high level Spirit Initiate Realm cultivators or immortals of his trace. The chances of this were low but he wanted to be absolutely sure he wouldn't be suspected. He slowly made his away across the first province, marking down areas that had valuable beasts the Beast God Sanctum would want for food and resources. Beasts that cultivated to the Spirit Initiate Realm were incredibly valued for their meat, organs, and bones. Almost every part of them had some use to the Beast God Sanctum. Thus, he played the part of a patient hunter, waiting for his prey.


Chen Wentian's patience was rewarded on the fifth day as one of the signal traps he had laid down was triggered. It meant a party of powerful cultivators were going after one of the herds of beasts he had marked.

"Finally! I was getting seriously bored." He muttered.

He flew to a safe distance before hiding himself inside a tree and activating his split shadow. While his body remained motionless, a black shadow rushed forward along the trees and bushes towards his target. He approached a clearing with a lake and saw a group of ten cultivators that were slaughtering their way through a pack of bristled bears.


"Kill it!"

Beast roars mixed with human yells as the brown beasts were brought down one by one. The water was died red with blood and guts. The ground shook as the largest beast, a massive hunk three meters tall, crashed to the ground.

The men cheered at their triumph. They started to pull the dead bears together while others cleaned up the battlefield. An older looking man studied each bear, jotting something down and storing them into what looked like his storage ring.

Jackpot! Chen Wentian was excited. Having a storage ring meant that man was not a simple character. He continued to watch, trying to figure out which faction they were from and his question was soon answered.

"Master He, where will we go now? Shall we continue our hunt?" One of the younger cultivators asked.

"Hmm..." The one surnamed He stroked his beard, "It's better to be safe, let's head back."

Once everything was cleaned up, they got on their horses and started heading back towards the capital city of the province. It was still a couple day's ride away so Chen Wentian's shadow was able to follow them. He decided on Master He as his target. Anybody with that surname was definitely a relative of He Zicheng. The guy also had a storage ring, signifying his status. He was the best choice.

After the party had set up camp for the night, Chen Wentian recalled his shadow and he quickly caught up with them. He lurked around until after they had gone to sleep. There was one person standing guard but he dealt with it easily through a powerful sleeping powder. After making sure everyone was knocked out, he went into the main tent with Master He.

"Who! Mmmm!"

Master He called out in alarm but was quickly silenced by Chen Wentian's spiritual aura. It looked like Master He was not simple as he even had prepared some inscriptions to protect against the sleeping powder. But it didn't matter as there was nobody else to help him.

Master He looked at this strange person fearfully as every inch of his body was frozen, unable to move. Immortal! There was no other possibility. The first thought was someone from the Eagle faction but he didn't recognize the face. What could anybody want with him? He was merely a lowly elder within the Beast God Sanctum. The stranger didn't say anything, only extending his hand and soon Master He felt a strange energy enter him.

The energy was like water, spreading across his body until it permeated everything, seeping into his upper, middle, and lower dantians. There was no pain, but the world around him faded away and he found that he was no longer in the tent. What was before his eyes was a vast starry space, as vast as the universe. He looked down, to see his body had become like gas, it was white and ethereal with no substance. He looked around and saw the stranger appear. That man was also white and ethereal like him.

The white ethereal hand of the stranger reached out once more. This time, it directly dug into Master He's chest. He tried to scream but there was no sound. He could do nothing as his consciousness slowly drifted away into blackness.


Master He, or more specifically He Xingping, opened his eyes after a long time. He was still He Xingping, with all the memories and the same thoughts as before. But he was no longer the same person as before. He now knew the name of the stranger in front of him, Chen Wentian.

"Another one for the collection..." He Xingping muttered.

"Indeed, have fun!" Chen Wentian said and disappeared into the night, leaving the new and improved He Xingping alone in the tent.

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