The five Divine Blazing Mountain disciples were of the younger generation. Thus, they found it hard to contain their l.u.s.tful gazes in front of five vibrant and beautiful women. The women in front of them were ten times, no... twenty times more beautiful than the peasant girls from before. If they could have these women, they would become heroes of the sect!

"Beauties! Since you have shown yourselves in front of us brothers, you'll have to accompany us for a drink!" The leader of the group said.

His fellow brothers laughed menacingly. One even took out a curved blade and twirled it around. They eyes couldn't stop raking over the women's bodies, focusing on the s.e.xy curve of the h.i.p.s and bulging b.r.e.a.s.ts. They were fully confident as the women's cultivations were one or two levels below theirs.

"Hey, serve this grandfather well tonight and I'll give each of you five gold, Hehehe!" One of the men called out and the other four roared with laughter.

Xu Lanyi was enraged and wanted to charge forward but was stopped by Li Yuechan.

"Gentlemen, those commoners are our people. This is a misunderstanding. Please leave." Li Yuechan demanded calmly.

The leader's face became hard, "I am Fen Chenyuan, inner court disciple of Divine Blazing Mountain. If you don't come willingly, we'll strip you n.a.k.e.d for everyone to see!"

"You!" Xu Lanyi had just about had enough but Song Wushuang held her back as well.

"Do not be unreasonable. We are all cultivators. Please leave." Li Yuechan repeated.

"Haha, bro, do you hear this bitch?" One of the other men ridiculed.

By now, the commotion had attracted plenty of attention as bystanders had gathered at a safe distance. There were even a few cultivators who sat by, waiting for a good show. They didn't know which sect the five women were from but it looked like they wouldn't be able to come out of this unscathed.

Li Yuechan was simmering with anger also but she didn't show it like Xu Lanyi. She made up her mind and calmly walked forward to Fen Chenyuan. The ugly man's face brightened as he thought she had given up. However, Li Yuechan had other plans. As she got within the right distance, her right foot shot out in a sudden attack.


A full force Demon's Agony kick from the Nineteen Demon Subduing Palms landed, but it was not on the target she was aiming for.

Fen Chenyuan had managed to block his family line from being extinguished, but only barely. He felt his arm might have been fractured. He was still an experienced cultivator as he tried to grab her leg in a counter attack.

Li Yuechan deftly vaulted backwards, putting several meters between them. She had taken inspiration from Zhou Ziyun's usage of Demon's Agony during the competition. She was disappointed her attack didn't work and braced herself for a difficult fight.

"Bitch! Attack!" Fen Chenyuan howled and charged forward.

His brothers didn't need to be told and also charged, each of them picking out their opponent. Xu Lanyi, Song Wushuang, Su Yue, and Su Xue weren't afraid and met them head on. The ten of them quickly locked into hand to hand combat.

Li Yuechan fought Fen Chenyuan who was hell bent on her. He chased after her like a rabid dog while she deftly dodged his flame infused strikes. She was able to land a few glancing blows due to his carelessness but his armor was able to protect him.

Chen Wentian would have been surprised by Li Yuechan's sneak attack. He would never assumed her to be the type to attack first in any situation. Li Yuechan was indeed reserved and thoughtful under normal circ.u.mstances but she had astutely judged the situation to be untenable. She was not never afraid of a fight and would strike preemptively if it meant the best possibility of success.

The fight dragged on and the Divine Blazing Mountain disciples were getting more and more frustrated by the second. They weren't using their full force as they didn't like to savor burned women. However, the five women's martial arts were slippery and strange. They couldn't do anything to them and were even losing ground.

Fen Chenyuan gritted his teeth. He was especially frustrated by Li Yuechan as his cultivation was higher, his spiritual energy was richer, yet he couldn't get a grasp of her martial arts and his attacks fell onto thin air. There were cultivators among the crowd and such news of a shameful performance would be spread to everyone including their sect. He couldn't lose face like this, otherwise it would be disaster. His senior brothers would steal his wives away. He would many years of standing he had built up within the sect.

"Brothers, no more holding back! Time to teach these whores a lesson!" Fen Chenyuan shouted, "Blazing Sun Art! Meteor Fist!"

Fen Chenyuan's spiritual energy spiked and red flames exploded out of his fist. It grew to half the size of his body as he punched out. The fist shaped flame shot forth like a cannonball, heading straight for Li Yuechan. This was the true meteor fist, not the weak version that Tang Sun showcased during the Mind Focusing Realm competition.

Incorporating flaming spiritual energy into their attacks, the other four men followed suit. Li Yuechan and her sisters no longer had the Eternal Winter Sutra. They instinctively tried to use their ice arts and failed miserably. With their best defense against flame arts gone, they could only muster a buffer of spiritual energy to try and block the attacks.


Li Yuechan couldn't help her sisters as the flame fist slammed against her cloak of spiritual energy. The heated spiritual energy clashed against her attribute-less spiritual energy and she was pushed back ten steps. Flames covered her vision as she was wrapped up in the residual explosion. This was the secondary effect of the powerful Meteor First; which upon impact, the explosion of flames would seek to consume everything around it.

Fen Chenyuan was satisfied with his attack but he still wanted to see the burned and scarred face of that s.l.u.t. How dare she refuse him, a blood relative of the sect master? As the flames dissipated from Li Yuechan's body, he looked at her eagerly but the expected scene did not appear. She looked perfectly fine. Not a fiber on her clothes were burnt. Her beautiful angelic face looked at him without emotion.

The other four women were also fine, if a bit worn out. There were a few chuckles from the crowd as well as some insults. They had expected a good show but this Divine Blazing Mountain disciple was useless with his personality as well as his cultivation, truly a trash of a human being.

Fen Chenyua's expression darkened and he quickly attacked again. "Take this! Meteor Fist! Meteor Fist!"

Two more attacks were launched at full power. Li Yuechan was more confident now and increased the output to her spiritual cloak. The two attacks only pushed her back five steps this time and still splashed harmlessly off of her.

Fen Chenyuan felt he was going crazy and seeing ghosts. Flame immunity? Unheard of. Ice arts? He couldn't sense any. Their immortal master? Impossible!

"Is that all?" Li Yuechan mocked.

Is that all. One of the most feared phrases a man could ever hear from a woman. Is that all, when asking about a man's performance in bed. Is that all, when asking about how much he earned. It was a surgical strike against his manhood.

"Ahhh!" Fen Chenyuan screamed in confusion and desperation. He couldn't lose like this. "Rising Sun Fist!"

He unleashed his trump card attack and a blinding light erupted from his fists, like a miniature sun. The temperature skyrocketed and the beam pure flame shot towards Li Yuechan like a flame god's blade. He threw caution out the window and unleashed the most devastating attack he knew. He didn't care if she was killed. There was no other choice, he had to win!

By now, the others had stopped fighting and everybody was watching Li Yuechan and Fen Chenyuan. The other Divine Blazing Mountain men cheered when they saw Fen Chenyuan use his most powerful attack.

The attack arrived in front of Li Yuechan in an instant and she couldn't do anything except brace herself and pray. The spiritual energy within the attack was tenfold the previous ones. The rays of flame crashed against her spiritual cloak she was engulfed in a massive explosion.

"Sister!" Song Wushuang yelled in panic.

"Stay back!" Xu Lanyi yelled and pulled Su Xue and Su Yue away from the expanding fireball.

They watched in horror as the street was consumed by flame. It burned for a few seconds before disappearing and they could see the grey crystals blocks had been blackened from the intense heat.

Yet as the smoke cleared, to everyone's surprise, Li Yuechan still stood in the center of the street. She was completely fine. She didn't have a single hair out of place and her smile was even more radiant than the rising sun.

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