Zhou Ziyun helped set up the experiment but had to leave for other matters. Thus, Lin Qingcheng alone was responsible for carrying it out. In addition to the experiment, Zhou Ziyun also planned some additional considerations into her arrangements.

The House of Paradise had expanded greatly from its humble beginnings in one short year. The fame of the Golden Madam and her benevolent treatment of her women had spread throughout the lower districts and even the middle districts of Moonlight City. It's momentum was growing steadily and it was starting to gain the attention of some of the lower nobles. It was not time for Lin Qingcheng and the Zhou clan to fight against the true adversaries that stood in their way and Zhou Ziyun placed this experiment within her plans.

Out of the ten that answered the madam's call, there were a few familiar faces. They gathered within a private suite in the Zhou Branch mansion, far away from prying eyes. Aside from one director left to manage the house, all the other high ranking women had gathered plus a few others. Besides Lin Qingcheng, all her employees residing within the House of Paradise had been forced into prostitution at some point and were all very experienced in the realm of s.e.x. Even the directors were common p.r.o.s.t.i.t.u.t.es before being given the chance to showcase their leadership or management abilities. As the saying goes, the cream rises to the top.

Huang Ruyan was here as expected. She was Lin Qingcheng's most trusted subordinate ever since she swore loyalty from the beginning. Mo Yanmi was also here. She was not among the women who swore an oath of loyalty but she was a capable woman. Among the women at the house, they were generally split into two groups. The first group led by Huang Ruyan came from very poor backgrounds and saw Lin Qingcheng as their savior and were fiercely loyal. The other group stayed after being rescued due to the amazing benefits and work environment that the house provided.

Lin Qingcheng didn't realize it but there was already some friction emerging between these two factions. A house divided could not fight against outside enemies and this was also within Zhou Ziyun's considerations.

"We servants greet Madam Lin!" The women bowed in respect.

The ten women varied slightly in cultivation but they were all in the low tiers of the Mind Focusing Realm. Most commoners could train to somewhere within the Body Refinement Realm. Being able to breakthrough to the next realm with no background was really a testament to their talent and handwork.

They all understood the importance of cultivation and strength and most likely spent their hard earned money on lessons from local sects. It was very ineffective and extremely expensive. Lin Qingcheng had a much better offer for them but that would come later...

"At ease, ladies." Lin Qingcheng waved her hand. "I've called you here today because I have hit a bottleneck in my training and require your assistance."

"Madam! How can we help, we shall put forth all our efforts!" Huang Ruyan bowed again.

A few other women immediately bowed with her while some others reluctantly followed suit.

"Hehe, it's nothing too difficult." Lin Qingcheng said, "How many of you know what edging is?"

All of the women raised their hands.

Lin Qingcheng nodded in satisfaction, "Good, how many of you have done it?"

Six out of the ten raised their hands. The two who hadn't tried it looked a bit left out.

"Don't worry," Lin Qingcheng spoke to them, "It's very simple, even for first timers. Did you all bring your own toys?"

"Yes madam!"

"I'm sure you've noticed the ten beds placed around the room. The first experiment is for all of you to masturbate and practice edging. But you are all not allowed to orgasm until I tell you to. Understand?"


"I know you're curious so I'll explain slightly. My cultivation technique is related to orgasms and I want to see if I can sense your orgasm and the pleasure you feel. This is why we're doing edging. There would be a higher chance for me to sense something when it is a powerful orgasm. I will also be walking around and observing each of you so don't be distracted by me." Lin Qingcheng explained. "Understand?"


They went to pick out their beds before starting to prepare.

"Relax, this will be a long day. There were be food and drink during the breaks. The first round, we shall go for about fifteen minutes. Are you all ready?" She saw the nods of affirmation from everyone, "Start!"

Ten pairs of hands started their work in unison and the room soon filled with the expected sounds of masturbation and uncontrolled m.o.a.ns of pleasure.

Lin Qingcheng stood up and walked around the room, studying their methods. Some preferred their own fingers, either with oil or with their own lubrication. Most others chose vibrators or dildos. They were all well versed in masturbation as it was a common request from their customers. They were in various states of undress, some were completely n.a.k.e.d while others were in their negligee.

Lin Qingcheng walked up to a woman who had the highest cultivation at the 4th Level of the Mind Focusing Realm and tried her best to sense the building pleasure within. The woman was named Qin Yan. She was not within management but was in her late thirties and approaching retirement.

Performing in front of an audience was no trouble a veteran like her. Qin Yan diligently ignored Lin Qingcheng peering at her and continued to thrust an ivory dildo in and out of her slick folds. Her pleasure slowly built up from a dull buzz to a roaring wave. Right as it was about to crest, she pulled her dildo out and tried to calm her rushing heartbeat. She looked up at Lin Qingcheng who had her eyes closed in concentration.

Lin Qingcheng opened her eyes to see Qin Yan starting at her intently. She smiled at her and patted her shoulder, "Keep going, you're doing great!"

She then moved on and walked around the room, searching for the next woman that was getting close. Subconsciously, she had started to pick up some habits that Chen Wentian had when teaching her and other disciples. With a sideways pursed lip and her hands crossed together, if her sisters saw her like this they would no doubt tease her forever.

The first fifteen minutes came quickly to an end.

"You can come." She called out.

In quick succession, the women let themselves go and arrived to very loud and vocal orgasms. Most of them had only been able to get to the edge once within that time while some were still struggling with their first. Lin Qingcheng spread her spiritual sense around the entire room but wasn't able to feel the prior sensation or anything else out of the ordinary.

Lin Qingcheng watched them quiver on the bed and realized too late that most girls took a longer time to orgasm then she did and it seemed their intensity was also lower. Still, with the experience with Chen Wentian fresh in her mind, she was not disheartened. She let them rest for a few minutes before starting a new session with a time limit of thirty minutes. Hopefully, the more times they could edge the stronger their orgasms would be.

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