Red Bamboo Province at the same time was also embroiled in savage battles with the monster wave. Its population was larger but this also served to lure in much more vicious monsters that preyed on humans specifically. Blood sucking iron mosquitoes. Hill giants. Zombies and skeletons. Monsters of all shapes and sizes flooded into the province, causing mass panic.

Over the past month, Divine Blazing Mountain disciples had separated into smaller groups for maximum efficiency. There were too many missions and all grouping up was impossible if they wanted to get the most amount of points. The senior disciples and elders all wanted to get on top of the leaderboard. The only one that was slightly different was Fen Ziping.

Fen Ziping wasn't a slouch as he still made sure his elite group would get the best missions and they were very efficient as they burned through hordes of monsters, scoring up the most amount of points in the sect. However, his main focus lay in women. He didn't care about the dream cultivation array. He was clear about his immortal Dao which relied on one thing, women!

"Immortal Prince Fen! Immortal Prince Fen!"

The residents of a frontier town chanted as Fen Ziping stood before them in the town square. His team had just eradicated a demonized skeleton horde. Burnt bones were still scattered throughout the town which was almost completely devastated. The residents had lost everything and they would soon have to embark on an arduous journey back west. They showed their gratitude as they cheered.

Fen Ziping waved to the crowd but his mind was on other matters. He eyed the crowed carefully, looking for any woman that was pretty enough to peak his interest. Although this was a backwater town, out of a population of several thousand, there were bound to be a few nice women.

He used an invisible spiritual energy to mark the women he was interested in. Then, he gestured to his attendant, who was also a powerful 10th level Spirit Initiate cultivator.

"Fen Duwu, do you see the one's I marked?" Fen Ziping uttered under his breath.

Fen Duwu nodded, "Sir, we will take care of it!"

The crowd dispersed afterwards and continued to clean up the town. They burned dead bodies, treated the wounded, and scrounged for anything left to eat and that they could use. The Divine Blazing Mountain disciples commandeered best undamaged house in town as their residence. The owner was going to migrate west and forced sell the house for a pittance.

As night fell, Fen Ziping's men came back to the house having accomplished their mission. Four men each led in four or five women for a total of eighteen women of all ages. They were all quite pretty, some more so than others. They stood around nervously in the living room in awkward silence.

Fen Ziping walked in front of them and spoke, "My name is Fen Ziping, first disciple of the immortal Divine Blazing Mountain. You all understand why you're here?"

The women nodded.

"You've all received your payment?"

The women all nodded once more. Some women were orphans after the battle, having lost their parents. Some were widows who lost their husbands. These were more desperate and accepted a little payment of gold. Other ones might not have lost any family but had lost everything else. They refused at first but were enticed by the additional reward of land deeds within the Divine Blazing Province. To Fen Ziping, land deeds were worth less than the gold. But to commoners that no longer had a home, it was a path of survival.

However, it would be disingenuous to claim that these women were here completely of their free will. As the 'wife bandit', Fen Ziping had many techniques and schemes. Taking advantage of the misery caused by disaster was one of the easiest ones. Power and authority combined with desperation made persuasion easy.

"Good," Fen Ziping examined each women closely. His burning desire had slowly been building up and he wasn't going to hold back anymore. He picked out ten of the best women for himself. "You all, follow me upstairs. The rest of you stay down here and serve my men well. The food and drink in this house, you all can take with you tomorrow morning."

"Thank you, Immortal Prince Fen!" The women all bowed.

Fen Ziping led the ten women upstairs into a bedroom with a huge bed. He closed the door and looked at their nervous faces, each having her own unique charming features.

"Relax, its going to be a long night. Now, lets see... you first!"


The Glacier Sect were also in the Red Bamboo Province but thousands of miles away in another region. They faced the exact same situation. There were too many missions to complete. Battles everywhere resulted in mass casualties and huge waves of refugees flowing westward. The teams of Glacier Sect disciples also competed hard for high rankings, as evident by their overall sect point total being the third highest in the year long competition.

On this particular day, three Glacier Sect teams led by Long Yifei converged on a city that was being overrun by a family ice giants. All species of giants love to eat humans and they couldn't resist a large city of over twenty thousand. They besieged it from all sides, preventing escape. The ice giants were over six or seven meters tall and they used their ice hammers and ice axes to smash apart the city walls with ease.

Long Yifei arrived in time to save the city but not before a large number of commoners died. There were many other similar missions but she chose this because the ice giants' core was very beneficial to improving their Eternal Winter Sutra. It was a difficult battle but the Glacier Sect disciples were able to overwhelm the ice giants one by one due to their superior ice arts.

After the battle, the Glacier Sect disciples gathered for a quick meeting.

"2nd Elder, lead your team towards the west gate. 4th Elder, lead your team towards the north gate. I will handle the rest. You all know the plan." Long Yifei gave out her orders.


While the elders were older than her, as the first disciple of the sect master her authority was absolute. They separated and headed out into the half destroyed city, aiming for the areas that were less devastated. Along the way, they helped dig through debris with their power and locate survivors with their spiritual energy. Long Yifei led the way, bathing the commoner's in her ethereal presence. The people soon knew of her name and they all thanked her with all their hearts.

With their strength, surveying the city only took a little time and they soon returned to their meeting spot.

"Reporting, the west side has over a hundred."

"Reporting, the north side has over a hundred as well."

Long Yifei looked satisfied, "Good, adding that to the center which has slightly less than two hundred, we'll have about four hundred. Well within our expectations."

Her aim, and the aim of the other core Glacier Sect elders and seniors, was to scout for new disciples for their sect. The sect only took in v.i.r.g.i.n women who wanted to dedicate their entire lives to it. This was difficult under normal conditions but with this monster disaster, there were many orphaned girls with no other option or broken families who could no longer raise girls. The sad fact was that it was much better for the poor families to sell their daughters to an immortal sect than to human traffickers.

This was also a critical time for the sect to increase their number and thus their future strength. Long Yifei wouldn't waste it. "Very good. Time is short, lets begin!"

"Yes Madam!"

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