All the sects were an uproar as they tried to figure out their next steps. Many of the Spirit Initiate Realm fighters that didn't get to compete argued for their participation in the new year long contest. Anything could happen in one year and they all wanted the chance.

Lin Yuechan and the other girls seemed to have gotten a similar idea. She tugged on Chen Wentian's robe as she earnestly begged.

"Please, master. My sisters and I know this is a very dangerous situation. But we really want to help the innocent people!"

"Please, master! We'll still train hard at the same time!" Xu Lanyi also pitched in.

Chen Wentian wasn't really sure. "I still haven't found a suitable ice art for you guys. All you can use is the Nineteen Palms..."

"Master, the Nineteen Palms are more than sufficient." Song Wushuang argued, "Also, we are all inspired by Senior Sister Qianyu's dedication to training through peril and struggle. We are not weak flowers that need to hide indoors."

He looked at the five determined faces and finally agreed. "Only condition, while Wu Qianyu is used to being operating alone, I want all five of you to be together."

Lin Yuechan and the rest bowed, "Thank you master, naturally we shall obey."

"Good, let me send the other two back to the sect and we'll chat more." Chen Wentian said.

After that, he led Lin Qingcheng and Zhou Ziyun to the teleportation area. The teleportation matrix for outsiders was opened within the capital city so that people could evacuate quickly. The capital city, being deep within the wilderness, was one of the most dangerous areas in a monster invasion.

They got up to the teleportation matrix after waiting their turn. "Qingcheng, Ziyun, continue your normal cultivation. You guys have free reign over the sect matters. I'll come find you guys in a day."

"Yes, master."

Chen Wentian let the two girls stand in the middle of the matrix and sent his spiritual energy into the inscription array to activate the teleportation. His province was relatively sparse but deep within human territory so it shouldn't be affected in a short amount of time. As he felt the spirit response from the array, he felt something was wrong, but it was too late! The destination of the teleportation was forcibly changed without him noticing. When he looked up, Lin Qingcheng and Zhou Ziyun were already gone to who knows where...

Boom! Chen Wentian's spiritual exploded in rage. Every single person in the surrounding were knocked off their feet. He immediately found the teleportation matrix operators and immediately appeared by their side.

"Speak! Where did you send my disciples!" He roared as his spiritual energy clamped down on their limbs, preventing them from escaping.

"Ahh! Sir... Immortal..."

"I don't know what you're talking about!" Another one yelled in defiance.


"Kyaaaaa!!!" The offending person screamed in agony as he was lit up like a bonfire.

He couldn't utter anything else as he was very quickly turned into dust. The surrounding people shrank back in horror.

Chen Wentian looked at the remaining two who were crying in fear. "If you don't want to be like him, you'd better talk."

"Sir... it wasn't our fault, we were ordered!" One of the two cried. The other nodded in agreement.

"Go on..."

But before they could speak anymore, a phantom lion paw the size of a house crashing down upon them. Chen Wentian had to dodge away quickly but the two unfortunate lackeys were flattened into meat paste.

"He Zicheng! Do you want to die?" Chen Wentian roared as he exploded into a ball of blue flame.

He flatted half the city square as he chased after He Zicheng in the sky. He Zicheng withdrew his phantom limb and cast him self into a half lion transformation as he met Chen Wentian's full powered meteor strike.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Half the capital city shook as if an earthquake had gone off. Buildings collapsed within the vicinity as people screamed in terror and tried to run away from the battle. The other cultivators had long retreated to a safe distance and were watching the fight with great interest.

Chen Wentian was forced back several hundred meters in the air after the exchange. His head felt a bit dizzy from the shock waves but he was unharmed. He Zicheng was fine as well except for the blue flames that covered half of his spiritual cloak. He growled in frustration as he failed to extinguish the stubborn flames.

"Stop! You two!" The other three Spirit Lords had finally arrived and put themselves in between the two brawling.

Huang Wuji turned to Chen Wentian, "You, speak!"

"Tch! Old man, the teleportation of my disciples were tampered with, they were sent to some unknown location." Chen Wentian said.

"So what? Do you have proof? All I saw was you killing my citizens." He Zicheng yelled.

"I don't have time to argue with idiots like you. Gong Liyun, can you take care of my other six disciples for me for a little while." Chen Wentian said as he flew off.

"Ok, but you'll owe me!" Gong Liyun seemed strangely happy at being ordered around by a junior.

"Fine!" Chen Wentian's voice sounded in her ear but he was long gone.


Lin Qingcheng and Zhou Ziyun didn't feel anything wrong with the teleportation but their cultivation was too low. The people who set the trap were very crafty. They kept the same teleportation direction but altered the distance slightly, which was why Chen Wentian didn't detect it until it the trap was sprung.

Lin Qingcheng and Zhou Ziyun looked around after the blinding light of teleportation faded. They expected to see the familiar immortal island they've been to multiple times but were instead met with a large flat land. There was nothing but waist high grass as far as the eye could see.

"Something's wrong, be alert!" Zhou Ziyun said as she withdrew her saber.

"Elder sister, should we send off the emergency talisman?" Lin Qingcheng asked.

"Already sent!" Zhou Ziyun said, eyeing the grass that seemed to move unnaturally. "Careful!"

Ping! ping!

Both girls managed to block the flying daggers that were sent in their direction. They looked on in growing dread as fourteen figures stood up from the grass, completely surrounding them. Lin Qingcheng couldn't sense their cultivation, meaning they were all at least at the mid level of the Spirit Initiate Realm.

An assassination! Zhou Ziyun stared at the enemies around her as they also stared back in silence. They didn't bother to hide their faces and her excellent memory recalled the one's she had seen parading along with the Beast God Sanctum and with the Lion Lord faction.

"The Lion Lord is an esteemed cultivator with hundreds of years of reputation and fame. Yet he wants to use such underhanded means to take care of two juniors?" Zhou Ziyun called out.

"See, this is the reason why the Lord wanted them dead!" One of the men said.

"Hahaha," Another one laughed, "Little bitches, you can't escape! We'll make you suffer until you beg for death!"

It seemed it was useless trying to negotiate. Zhou Ziyun tried to think of any way possible to increase their chances but it was still slim. "Qingcheng, take a power pill! We have to stall until master gets here!"

"Mm!" Lin Qingcheng nodded as they both popped a recently acquired power pill. Their cultivation roared upwards, Lin Qingcheng by one level and Zhou Ziyun by a surprising two levels. It was still no where near enough to deal with these fourteen people but it was better than nothing.

A tall one that looked like the leader stared at the two beautiful girls with dirty eyes. "We have more than enough time, lets play with them for a bit, make them pay for what they did to our princes!"

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