The final event of the Immortal Sect Competition was the most prestigious and fiercely competitive. Although Chen Wentian's sect had stunned everyone during the first two events, ultimately the road to cultivation was still very long. The two girls that shined bright like the sun still had a long way to go to become an immortal. The Spirit Initiate Realm experts that came to the competition have all been longing to display their power and snatch fame and glory from the juniors that came before. The air within the stadium today was sharp and vibrant with competitive energy.

"The Glacier Sect is first!" The announcer yelled for the first batch of competitors come forward.

A group of ravishing women in white dresses drew the eyes of every male in the stadium. There were eleven women, six at the 10th level of the Spirit Initiate Realm and five at the 9th Level. However, they soon became enraptured by the one at the front. The robe she wore was even whiter than the purest snow. She didn't walk but instead seemed to glide on a cloud of frost and ice. Her face was hidden by a veil but one could still see the perfect white skin of her delicate neck, the glossy black hair that fell down to her feet, and the piercing blue eyes filled with intelligence and charm. She was a truly astonishing beauty.

Snow Fairy Long Yifei! All the cultivators that knew anything about the world instantly knew her name. While Immortal Frost Diamond Murong Aiyin was a fearsome ice witch, Snow Fairy Long Yifei was a true gentlewoman and an angel that descended from the heavens. Her features were absolutely exquisite. As she moved, her ample bosom gave minute tremors that shook men's hearts. Her robes seemed to cling to her h.i.p.s as they swayed at the just the right angles, not in an obscene way, but in a way that captivated the imagination. Her beauty, her talent, her character, she was perfect in every way and the dream of all men!

"Divine Blazing Mountain come forth!"

In a stark contrast to the Glacier Sect beauties, a group of fiery men in red armor marched up in unison. The air seemed to grow hot instantly as they let forth their burning spiritual aura. As they got onto the stage, the girls from the Glacier Sect felt the heat and let out their cold frost energy in response. Soon the entire stage seemed split into two zones, one of bone chilling frost fighting against one of flaming heat.

The leader of the group was Blaze Knight Fen Ziping. He was a figure as equally well known as Long Bing. But instead of fame, he was known far and wide for his infamy as the 'wife bandit'. It was common knowledge that his s.e.x.u.a.l appetite knew no bounds and that he kidnapped many women, married or otherwise, to serve as his dual cultivation cauldrons. Occasionally, he would even steal the wives of other Divine Blazing Mountain disciples. He was never punished though as he was the only son of the sect master, the prime disciple of the sect, and the one closest on the path to immortality.

Fen Ziping's eyes never left Long Yifei as soon as he saw her. He examined every inch of her body with vile intent and could barely hold off his desire. If he could have Long Yifei and the ten other Glacier Sect women as his cauldrons, it would be more than enough for him to cultivate to the Spirit Lord Realm within one year. Immortality was so close, right at his fingertips, and yet it was so far away!

More sects took to the stage one by one and the spiritual aura melded together into a fearsome aura. Beast God Sanctum had the largest group at almost twenty experts and a majority of them were from the Eagle Lord's faction. Strangely, Lion Lord He Zicheng didn't fight for the spots for his men while the Snake Lord's people were completely absent.

The experts from the Tower of Swords added their own sword and blade spiritual energy into the mix. They were the same group that Peng Yuefeng had shown to Chen Wentian previously. The leader of the group was the Lonely Hero, Peng Xiling. He was extremely handsome to the point of outshining some of the women on stage. He carried himself with a calm and fearless aura and his reputation was also good among the common people.

There were other experts and famous people as well that joined the stage. The left over immortal sects had been suppressed by the big name sects for the first two events. This was their last opportunity to showcase their power. Even though they didn't perform well, they were still immortal sects and had many elders and core disciples that were notable and impressive. Even the smallest sect were able to field at least five late stage Spirit Initiate Realm experts. They bristled at their competition, eager to fight and gain back some glory.

Finally, the last sect was called, "Ten Thousand Flower Valley, come up!"

All eyes turned in curiosity at what kind of genius Chen Wentian would bring forth. Perhaps they were too unnerved by the prior two geniuses, but they all seemed to let out a combined sigh of relief as Wu Qianyu walked forward. She was only at the early 10th Level of the Spirit Initiate Realm and more importantly she was alone. Although her talent was obviously great due to her age, everyone felt relieved as there was nothing one person could do against the army of experts already assembled.

There were many 10th Level Spirit Initiate Realm cultivators on stage and many of them had been at the peak for years. They've spent five, ten, or even more than fifteen years seeking their path to immortality. They were the best of the best within their sects and well known experts in the region, each with their own fame and accomplishments. They weren't spring chickens but veterans with abundant experience.

There was a huge different in power between those that have been at the peak of the 10th level for many years compared to one that just got there. Those at the peak have been ceaselessly cultivating, studying, and improving their understanding of spiritual energy and the world. Their practice of their cultivation arts and their Dao were deeper and more profound than anybody except immortals. In fact, it was not uncommon for those got first or second place in this event to become immortals later on.

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