There was another break before the final match to let the two finalists recover.

Zhou Ziyun was given a private cultivation room. Inside, Chen Wentian helped her meditate as he channeled spiritual energy into her, helping her absorb a potent recovery pill.

After finishing, Chen Wentian said, "Ziyun, for the last fight, these beast lovers will do anything to win. We'll even the odds. You can use your saber and I'll also give you this..."

He drew out a set of armor and handed it to her. It was a reddish brown color and very light. It seemed to be made of some sort of beast hide and had many tiny red wings that lay flush along the back and the sides. It was not a body suit like Lin Qingcheng's Golden Serpent Robe. It was a normal light armor with arm guards, chest plate, skirt, and shin guards.

"Its called the Winged Sentinel. It has a interesting ability. Try it on." Chen Wentian said.

Zhou Ziyun put it on and stretched and twirled around, testing out the armor. It felt almost weightless on her body and didn't inhibit her speed or movement at all. She looked very dashing with the armor and her saber, like an adventurer ready to take on world.

"Do you sense the inscription array? Channel a slight bit of energy into it to understand its power."

"Yes, master!"


"Ladies and gentlemen! Are you ready for the finale!" The announcer's voice boomed through the stadium and the audience erupted in response.

"Cheer for our hometown genius, He Guxie!"

The crowd roared in approval and began to chant his name as He Guxie emerged onto the arena. He was clad in a shiny golden yellow armor that completely covered him from head to toe. He also carried a large grey sword on his shoulder that was almost as big as his body.

Items were not prohibited by the rules but the two judges still went over to check He Guxie's items to make sure they were below immortal level. His items were at the peak Spirit Initiate level. Items at this level were more common but still incredibly powerful and expensive. It was normally used by immortals and peak Spirit Initiate Realm cultivators and letting a junior used such items was incredibly unfair to his competition.

However, it wasn't against the rules and He Guxie was cleared by the judges. He stood at the center of the stage, waving to the crowd with a bored smile. The items weren't his but given by He Xinghan in order to guarantee a victory. He'd also taken a power pill that boosted him to the 7th Level of the Mind Focusing Realm.

"Now, for our visitor from afar, Zhou Ziyun!"

Most of the crowed booed and rained insults as Zhou Ziyun emerged, clad in a light reddish armor with a slender saber at her side. It was a stark contrast between the two. One encompassed raw power and a warrior's aura. The other looked like a swift and agile rogue.

The judges studied her items carefully for rule breaking but couldn't find anything. All of Chen Wentian's immortal items were bound to him through a secret art and he could withdraw their immortal aura at will. No matter how they examined her saber, they couldn't sense any immortal aura and could only sense it was a powerful peak Spirit Initiate Level weapon.

As Zhou Ziyun took to the stage, the saber hummed in her hand as it was restored to its original power.

He Guxie looked at Zhou Ziyun in interest as he admired her beauty and her confidence. She was nothing like the women he played with that were meek and obedient. He really wanted to capture this unusual flower.

He gave a dashing smile as he said, "Hey beautiful, we can be friends. I really don't want to hurt you, why don't you surrender?"

"In your dreams." Zhou Ziyun said, looking down on him like dirt. He Guxie was quite handsome by normal standards but Zhou Ziyun couldn't care less.

He Guxie didn't give up, "Ziyun, lets make a bet. If I win, you'll accompany me for a day and I'll show you around the city and treat you to dinner?"

His voice purposefully carried throughout the stadium and the crowd cheered their approval when they heard. He Guxie liked his opponent! Two supreme geniuses, one man and one woman, they were a perfect pair. Who else could match up to the prince!

Zhou Ziyun wanted to kick him in the nuts. She glanced over at Chen Wentian who gave her a wink. She understood and looked back at He Guxie. "Ok, but if I win, I'll take a hundred of your Beast God Sanctum's power boost pills."

"Wooahhhh!" The crowed gasped in amazement.

He Guxie was taken aback. Did power boost pills grow on trees? Of course not! It was a precious treasure for the Beast God Sanctum, allowing their disciples to fight through life or death situations. There was never enough to go around and a hundred was more than the sect could make in a year! However, how could he refuse? If he stepped away now it would be admitting defeat before the fight even started!

The crowd even started chanting, "Bet! Bet! Bet!"

Chen Wentian gave her a thumbs up and laughed. The power boost pill was a great life saving treasure, even for those in the Spirit Initiate Realm. Zhou Ziyun, that clever girl, truly helped him out greatly with this bet.

He Guxie gritted his teeth in anger and frustration but was forced to agree. The judges recorded their side bet and the match finally started.

"3, 2, 1, Begin!"

He Guxie shot into action, charging at Zhou Ziyun and slashing his sword down a wide arc. His speed and power were both astonishing. Having boosted to the 7th Level of Mind Focusing, the additional armor and weapon further increased his combat ability to the 8th Level. He was determined to show this smug little s.l.u.t who was the boss.



He Guxie's sword broke apart the stone tiles where Zhou Ziyun stood but she was long gone. In a gust of wind, Zhou Ziyun had already put plenty of distance between them. He Guxie attacked again but it was the same result. He tried his best and used his most powerful sword forms over and over again but he couldn't even get close to her!

The Flying Sentinel was absolutely perfect for Zhou Ziyun. It wasn't an overwhelming defensive armor but it vastly improved her innate agility and speed. As she channeled internal energy into the armor's runic inscriptions, all the tiny wings came to life at her command. Her boosted speed with the wings was more than twice as fast as He Guxie. She could also stop on a dime and change direction in an instant. With the Flying Sentinel, she effortlessly ran circles around the lumbering tin can of a man.

After humiliating He Guxie for an eternity, Zhou Ziyun felt satisfied. It was time to end this tournament. Her Insightful Swallow saber flashed in the air as the Flying Dragon Saber Art was displayed for the first time. Her silver white saber became a blur.

"Dragon Snatching the Sea!"

White beams of saber light converged onto He Guxie. He tried to block with his sword but there were six simultaneous attacks.


One saber light was blocked by his heavy sword but the other five impacted heavily against his golden armor. He Guxie was blown back, barely able to remain standing. He looked at his sword which now sported a large crack. His treasure armor was also cracked in several places.

Zhou Ziyun attacked once again.


This time, He Guxie crashed to the ground in a heap as his sword was completely cut in half. He tried to get back up as he panted in pain. His armor was mostly destroyed and he was bleeding from multiple heavy wounds.

Even though Zhou Ziyun couldn't fully utilize the Insightful Swallow, it was still more than enough to trash weapons and armor at a lower tier. This was a fundamental difference in power. Since the Beast God Sanctum was so despicable, she showed them the ultimate form of unstoppable cheating!

He Guxie saw Zhou Ziyun leap into the air for another attack and his mind filled with terror. He forgot about the no killing rule. He forgot that the sect master had told him not to surrender at any cost. He only want to get away from this crazy woman!

"I surrender!" He yelled.

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