At the southern region of Dragon Flower Province, a mass of cultivators and soldiers pushed their way through a dead forest. Bei Yingluo was leading on horseback, clad in a light-pink battle dress. Two older women rode beside her, her aunts and members of the Bei Clan. Behind them were several strong male cultivators as well as at least a thousand soldiers clad in a mishmash of armor and weapons.

Bei Yingluo looked around and side to side, her hand clutching the reins tightly. Just a few weeks ago, this forest had been verdant and vibrant, teeming with life. Now, the only thing that was left was the dead trees and barren ground all around. This was her first assignment outside of the sect and also the first one without her master. Her stomach was fluttering with nervousness though she tried to not show it.

They were on a demon extermination mission as a part of the sect’s large-scale demon-hunting effort across several provinces. This mission wasn’t a large infestation, just a swarm of demonized locusts. Demonized locusts were normal insect beasts that had been touched by demonic spiritual energy. In addition to eating all plant material in a region, it also developed a taste for other beasts as well as humans. They weren’t strong individually but strong in a group, hence the large force with her.

She left Ten Thousand Flower Valley with just the members of the Bei Clan. The small army behind her had been gathered from the local towns and villages. As mortals, they couldn’t refuse the will of their lord immortal. Nobody was unwilling, not when an immortal’s disciple was leading the charge. They also wanted to get rid of the demonic scourge that had destroyed vast farmlands and precious forests.

“Relax, Ying’er,” A voice beside her chided, “As a leader, you have to display confidence. Sit up straight! Look sharp!”

Bei Yingluo shot a look of annoyance at the person, aunt Bei Hao. She didn’t reply but she couldn’t refute those words. She looked back towards the front stubbornly, reluctantly straightening her posture.

Bei Hao was already over forty but maintained youthful features due to her cultivation at the 2nd Level of the Spirit Initiate Realm. In the past, Bei Hao had been an influential member of the clan but now she had to answer to a junior. There was definitely some friction beneath the surface but it couldn’t be helped. Bei Yingluo was the immortal disciple and there was no point trying to argue.

She shook her head and turned to address two male cultivators behind her, “We’re getting close to the locusts. Fen Lang, Er Lang, I will rely on you both to control the right-wing.”

The strong-looking men nodded confidently. Their cultivations were both at the upper levels of the Spirit Initiate Realm and among the strongest in the army.

“Aiya! I can’t believe that my sister Hao managed to find herself two strapping young men to warm her bed. She is truly the tigress of our clan!”

The voice came from Bei Yingluo’s other side. It belonged to aunt Bei Chen, a woman whose beauty was already starting to age. She was of the same generation as Bei Hao.

“Noisy!” Bei Hao shot back, “It’s not my fault that they come knocking on my door. And it's not my fault that I found them acceptable. You're one to talk, your fiancée is quite the catch himself.”

Bei Chen giggled, “That he is. He is very powerful… in many aspects!”

“Oh? How powerful?”

The two older women then engaged in heated whispers, comparing and contrasting the prowess of their men.

Bei Yingluo rolled her eyes but couldn’t help but eavesdrop. The Bei Clan had always been liberal with regards to matters of sexuality. The women often talked to each other about their husbands. There were also no objections to Bei Hao taking two husbands.

Since their newfound status allowed them to attract talented loose cultivators, the women of the Bei Clan took advantage of this to the fullest. Aside from Bei Yingluo’s mother, all the other clan members were already married or engaged. Bei Hao was the first to take a second husband but she surely wouldn’t be the last. Since Chen Wentian didn’t care how the Bei Clan was run, there was no downside to another husband!

“Speaking of which…” Bei Chen broke off and nudged Bei Yingluo, “Ying’er has the best man out of all of us. It is a little embarrassing trying to brag when Ying’er is listening. Hehe!”

“Third Aunt!” Bei Yingluo muttered, blushing, “Master is my master, not my husband. It’s different!”

“Small details. Small details! As the months become years and the two of you get to know each other and share more tender moments in the bedroom, there won't be any difference!”

“Yingluo, we are all relying on you. You have to work hard. The clan can perish at a moment’s notice if you fail.” Bei Hao added.

“Second Aunt…”

“Report!” A scout appeared in front of Bei Yingluo. “Lady Bei, the demonized locusts have been sighted!”

Bei Yingluo raised a hand signal and the army behind her ground to the halt.

“Where, how far?” She asked.

“Very close. Just over the hill, there is an open field. I think they are breeding there. We returned immediately and did not alert any of the locusts.”

“How many?”

“Thousands… maybe hundreds of thousands… Can we fight them with just our forces?” The scout asked nervously.

“Do not worry, Ten Thousand Flower Valley always comes prepared. Second Aunt?” Bei Yingluo turned to Bei Hao.

“I will go now. The right wing will circle around the field. At your signal, we will unleash the lord dragon’s flames!”

“Good, go now!”

The right wing, consisting of roughly a third of the army, slipped away into the dead forest to encircle the field with the locusts.

The main army followed by getting into a long battle line. Each soldier and cultivator carried with them a bow and several quivers of arrows. They then slowly advanced, making sure to stay silent so as to not startle their prey.

The open field soon came into view. What used to be a grassy meadow beside a stream was now devoid of plant life. Instead, the ground was a writhing mass of black carapaces, spiky red limbs, and shiny translucent wings. The demonized locusts were in the middle of a mating frenzy. Soon after, their numbers would explode and the swarm would cause even more devastation.

Bei Yingluo steeled herself and raised a message talisman into the air. It shot into the air with a streak of blue flame.

At her signal, her army on both sides of the field let loose a storm of arrows at the swarm. And as the arrows slammed down, they exploded into bright blue balls of fire, consuming everything in their path.

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