Jiangshi, compared to the faceless demon that Su Xue and Su Yue encountered, was less physically gifted and did not rely on raw power. Instead, it specialized in resilience and endurance. Jiangshi sucked human blood and absorbed life essence to give themselves a deep and seemingly endless sea of spiritual energy. In a fight, such a demon could last two or three times as long as a human cultivator at the same level.

Lin Qingcheng experienced this first hand as she chased the demon in disguise through the slumbering city. They covered the roof of the brothel in a few short leaps and descended onto the deserted streets. The demon tried to lose her in narrow and winding alleys but she kept up, never letting it leave her sight.

“Stop it!”



“It went that way!”

Dong Yi encountered an abundance of city guards, Zhou Clan fighters, and enforcers of the Crime and Punishment Division as it fled. It was past midnight and the only people out and about were Lin Qingcheng’s people. They were posted at critical junctures to prevent escape.

But they were all too weak to stop the demon. One by one, in pairs and small groups, they were all defeated in the blink of an eye. Her forces suffered serious casualties but they at least allowed her to stay on the demon’s tail.

Lin Qingcheng was giving it her all but she was starting to fall behind. After the initial burst of excitement wore off, the reality of the difference in power and the demon's specialty set in. She simply didn't have the endurance to keep up. She couldn't even get close enough to launch an attack. If she didn’t have so much backup slowing the demon's flight, she would have already lost it in the maze-like backstreets.

“Chengcheng, it will be bad if this continues,” Chen Wentian’s voice drifted into her ear as she ran. It came from the Golden Serpent soul which always watched over her during critical times, “Do you want me to trap it?”

“No!” She said through gasps for air, “I can catch it, master!”

“Alright! You can do it!” He replied encouragingly. “I trust you!”

Since she was so determined, he chose not to undercut this opportunity for her to fight and grow. He didn’t care about a few losses here and there of mortal lives as long as she benefited.

“I can do it!” She shouted, her spirits lifted by his belief in her.

The jiangshi was an endurance freak but in certain conditions, so was she! If this demon wanted to compete with her in sheer stamina, she would give it a good fight!

“Hah!” She gave a small shout as the sensation she had been waiting for arrived.

The pool of pleasure that had been collecting in her lower stomach poured out like a tidal wave, washing over her tired body, filling her muscles with new spiritual energy. This tiny orgasm came just in time, adding a powerful spring in her steps.

The demon had just been delayed by a patrol of city guards. Those precious few seconds gave her the opening she needed.

With a tremendous burst of spiritual energy, she leaped into the air and descended on the jiangshi’s undefended back.

Nineteen Demon Subduing Palms, Fifth Palm, Flight of Demons!


Her palm landed on its back like a falling meteor.

It bounced on the ground and crashed into a nearby wall of stone.

“AhhhH!” The demon let out a wretched howl.

It slowly extricated itself from the rubble and glared at Lin Qingcheng with hate-filled eyes.

Lin Qingcheng faced it and mockingly shook her palm. This made the demon bare its fangs angrily. She replied with a small smile. She knew it had suffered a few broken bones which gave her a tiny bit of satisfaction.

“I’ll kill you!” The demons shouted suddenly, scaring away the wounded guards nearby and making her pause.

But instead of attacking, it turned tail and fled. Outnumbered and in enemy territory, staying and fighting was certain death even if it could slay tens or hundreds of humans.

Lin Qingcheng once again chased after it. With her body still full of orgasmic energy, she managed to catch up with the desperate demon.

She launched a flurry of attacks right away. She knew her enhanced state wouldn’t last long. She had to end it in the next minute or so. Otherwise, she would get left in the dust once again.

Nineteen Demon Subduing Palms, First Palm, Demon Subjugation!

Second Palm, Dominate Demons!

Third Palm, Demon Cries in Misery!

One move after another, her attacks flew towards the demon wildly. Some landed on thin air while others met flesh and caused pain and suffering. Accuracy was left to the wayside in favor of overwhelming force and total suppression.

She wasn't going to let this demon escape!

“Shit! Shit! Shit!” The jiangshi cursed up a storm.

The demon finally had enough and gave up on fleeing. It faced Lin Qingcheng in the middle of a deserted street. It was already in a wretched state, with multiple wounds covering its body, its clothes dyed in thick, dark red blood. Its eyes were filled with fury as well as an unreasonable amount of fear. It shivered as it stared at Lin Qingcheng like she was the demon instead.

By ordinary standards, no attack from a cultivator at her level should have been able to hurt it. Demons individually were on average far stronger than humans. Yet her palm strikes managed to do and it even cut through its demonic physique like it was nothing.

Her palm strikes weren’t even that special. They were filled with terrible form and telegraphed moves made it trivial to block. She was probably the most untalented human the demon had fought in its life but she was also the only one that managed to trigger a primal fear with its soul.

Something like this defied common sense. It was impossible… except...

“Who are you really?” The jiangshi spat out.

Lin Qingcheng didn’t understand the question and simply advanced with her palm at the ready, “You already know who I am.”

With that, they collided together in a flurry of punches and kicks.

The demon’s claws easily penetrated her shoddy defenses and raked her body. Her battle robe was ripped to shreds but that was it. The Golden Serpent Robe protected her from harm completely.

On the other hand, her palms continuously rained down on the jiangshi, tearing flesh, snapping tendons, and crushing bone. There was nothing it could it as its defense of flesh and spiritual energy all failed in the face of her unnatural attacks.

All of the demon's abilities and experiences were ineffective against Lin Qingcheng. It was a wholesale slaughter. It was almost cruel.

“Puuu!” The demon spat out a fountain of blood.

A powerful palm strike finally broke through its defense and landed directly across its chest. It was blasted away, landing some distance away in a heap. It tried to get back up but after several miserable moans, collapsed for good.

Lin Qingcheng walked over and was about to finish the job when the demon’s rattling laugh made her pause. Its body was broken and it could no longer put up any fight. But it still had the energy to laugh?

“What are you doing?” She asked suspiciously.

“Hahaha… I know the truth now… I know who… no, what you are… demon slayer… demon slayer…”

“What?” She frowned, unsure of what was going on.

She studied the demon with her spiritual energy. It was definitely dying and there were no tricks or traps that she could detect.

“Haha… humans like you are too dumb and arrogant… I have already figured it out…” The demon said, smiling with a mouthful of broken teeth. “Now there won’t be anywhere for you to hide!”


“Your palm art is your downfall. You haven’t accomplished anything… by killing me! You are all going to die soon… demon slayer, you’re going die!”

“Tch.” Lin Qingcheng ran out of patience and slammed her palm into the demon’s chest, crushing its heart for good.

The jiangshi let out a gurgle and fell onto its back. Its breath slowed as its life rapidly dimmed. But before its soul disappeared into the cycle of samsara, it let out one last burst of spiritual energy in defiance.


A black message talisman shot out of the demon’s body and disappeared into the night sky.


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