Sha. Sha. Sha.

The sound of water trickling down the walls and flowing down the cavern mixed with steady and purposeful footsteps.

Chen Wentian rushed down Dugu’s Cavern at almost a full sprint, putting as much distance as he could from Peng Xiling. He crossed halfway through the third level before he finally slowed down, having successfully wiped away any more thoughts of the queer man.

It wasn’t that he disliked girly men or men with opposite predilections. He just didn’t like them… because he liked women.

He passed various crowds of swordmen along the way, their cultivations steadily rising to the peak of the Spirit Initiate Realm. He didn’t stop or talk to anyone and instead blew past all of them. He didn’t even bother waiting in line whenever there was one.


“Who is he?”

“Which sect is he from?”

Astonished voices rang out and followed after his fleeting figure. He didn’t bother stopping to show off. He didn’t act pleased or arrogant. He was simply a man on a mission. What he was doing wasn’t anything special, not with the gifts he had.

He knew from the beginning that Dugu’s Cavern and its test of one’s sword Dao would not pose a challenge. The cavern tested mortals and whatever trashy understanding of the sword they came up with on the fly. No test here could stop him when he wielded a divine sword art created by an ancient dragon clan.

It was called the Sword of Yashijilun, Descent of Ascalon. It was a lucky bonus from the blue dragon soul, a divine sword art it had practiced casually as a hobby. It wasn’t something exclusive to the blue dragon clan but something ubiquitous to most other dragon clans. The reason was that it was a legacy passed down through the ages, developed by ancient dragons of time immemorial to utilize swords in addition to their natural physical gifts as divine beasts to conquer the world.

The blue dragon soul had barely started cultivating the first descent. His memories were sketchy at best and large passages were missing from even the first descent. But even so, it was more than enough. It was more than enough to far surpass any sword Dao at the mortal realms and even the early immortal realms.

Chen Wentian passed through each step and level of Dugu’s Cavern effortlessly. He met no more people in the fourth level of the cavern and beyond. It was a region where only those at the lesser realms of the Spirit Initiate Realm entered. This suited him just fine as it meant he could fully display the might of the Descent of Ascalon without worry.


The image of a dragon head appeared behind Chen Wentian’s back. The horns were sharp and protruded in all directions. The gaping jaw was filled with sharp rows of white teeth. The entire visage exuded immeasurable sharpness as if it could cut the world to shreds.

This was the sword Dao of dragons, unstoppable power and absolute destruction!

The fifth level passed by, then the sixth, the seventh…

After an unknown span of time, what felt like several days, Chen Wentian crossed the last bridge and entered the tenth level. He reached the end, the bottom of Dugu’s Cavern. The tenth level was a cavern with small lakes and waterfalls surrounding a circular stone platform. Atop the platform was a human-height piece of grey stone carved into the likeness of a sword.

He sensed what he had come down here for. It was clear the midmorning sun. His soul art was reverberating, resonating with whatever was inside the stone sword. He hoped that it was the dead soul or a remnant will of the sword god, Dugu Qiushen.

Chen Wentian walked up and reached a hand towards the stone sword. He hoped that it would give him a huge boost and leapfrog him into the next lesser realm of Spiritual Formation, taking him one step closer to immortality.


A frightening surge of spiritual energy erupted and locked Chen Wentian in place. Peerless sword energy wiped away any resistance from the Descent of Ascalon. He was astonished and suddenly fearful that he had triggered some kind of trap. Thoughts raced through his mind but he couldn’t do anything.

He was trapped…

After what felt like forever, a peal of laughter rang throughout the cavern. The cheerful male voice eased Chen Wentian’s paranoia only slightly but in the next moment, the sword energy dangling dangerously around his body receded.

“Hahaha! The Descent of Ascalon! Hahaha!” The voice howled, “I finally get to see it again after so many years. Your form is pretty bad but nonetheless, it is every bit as impressive as my memories!”

Chen Wentian did not attempt to touch the stone sword or do anything to absorb this soul. He knew something was wrong. This was no dead soul. This soul was way too powerful… almost like it was alive. He would be dead in an instant if he did anything stupid.

Deciding to be cautious, he bowed respectfully in front of the sword. “Senior Dugu. This junior is named Chen Wentian. I didn’t mean to cause senior any disturbance. I only attempted the world-famous challenge of Dugu’s Cavern!”

“Indeed, indeed.” The voice answered cheerfully, “Although, I will hold back any praise since this cavern wasn’t intended for you, little blue dragon.”

“You… know?” Chen Wentian asked, his voice trembling ever so slightly. Fear coursed through his body.

“Relax, I have no dispute with a little dragon hatchling. In some circles, I can be considered a friend of the dragon clans! Hahaha!”

Chen Wentian couldn’t tell if the voice was lying or not. He couldn’t imagine divine beasts befriending a human.

“Anyways, I should reward you with something. Even though you cheated, you gave me an enjoyable show! Hmm… Alright, I’ve decided!”

There was a flash of light and a thin booklet appeared before Chen Wentian. Its title was Dugu’s 10th Sword.


“This little sword trick I came up with can be yours if you agree to help me with something.”

Although it sounded like a request, it was obvious that Chen Wentian didn’t have much of a choice. The power behind this voice was simply monstrous and could crush him in a blink.

Chen Wentian bowed again, “Senior Dugu, this junior accepts.”


There was another flash and a ring appeared atop the booklet. It was a camouflaging spatial bag, something that Chen Wentian had always wished for but couldn’t yet obtain. He put it on and was astonished to find that the inside space was a hundred times bigger than the ordinary spatial bag he had. This new one was empty except for a locked metal chest and a message talisman.

“When you grow up and find your way back to the land of dragons, I want you to find a certain dragon for me. Her name is the Little Dragon Maiden. You probably don’t know her but you will eventually. It is inevitable that you will learn of her great name…” The voice trailed off as if lost in fond memory.

“Ahem… anyways, give that chest to her and her alone. After you do that, you can activate the message talisman to contact me and tell me how she reacted. Can you do this?”

“This junior accepts!” Chen Wentian said.

He didn’t ask any questions or speak any extraneous nonsense. He wasn’t sure if the voice had already gauged his questionable identity. He didn’t want to have to explain how he obtained the legacy of a blue dragon. It was best if the voice continued to assume that Chen Wentian was a blue dragon in human form.

“Hahaha! Good, good! I haven’t been this happy in a millennium! I will do you a favor as a treat. It’s best if you avoid the trip back to the surface. By now, your name is already on display on the stele at the entrance and no less than three hundred swordsmen are waiting for your return. Therefore…”

There was a wave of sword energy, so powerful that it was able to slice apart reality and the fabric of space. The air in front of Chen Wentian warped and started being ripped apart, revealing a black void.

“See you a thousand years, little dragon!”


He barely had time to put away Dugu’s 10th Sword before a surge of energy kicked his butt and sent him headfirst into the rip in space.


The trip was short, almost instant. Chen Wentian popped back into reality and landed on something soft and furry in the middle of a familiar forest.

“Ow, what the hell!” A muffled cry came from beneath him, it was Chen Mo.

The squashed and furious shadow fox gnawed at Chen Wentian’s arm in anger but was eventually placated by some dried meat and a fascinating tale about a legendary sword god.

“Shit, this Little Dragon Maiden sounds like an absolute beauty!” Chen Mo cackled, “You should figure out what kind of relationship this Dugu Qiutian has with her. If possible, you should steal her away and make her yours!”

Chen Wentian laughed. “You’re right! Little Dragon Maiden does sound like my kind of woman. When I reach that level, I certainly won’t hand her over to some asshole surnamed Dugu!”


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