The battle between seven Spirit Kings moved rapidly across the sky. The three beast kings retreated while the humans gave chase. In a few moments, they left the city and entered the eastern wilderness.

To an observer on the ground, it seemed like the heavens were collapsing from massive shockwaves and tumultuous clashes. Gorgeous crimson fireballs exploded, washing everything below in warm light. Green clouds swept into pink ones, mixing together into a myriad of colors. Giant incarnations of heavenly beasts and human gods flashed here and there as they fought an immortal battle!

Both Gong Liyun and Queen Sundew's abilities were focused on special effects rather than brawn. The lotus woman sent forth a pink aura that improved her allies' reaction speed and mental ability while dragging down her enemies. Queen Sundew's power was a little more straightforward. Its aura of life directly healed allies and sucked the life force from enemies.

This mysterious ability was why the human immortals of the Immortal Association targeted Queen Sundew with a sneak attack. The martial monkey and the flame toad were strong but they were rather boring and ordinary in terms of their abilities. The mantis queen was the only one that was special. Its ability was rare and precious and extremely overpowered.

Almost any wound, as long as it was not fatal, could be healed by the queen given enough time and spiritual energy. This meant that while the three beasts could not win against the four humans, there was little chance for the human side to quickly kill the beasts.

The attack was a gamble, one that was the least likely to succeed because of this ability. For Beast God Sanctum, it would have been happy if any of the beast kings died. He Zicheng and Qu Shen would have preferred an ambush on either of the other two as it would have been more likely to succeed. Gong Liyun and Huang Wuji thought differently. Their only desire was the mantis queen. If they were unable to obtain it, they would rather not help Beast God Sanctum at all.

Thus, after the ambush failed, those two already lost most of their desire to fight. Four against three was not enough to easily kill a Spirit King. They also had no desire to go all-out deep in the wilderness that was ruled by beasts.

He Zicheng and Qu Shen, on the other hand, fought with full strength. They wanted payback for the attack and to vent their frustrations. They were frustrated because they understood the intentions of the Immortal Association but there was nothing they could do. The association had already shown enough face in showing up, there was nothing else that could be requested of them without additional cost.

While this battle was already mostly decided, the massive chaotic brawl between seventeen Spirit Lords was still going on.

This battle was more chaotic as Spirit Lords fought high in the sky and low to the ground. They all fought one on one or two on two. The combatants did not stray too far from the main group out of fear of being ganged up. There was still a sense of protection while close to allies that could help watch each other's backs and flanks.

"Watch out!"

"Die, beast!"

"Come here, human sc.u.m!"

A chorus of yells blended in with the noise of battle and any mortal would have a hard time telling what was even going on. It was even difficult for the Spirit Lords to keep track in the midst of a life-threatening battle.

Chen Wentian casually flew around the outskirts, being the only one not really participating or doing anything. Whenever a stray beast came his way, he kicked it away in the direction of a human immortal. When a human came his way for assistance, he simply flew away even faster.

It was also due to his interference that human to beast matchups switched constantly. He would fly into the middle of a duel to distract the fighters. The beast might retreat or be angered enough to chase him. He would then simply fly into another duel and lose the pursuer in the ensuing chaos.

The whole battle was like a dance performance and he was the lead performer. He did what he wanted and the others had to react to him.

He conducted the battle skillfully with this power. After many switches, interruptions, and angry curses from everyone, he finally set up the battlefield in the exact way he desired.

Ji Tiangu was currently facing off against General Jiao, the camouflaging sasquatch. The sasquatch was a rare and powerful beast and its strength was not weaker than the giant mantis. Ji Tiangu was being pushed back constantly and having a hard time finding an opening to counterattack because of General Jiao's ability to turn invisible for split seconds.

Mei Qiaofeng was dueling General Kong and it was an even match. Chen Wentian slid in and took over from her, allowing her to take a rare bit of rest as the odd one out. Since General Kong was his secret agent among the beasts, they were merely play fighting. They both put on a flashy show with silvery steel clashing against purple sword energy but it was simply for show. Both hardly exerted any energy and steadily moved closer and closer to the duel between Ji Tiangu and General Jiao. Once they were close enough… the final trap would be sprung!

"General Jiao, it's me!" The gorilla spoke through spiritual voice.

"Kong, what is it? Do you need help?"

"Yes! This fat human is strange. He has been hiding his powers and biding his time. He is building up to a powerful attack and I may not be able to stop him!"

"Come to me, we can fight together!"


The pair of apes joined forces and so did Ji Tiangu and Chen Wentian. Ji Tiangu was surprised by this and glanced at his helper suspiciously.

"You finally decided to fight? You bastard… took you long enough!" He snorted in frustration.

"Quiet… I sword Dao requires a long time to prepare a single powerful attack. However, once it is ready, few immortals can stop it. It is almost done and I intend to take down this sasquatch." Chen Wentian said.

"You can kill it but its body is mine!"

"Quiet… you won't be able to kill it without me. I get half and you all can have the rest but I must get half."

"Half is too much! The others will also want a share!"

"Oh… well then I will just leave." Chen Wentian said and drifted away, leaving Ji Tiangu alone.

"Fine, one third. One third, that's my bottom line!" Ji Tiangu yelled out.

Chen Wentian smiled and flew back, "We have a deal…"

The pair continued their battle against the two apes. After a few suspenseful moments, the sword attack was finally ready.

Actually, that was also a ruse. Chen Wentian's mastery of Dugu's 10th Sword was quite good thanks to the Purple Jade Hercules Beetle. He didn't need that much time to prepare an attack but he needed time for General Kong to prepare his.

"General Jiao! My Steel Kong Avatar is ready! If that fat human tries anything, I will be able to block it!"

"Good! Let's go! My Invisible Punch is also ready! I will take their miserable lives!"

Chen Wentian dramatically brought out a purple-colored sword and pointed it at the sasquatch. The gorilla reacted immediately and moved to block.

Sword energy gathered from all around and through Chen Wentian's body. It coalesced and flowed down the sword into a single point. It was impossibly small and concentrated with pure sword intent. It pulsed and throbbed with tangible danger. The tiny pinpoint ball of light could not be held for long and it finally burst straight out in a blinding beam.

Second Movement, Pierce the Heavens!

The white ray of sword light erupted. It was angled slightly upward and shot through the sky and up into the heavens. It did not stop and there was seemingly nothing that could stop it.

As quickly as it came, it was gone. There was only a momentary pause as everyone marveled at the attack which was definitely at the peak of the Spirit Lord realm. They certainly did not want to be on the receiving end of such an attack!

The attack did land on someone but not General Kong. It went straight through where Ji Tiangu's heart was. Although it was not enough to kill him outright, he was heavily wounded and might die if he did not receive aid.

"Help me… Help me!" His pained roar echoed throughout the battlefield.

Before any aid could come, General Jiao's attack came.

Bam! Bam! Bam!

A succession of phantasmal attacks landed on Ji Tiangu's body. His middle dantian was a mess trying to save his heart and his spiritual energy was weak. This attack almost shattered his protective spiritual aura completely.

But that wasn't all. General Kong's Steel Kong Avatar jumped in with another round of punishment. Although its main specialty was defense, its strength was still considerable.

"AhhhHH!" Ji Tiangu wailed miserably as the last of his defenses fell. Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click /book/immortal-only-accepts-female-disciples_15762883206989405/for-the-snake-lord_51218278332295225 for visiting.

His arms were broken, his ribs were crushed. His immortal body erupted in red blood.

He made a run for it and Chen Wentian as well as the two apes gave chase. The human side was confused as to what was going on. They managed to stop General Kong and General Jiao but let the main culprit through.

Ji Tiangu was still alive and he was desperately running for his life. He only needed to survive the next few seconds for the others to realize the truth behind the situation.

He was trying to live but too many people wanted him dead. It wasn't just Chen Wentian but also Mei Qiaofeng who had seen the whole thing and she was already prepared.

"For the Snake Lord!"

A sharp cry cut across the battlefield, silencing everyone. These words had not been heard for a long time and it alarmed them all.

A giant half-human snake collided with Ji Tiangu in the next moment. He tried to struggle but Mei Qiaofeng's tail wrapped tighter and tighter. His body was already broken and he could not summon enough spiritual energy. He could do nothing but stare ahead in shock as his life was squeezed out of him!


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