Immortal Only Accepts Female Disciples

Chapter 232: Bei Yingluo Greets Master

The gorilla beast's soul was not the most difficult soul Chen Wentian had ever connected with. It was up there in the rankings but only because of its cultivation. The long battle seemed to last an eternity in the soul space but it was only a few seconds in real life. The gorilla never gained the upper hand but it defended tenaciously with its innate abilities. The only thing effective against it was the divine flames of the Blue Dragon. Thus, the gorilla was roasted alive until it eventually gave in.

Chen Wentian, as Chen Mo, opened his eyes again. The snow domain was gone. The sky was once again clear. After a few moments, General Kong opened its eyes but it was no longer General Kong. It was also Chen Wentian.

"Hmm… feels weird." Chen Wentian in the gorilla body spoke. "But I guess it should be fun."

He twisted his body around and flexed his arms. He checked to make sure everything was fine and even punched the ground a few times.

"Stop showing off." Chen Mo said.

��Alright, let's go." Both beasts said and took off into the air.

He headed southward and soon arrived at the treasure mountain. Chen Mo melted away into shadow and attached to the gorilla body and they both descended into the tunnels.

"General Kong!"

"General Kong!"

Monkey howls greeted him and several strong looking gorillas rushed up.

"General, did you see General Sun? Where did he go?"

General Kong's personality was more approachable than the pervert General Sun. The gorilla immortal was quite popular among the monkey underlings. It was a result of being the silverback of the monkey kingdom. He was the elder protector and received admiration and respect.

"It's fine. There's something huge that happened and General Sun has run away. He has abandoned the king at the very worst time just when we are fighting the humans." Chen Wentian said.

"What? Impossible!"

"How can this happen?"

The cacophony of monkey shrieks and howls became almost defeating.

"Quiet! Quiet! I will handle it. But I need to investigate exactly what happened here. Therefore, everyone must return to their lairs and no one can come out until I tell you." Chen Wentian said, "I will thoroughly sweep through the entire mountain, and anybody that gets in my way will suffer punishment! Lock up the human prisoners, stay in your lairs, and do not do anything!"

His orders spread through the tunnels and all of the monkeys obeyed without question. Soon, the tunnels were cleared out and completely quiet.

He headed down to the bottom level, to the immortal lairs. He came to General Sun's chamber and stayed outside while Chen Mo went in.

The interior was unchanged from before. He walked past the battle damage and checked on the woman he was interested in. To his pleasant surprise, she had recovered a great deal and she was now simply sleeping peacefully.

Chen Wentian transformed into Chen Mo's human form. He found a spare beast fur to wrap around his waist as a weak attempt at modesty. He didn't want her first impression of him to that of a pervert.

He extended spiritual energy to warm her up and gently shook her until she started to wake.

"Uhh… oww…" The woman groaned as she stirred.

Her body was still sore and painful from the previous ordeal. She gave a few more m.o.a.ns of discomfort before opening her eyes. She blinked several times and rubbed her face in the furs to clear her vision. Her actions were surprisingly adoring… but that was perhaps because she was n.a.k.e.d and currently giving him a good view of her bare chest.

"Wha… who are you?" She asked uncertainly.

It was certainly shocking to see another human face in the lair of monkey beasts.

"Don't worry. I won't hurt you." Chen Wentian said gently and gave her a smile. "You're safe. Those monkey beasts won't hurt you anymore."

"… what are you talking about? We're still in the monkey immortal's lair!"

She tried to get up but fell back down in pain.

��Shh… careful. You're still hurt."

He extended a hand to her forehead and gave her a burst of Benevolent Hands energy to soothe her.

She relaxed a bit and turned to study the strange man that was mostly n.a.k.e.d. His body was average and nothing special. His face was above average. She slightly blushed once her eyes fell on his barely covered groin area.

"Don't worry about the snow monkey, it's already dead." Chen Wentian said. "I killed it."


He chuckled and extended a bit of his immortal aura. Even at the Body Refinement realm, she instantly recognized it and was blown away.

"Wow… amazing…"

Her expression changed immediately. She stared at him with sparkling intensity. Her eyes contained heat, fervor, and tinges of passion. He was an immortal, lord over millions of mortal lives. If he took her in, she would instantly be transformed from a chicken into a soaring phoenix!

"Immortal… you saved me…" She said softly, her voice husky, "This servant is willing to serve you forever. Please take me, my lord!"

Chen Wentian was taken aback, to say the least. He did not expect her to do this. She was offering herself to him entirely, her life was his. Weren't things moving a bit too quickly?

Her words were actually a reasonable reaction given the circ.u.mstances and their vast differences in status. However, he had not been an immortal for long and although he had been with many women already, he still was nowhere near an expert in how women thought.

"Ahem… young maiden…" He coughed, slightly embarrassed.

He was putting on airs but she knew what men liked. She already felt his gaze on her upper body so she decided to let him see his fill. She took off the layers on her one by one until she was completely n.a.k.e.d.

She gave him a smile, "My lord… I am yours. Please…"

Her eyes begged him and he was sorely tempted. If it was Chen Wentian's real body, he might have already pressed her down. But it was Chen Mo's body and he felt that it was slightly improper.

Seeing his hesitation, she made a determined face and crawled over. She sat up slowly and wrapped her arms around him. She pressed her n.a.k.e.d body to him and gave a shuddering sigh that hit all the right notes.

"My lord… please do not leave this servant behind. I know a lot of skills and I can please you anyway you want. My lord!"

Chen Wentian's mind was slightly fuzzy at the moment. Out of all his disciples, no one had been this bold except for maybe Zhou Ziyun. Bold women were one of his weaknesses, women who knew what they wanted and weren't afraid to seek it. Who wouldn't want a woman like that?

"What's your name?" He finally asked.

"My lord, my name is Bei Yingluo."

"Good… Ahem… What I meant to say was, my intention is indeed to rescue you from this monkey lair. However, you do not need to be my servant."

"My lord…" She begged.

"Wait, hold on. I didn't mean it like that. I am actually an elder of an immortal sect called Ten Thousand Flower Valley. You have tremendous talent and therefore I will take you to the sect master. You shall be a direct disciple under him."

"Oh… wow…"

The plunging and soaring emotions overwhelmed her. Once the magnitude of the words sank in, she hurriedly got off him and bowed to the ground.

"Bei Yingluo greets master! Bei Yingluo greets master!" She cried out through happy tears.

"Wait, I'm not the one…"

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