The first insect beast that leaped over the wall was a greenish colored grasshopper. Its body was over a meter in length and with legs extended, it was over two meters. The large bulbous eyes caught onto the closest target and its jagged mandibles opened wide.


The soldier fell in a puddle of blood. He was at the Spirit Initiate Realm but his arm was still torn off easily like a chicken. Other soldiers recoiled in horror and there was a moment of confusion.

"Kill it!" Someone shouted.


Ten sets of spears charged at the insect that was bearing down to finish the fallen soldier. It saw the attack and whirled around to face the incoming soldiers with its butt. Its powerful legs shot out faster than the eye could see and, with a burst of spiritual energy, blasted three men into the air. They sailed over the wall and down onto the awaiting enemy below.

As Spirit Initiate Realm cultivators, such a fall was not fatal. However, there was no chance of survival down there.



Their screams were quickly drowned out as they were consumed by the enraged insects.

"Move aside, you useless idiots!" A sharp voice called out,

It was He Xuanwu who advanced with a thick, heavy war spear. The grasshopper tried the same attack again but the young expert had no problem dodging to the side. The spear thrust that followed was determined and true. The insect's head was blasted into pieces and the remaining body slumped down.

He Xuanwu kicked the carcass away and yelled at his men, "Wake up. Hold the line! If you don't, I will kill you myself!"

"Yes, lion prince!"

"Yes sir!"

The human side strengthened their resolve but more and more powerful insects quickly made it over the walls. Everywhere became a chaotic battle. Blood spilled atop the walls and formed rivers. Those that died were ruthlessly pushed off to make room for more to come up and die there.

Many young talents such He Xuanwu showcased their skill and anchored key defensive positions. They were peerless killing machines and those in the Monster Fighting Competition racked up points rapidly.

Chen Wentian casually watched the scene disguised as a soldier and slew a few insects whenever it was his turn to fight. He wasn't doing anything to stand out and merely waiting for the right time to accomplish his task. He didn't want to get rid of just a couple of competitors, he wanted to get rid of a lot of them.

The young talents were originally spread out to all the gates. Since those gates were not under attack, they came to the southeastern front as reinforcements and were eager to start earning points. However, due to the current favorable situation and the number of troops already on the walls, they were still stuck below and didn't have an opportunity to join the fight.

Chen Wentian didn't want to start killing people because it was still early in the battle. If he affected things too much, the defenses might actually be breached. The insects would freely enter the city and start killing the citizens. He was still a human immortal and needlessly throwing lives to slaughter was not something he would do lightly.

His problem was luckily solved by the flying insect legions. When they finally flew over the immensely tall walls, they did not choose to engage the defenders on top. Instead, they flew past them and split into two groups. One dived towards the mass of human defenders on the ground whole the other zoomed off towards the city.

This was the absolute advantage of flight. Although flaming bombs and storms of arrows took out large numbers, there were plenty more than were unharmed. Unless a human could fly, there wasn't much they could do on the ground.

The target of the greedy little insect beasts was the teleportation array. If that was destroyed, no reinforcements would be able to come through. With the current situation, the defeat of the human immortals and the loss of the city would be assured.

Along the way through the city, small swarms of insects broke off from the main group when they sensed weak humans nearby. There was no immortal beast to command them and discipline was being overridden by instinct.


"Help me!"

Screams of fear and horror soon filled the air. Those unfortunate enough to be standing outside, in the path of the swarm, were the first victims.

Mosquitos as big as rice bowls and butterflies with wingspans of eagles descended and sucked people completely dry of their fluids in seconds. Wasps and hornets ten times their normal size killed with a single sting. Giant flies descended and laid legs on the dead bodies. These eggs hatched with abnormal speed and grew to the size of cats and dogs. Once all of the flesh was eaten, they crawled away in all directions to terrorize more humans.

A hundred thousand flying insects did as they pleased and left a trail of horror a kilometer wide. The human defenders did their best to fight back but the insects instinctively avoided the strong and targeted the weak.

"Cavalry troops, defend the city!"

"Cavalry troops, defend the city!"

A change of orders came down from the lords. Those that were a part of the cavalry had originally gotten off their horses to join the defense of the walls. They were now summoned back as they were the only force that could fight against the swarm.

Soldiers on horseback poured over from all corners of the city. They could not fight the insects in the air directly, but they could limit the damage caused on the ground. Their riding speed could match up to the flying speed and they could keep the beasts in the air and afraid to come down with their strength.

Chen Wentian watched the battle of the cavalry against the flying swarm and suddenly remembered something. He had been so preoccupied with the plan that he had forgotten something good. It was right here in the city and would give him an immense fortune in the future.

He finally decided to make his move. The situation on the walls was stable and he needed to cause a ruckus in order to sneak away.

He looked over at He Xuanwu who was fighting spiritedly with three horned beetles at the same time. The man's spear was keeping the sharp sword energy of the beetles at bay. Two other sword beetles were already dead and it was only a matter of time before the other three died.

"Come on, charge at me!" He Xuanwu yelled and pressed the attack.

He had performed spectacularly and earned thousands of points in a short amount of time. The beasts that made up to the walls were all at the Spirit Initiate Realm and they had been weakened by poison and fire. If he kept this going, there was a definite chance he could break into the top ten!

His eagerness lowered his attention, his desire to kill dampened his senses, and he could not react to what happened next. Or perhaps, he was simply a dead man because Chen Wentian wanted him dead.

The strongest sword beetle launched an all-out attack and He Xuanwu's spear was brought up to block. However, at the last moment, there was an invisible force that knocked the spear shaft slightly askew. The beetle's horn flashed past his defenses and directly slashed across the chest.

"Young lord!"

"Oh no!"

He managed to survive but he was grievously wounded. The other two beetles also launched attacks simultaneously and he was forced to retreat. However, there were invisible weights around his feet that locked him in place.

He could not move at all and could only watch as death approached. The first horn pierced his stomach and the second sword horn pierced his chest. The beetles then swung their heads and the bladed edges ripped apart his body completely.

"What… who…"

He Xuanwu died not knowing who had schemed against him.

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