It was only half a day after the martial monkey king left its lair. The white-haired snow monkey, General Sun, had been playing with some freshly captured women from the southern provinces. It only took the most beautiful, strongest ones while giving the rest to its subordinates.

The whole mountain was relaxed and festive but this was interrupted by a huge commotion in one of the upper chambers.

There, dead monkeys littered the corridors and the stench of blood filled the air. Spiritual energy buffeted through the tunnels like a hurricane, sending the weaker beasts scurrying away for cover.

"Ahhhhhhhh!" A shrill female scream echoed across the tunnels.

It was followed by terrified monkey howls as if a literal devil from the underworld was ripping them to shreds.

"What is going on!" General Sun bellowed as he stormed up.

A crowd of about twenty monkeys had a young woman cornered. But instead of the woman cowering, it was the monkeys that looked scared.

General Sun swept the area with its spiritual sense and took stock of the carnage. One of the dead was an older human female which wasn't anything. However, it was completely taken aback to find seven dead monkeys in total.

The immortal monkey grabbed the nearest underling by the tail, "Explain, hurry up!"

The smaller monkey pointed to the woman and chattered loudly in monkey speech while making wild gestures.

"Don't spew such nonsense," The general was enraged, "This bitch went crazy and killed your brothers? You can't beat her? Human shit!"

The woman couldn't have been older than twenty and she was only at the 8th Level of the Body Refinement Realm. These scared underlings were all at the upper Mind Focusing Realm or the lower Spirit Initiate Realm.

This was absolutely unacceptable. What would happen if the king heard about this shameful display?

The general heaved the offending monkey forward, "Kill her now, or I will kill you!"

"Eek! Eek! Woooo!!"

The thrown monkey was smaller than the woman but it was at the 9th Level of the Mind Focusing Realm. It should have had no issues ripping her to shreds but instead… the opposite happened.

The woman's eyes glowed crimson and an ominous bloody aura erupted from her n.a.k.e.d body. She grabbed the offending monkey and proceeded to rip it apart limb by limb until there was only a pile of flesh remaining.

She then stood back up and stared hatefully at the enemies around her.

"You monsters… mother… sister… I'll kill you all!" She yelled.

General Sun was astonished. Chen Wentian was astonished. All the monkeys that were attracted by the commotion were even more astonished.

This woman… had skipped realms!

It was a mythical ability, it didn't exist. It was the stuff of fairy tales and idle imagination…

"You… okay…" General Sun muttered before shoving another monkey forward, "You, go fight her!"

"Oo oo…"


The second monkey nervously turned around and faced off against the strange woman. It was at the 1st Level of Spirit Initiate Realm and much stronger but it didn't have the confidence it should have. Forced by its leader, it nervously approached and launched a punch.


The woman's eyes glowed red once again and she tried to block but the strength difference was too much. Her bloody spiritual cloak was swept away and she was blasted into the tunnel wall. She uttered a painful groan before collapsing

"Hoo hoo hoo!!" The second monkey laughed, now filled with confidence.

No matter what, it was still two whole realms higher than this human. It had nothing to be afraid of. It walked forward picked her up by one arm and started pummeling her with punches.

"Ahh… Mother… Ahh!! I won't forgive… I'll kill you… I'll kill you!!"


A blast of spiritual energy erupted from the woman's body. The monkey took the full force of the expanding red aura and was launched away, crashing into the opposite wall with a sickening crunch. The monkeys that stood farther away from her were lucky and were only knocked away with a few bruises. The woman, meanwhile, had already fainted after launching the final attack.

General Sun ignored its minions and roared with laughter and glee. "Hyahyahya! This bitch is mine. The owner of the legendary realm skipping ability, I will take my time studying you bit by bit until I find out your secret. Then… I will be invincible!"

It eventually finished laughing and suddenly stared at its subordinates with great suspicion. These were all witnesses that could potentially leak the woman's secret…

Its immortal power erupted without warning and a terrifying snow storm engulfed the tunnels. It spread to every living thing except the general and woman. The subordinate monkeys could only manage a few howls before being entombed in snow. It then snapped its fingers and caused all the snow blocks to harden into ice and shatter into pieces.

"Attention, all monkeys!" General Sun's magnified voice traveled across the entire cave system, "Human slaves have brought in an infectious disease to the upper chambers. I had to exterminate everything here to save the king's mountain but it is still not enough. Guards, burn everything that remains here with fire!"

After hearing a few howls from the distance, the general smiled in satisfaction. It grabbed the unconscious woman and headed back down to the lower chambers, eager to try out this precious new toy…


In Beast God Province, Chen Wentian watched everything take place through Chen Mo and the shadow anchors. He was astonished by the woman. She was special, she was an anomaly. Her power was simply heaven-defying. Skipping one level was already amazing but she had skipped two whole realms with the final spiritual attack! Even if it was a couple of mortal realms, it was still an unparalleled feat. Perhaps it could rival even his own soul art!

He had to have her. He made up his mind instantly, she had to be his disciple.

He had to rescue her… but how?

Chen Mo would be able to kill the snow monkey general but he might not be able to escape far with her. Alarms would be raised and the martial monkey king would be able to sense her trail once it got back.

The only choice was to make the monkey king go somewhere else…

"Mei Qiaofeng! Tie Buqun! It's time!" He hurriedly called out.



Two annoyed voices came from a nearby room.

"Yes! Get dressed, we're heading out immediately!" He yelled.

He caught both of them in bed together but they were still immortals and were battle-ready in a few seconds.

All three gathered in the main hall and Chen Wentian took out the fully repaired control plate. The two of them both nodded with determination and eagerness.

"Let's go. For the Snake Lord!"

"For the Snake Lord!"

The three immortals flew into a special set of tunnels dug by the Tie Buqun, one that would lead them directly into Beast God City.


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