The same time Chen Wentian was enjoying a lovely evening, his counterpart in the Beast God Sanctum was having a terrible time. He Xinghan was not allowed to leave the city after the debacle with the comet lynx. It was to protect him against further attempts at his life but it was also punishment for his continuous failures.

The latest failure came from the most recent ranking report for the Monster Hunting Competition. There was only three weeks left and the immortal sect association now published new rankings daily. They wanted to drive the competitors to new heights but it also drove He Xinghan's anger and frustration to new heights.

Ten Thousand Flower Valley was firmly in the lead and no other sect could hope to touch them. Wu Qianyu was an abnormal witch and so far in the lead for first place that she had twice the amount of points as second place. If that wasn't enough, second place now belonged to Long Yifei, the jewel of the sub-continent who had inexplicably joined He Xinghan's most hated enemy!


He Xinghan threw his bottle of wine onto the ground.

Why could he obtain Long Yifei? He thought bitterly. Why did it have to be Chen Wentian!

A female servant quickly rushed over to clean the mess off the floor while another brought over a fresh bottle of wine.

He paid them no heed and turned to his disciples across the table. "Tell me, how should we proceed with the last few weeks of the competition?"

He stared at the four faces, normally all beautiful and captivating in their own way, but now filled with fear. They were his disciples and also his concubines. He was fickle man and so far, had not married a formal wife. Still, he had countless concubines and many children but none that he truly loved or treated with any respect.

"Master…" One of the more mature looking women finally spoke up. "I think, that we should change our approach. It looks like it will be extremely difficult to get anyone into the top ten. The Eagle Lord's faction is making a huge push for it as well as the other immortals of our own faction. Instead, we should have those that are guaranteed to be in the top one hundred help others that close to the cutoff."

"Oh? Going for the top ten was something I personally promised my father." He Xinghan said, his voice filled with cold fury.

"Master!" The woman stood up and bowed quickly, "That is not what I meant. I've deduced that Chen Wentian is also doing the same with his five other disciples that are weaker. Even though they have no shot at a high ranking, they are getting dangerously close to the top one hundred. In the most recently ranking, they had all passed the top one hundred and fifty. If they continue at their pace, they may be able to do it and push some of our people down."

He Xinghan calmed down a little as he thought about the idea. "So… Fang'er… How many do you estimate we can get into the rankings by the end with your plan?"

The one named Fang'er spoke once more, "Master, if we group all of our people in the top two hundred together and funnel points, we should be able to get seven into the top one hundred. We just have to be careful keep watch of the points closely."

"And if we don't?" He asked.

"He Xuanwu would be able to remain in the top twenty… perhaps reach top fifteen. He Xuanzhi would stay in the top fifty. But for the others, I really can't say. A best case may be one more in the top one hundred."

He Xinghan remained silent for a few minutes before finally nodding, "My best disciples are all my sons after all. If more of them can get the final reward, it will be much better. If I can have seven of my sons in top one hundred, father will surely reward me!"

He let out laugh and took a long swig from the bottle, "Ahhh! I agree, Fang'er, let's do as you say. Rest of you, get out!"

"Yes, master!"

"Yes, immortal lord!"

Fang'er face relaxed as she got up and sauntered over to her master who was also her man.

"Master, thank you for choosing me…" She whispered as she dr.a.p.ed herself on his body, rubbing up and down.

"Heh, of course, you are the smartest one after all. How should I reward you?" He Xinghan chuckled and pushed her over the dinner table. "I know… let's add another child to the family!"

He let out a growl and ripped her skirt apart. In one well trained motion, he freed his raging member, spread her legs, and mounted her, plowing deep into her fertile p.u.s.s.y.

"Ahhhh, master! Yes… breed me! Give me your seed!" Fang'er yowled.

They soon devolved in a pair of rutting beasts and the room filled with their screams long into the night.


In the distant Cloudy Mountain Province, it was the dead of night. The wind gusted and the skies opened up with a huge blizzard. Black Rock City transformed from a sea of black into a sea of white in a few moments. The residents all hid inside their homes and even the guards gave up and retreated to their barracks.

The only person out and about was Jasmine, covered from head to toe in a large fluffy cloak that hid her figure from prying eyes. The other girls were resting or already asleep at the castle but she had to stay awake because of that bastard Chen Wentian!

"Tch… what special delivery… why do I have to be one to receive it!" She muttered as she flew through the city.

Soon, she arrived at the deserted city square that held the teleportation array. Nobody was around, not even the array guardians.

The expected time arrived and the array flashed with light. No person or beast came through, only a solid wooden box. It shook slightly on the ground, signifying there was something alive inside.

Curious, Jasmine ripped the lid off with her immortal strength and peered inside.

A pair of large fluffy ears, a pointed snout, and two shiny orbs of brown met her.

"Wuuuu!!" The little Desert Wind Fox cried out upon seeing a strange face.

"Oh… My… Tails!!!" Jasmine let out a scream and immediately picked up the fox. She spun it around before hugging it tightly to her bosom. "Oh baby, you are sooooo cute!!"

The little fox was confused and panicked until Jasmine's divine aura washed over her. Bestial instinct eventually overcame fear as she recognized the dominance of the nine tailed fox. It was just that simple between a common fox beast and a divine fox beast. Their bond of master and servant was formed instantly and would not be broken unless another stronger fox came by.

"I shall name you Fengsha. You are now part of my family!" Jasmine declared.

The newly named Fengsha let out a happy yelp and licked her face.

"Haha, stop… If that bastard thinks he can get on my good side just by this… Ahahaha, Fengsha, you naughty girl!"

Eventually, the pair of foxes calmed down from their bonding.

Jasmine took to the skies and brought her new charge back to the castle. "Shh! Fengsha, while at indoors and at night, you mustn't make too much noise and wake people up. Understand?"

Fengsha nodded intelligently. Jasmine gave her a quick kiss and took her into the bedroom. Once inside, Jasmine leaped into the air and transformed into her fox form. The pair of foxes landed on the soft bed and wrestled around before settling in.

Jasmine hugged Fengsha tight and very quickly drifted off into the land of dreams, one filled with cute foxes and a certain grinning man…

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