The pair of man and woman stood and stared at each other in silence for what seemed like an eternity. Chen Wentian was shocked speechless, not expecting her to be so forward and decisive. At the same time, he obviously wanted her but dual cultivating Summer and Winter's Eternal Sutra was pretty useless for him. His mind spun, trying to figure out how to convince her to accept his other method…

Long Yifei on the other hand was feeling a little nervous under his keen gaze. Still, she was confident in her assessment of the young immortal in front of her. She had not come to her decision to seek him on a whim. Ever since Murong Aiyin revealed the existence the true secret art, Long Yifei had considered losing her v.i.r.g.i.nity to gain more strength and faster cultivation. However, her master's methods were repulsive and fundamentally not acceptable. She also would never accept a vile and despicable man like Fen Jue.

Long Yifei's opinion of Chen Wentian had originally not been good due to her master's badmouthing but this quickly changed after meeting the five sisters he took as disciples. From their happy state and their rapid progress in cultivation, it was obvious they were treated extremely well and they were given the best resources and possibly many secret arts. His rescue of her and the Glacier Palace women at Lakestone Keep and his subsequent concern for justice and righteousness completely solidified her impression of him.

He was supremely talented; he was pretty good looking. He was kind to his disciples. He was the closest to her standard for a perfect man in this cultivation world!

As a woman, she noticed his constant hungry stares in close proximity. His wayward and roguish eyes did not repulse her and instead gave her a great sense of satisfaction. She was glad she had such an effect on such a man. He had so many beautiful female disciples and yet his reactions to her filled her with confidence.

Was she jealous of them? Of course, she was. Long Yifei was the most beautiful and talented woman in the whole subcontinent. But how could she not feel natural competitiveness and jealousy when her status was challenged over and over again.

He had a magic touch with his disciples that was undeniable. Zhou Ziyun, Lin Qingchen, Wu Qianyu, the five ice sisters, each one of them were ordinary before being reborn under his guidance. She desperately desired his amazing teachings for herself. The death of her master meant her dream of becoming an immortal had no future. Her deep-seated ambitions and her difficult goals could no longer be reached, unless she took the opportunity right in front of her eyes…

Chen Wentian eventually got his brain working again, sort of. He half expected Long Yifei to strip n.a.k.e.d in front of him but eventually realized it wasn't going to happen. Not every woman could be amazing as Zhou Ziyun… He also desperately desired Long Yifei but he didn't want to seem too eager, so he settled on asking her some questions.

"Miss Long, that is a very flattering request." He said, "This is a very important choice for a woman, are you sure?"

His obvious interest made her doubts disappear. She rewarded him the first genuine smile since they've met, "I'm sure."

Seeing her smile, Chen Wentian almost lost his train of thought again… it was blindingly beautiful.

He managed to recover and asked her, "Uhh… I wanted to ask, how you are feeling about the rest of the Glacier Palace women? Wouldn't you be abandoning them as their leader?"

She expected such questions and she was already prepared, "Sir Chen, after Murong Aiyin died, I no longer have the power to be their leader. I am simply a mortal woman trying to seek safe harbor. Will you accept me?"

She avoided the question but he didn't notice as he had already forgotten what his had asked. Her voice was a soft purr which turned his thoughts into mush, it was almost impossible to resist. But as his mind was abuzz with e.r.o.t.i.c excitement, his soul suddenly became alert. He finally realized that his state of mind was strangely affected in her presence. It wasn't simply the attractiveness of her physical traits, there had to be something else. She was an ordinary mortal and she didn't have any special mind or soul arts to influence him, so what was going on?

But this didn't mean he was afraid of her by any means. In the vast world of cultivation, out of the countless secret arts that affected the mind and soul, he was fully confident his soul art was without equal. He decided to finish the task at hand and slowly study Long Yifei's unique attributes bit by bit…

"I am an immortal so you will have to be my disciple, do you understand?" He asked.

Long Yifei nodded, "I do and I am willing."

"Good, one last thing to clarify. I won't need to practice Summer and Winter's Eternal Sutra with you, it is too slow and useless for both you and me. But I have a much faster method of dual cultivation. If you are willing, I will teach you that."

She was slightly taken aback, "I… don't understand, another method?"

Chen Wentian smirked, happy with taking the initiative in the conversation. This was how a master should talk to his disciple, after all. "Yes, a different but much more powerful method. You've seen how much the ice sisters have improved in the last year, right?"

She nodded.

"That is due to my special dual cultivation method. I think the cultivation speed at least four or five times faster than the method within Summer and Winter's Eternal Sutra. It also takes much less time and I can help everyone cultivate at a steady pace." He explained.

Long Yifei's reaction was muted because she had hoped her status as a dual cultivation disciple would give her a higher place in his heart. This hope was dashed immediately and she felt a tinge of regret. She knew the circ.u.mstances of how the five sisters were kicked out of Glacier Palace and already assumed they had s.e.x with him more than that one time. The attitudes that Xu Lanyi and the twins held towards their master's anatomy were a clear indication of this.

She had miscalculated and could not foresee the fact they all dual cultivated with him. However, her competitive spirit rose and she refused to be discouraged. She wanted to prove to him that she was special. Even if he already had other dual cultivation disciples, she would show him her talents. She was confident in herself. She wasn't satisfied with simply being a normal disciple… she wanted to become Chen Wentian's prime disciple!

Finally, she spoke up and her voice was firm, "Sir, I am willing. Please accept me."

Chen Wentian was elated, "Good! I, Immortal Blue Dragon Chen Wentian, accept you, Snow Fairy Long Yifei, as my disciple. We are fated and we shall have many wonderful adventures together!"

Long Yifei kneeled to the ground and bowed deeply, "Disciple Long Yifei, greets master!"

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