The day finally arrived for the meeting at Glacier Palace. Chen Wentian led the ice sisters to the teleportation array and in a flash of light, they were transported to Glacier Province. He glanced around at the new scenery, taking in the fresh clear air that held a tinge of yin energy.

Glacier Province was a mixed bag when it came to climate and landscapes but where Glacier Palace was located was in the midst of an endless icy mountain range. The teleportation array was placed at the bottom of a valley that was home to a massive and jagged glacier. The only way to the sect was through this deadly maze filled with endlessly deep cervices and ice boulders several stories tall. Entire walls of ice could crumble and crash down at any moment. Crevices could open up in the ground at any point and swallow people whole. For anyone below the Mind Focusing Realm, it was almost an impenetrable barrier that guarded the immortal sect.

They had only arrived for a few minutes before the teleportation array flashed behind them and groups of women and some men started to appear. Fen Lin was in the lead, dutifully bringing all the Glacier Palace disciples from Divine Blazing Mountain. Chen Wentian nodded in satisfaction seeing them with snowy white robes instead of the red Divine Blazing Mountain outfits.

"Sir immortal!" Fen Lin approached him and bowed, "Two hundred and eighty disciples and seventy-nine children of various ages are all present."

"Sir immortal!" The crowd behind him all bowed as well.

"Good! You've all suffered but I'm glad you can all finally return to your original home." Chen Wentian said.

"Thank you, sir!"

Chen Wentian nodded and then flew into the air to survey the surroundings. He realized the sect was still a fair distance away and the path was extremely dangerous. They would have to pass straight through the deadly glacier and then climb thousands of meters up the mountain along narrow trails and sheer cliffs. The easiest and fastest way was for him to ferry them up but there was a limit to how much he could extend his spiritual force safely and he could only carry ten at a time.

It took countless trips but eventually, everyone was on top of the mountain, staring at the vast icy castle that was Glacier Palace. The palace lived up to its name and sprawled across the entire mountain top. The thick walls and tall towers were built out of solid ice. Even the massive doors to the main entrance were made from ice with a myriad of protective arrays carved into it.

As Chen Wentian walked up, the doors slowly opened and hundreds of disciples streamed out. They lined the sides, forming a welcoming party several rows deep. Once they were in position, Long Yifei led the managing elders forward. She did not have a veil and her soul-stealing beauty was on full display. Chen Wentian stared at her unblinkingly and he couldn't help but let improper thoughts race across his mind.

"Glacier Palace welcomes Immortal Blue Dragon, Chen Wentian." Long Yifei bowed.

"Welcome, immortal!" The other disciples bowed and chorused.

"Glacier Palace welcomes our lost sisters. You are all finally home." Long Yifei bowed once more.

"Welcome home, sisters!"

Chen Wentian turned to the women behind him and could see there were no dry eyes anywhere. Many of them were openly weeping. Others had collapsed from overwhelming emotions or were holding onto each other for support. His five disciples were affected as well and cried along with them.

When everyone eventually calmed down, Long Yifei led everyone into the sect and into a vast open aired stadium where there were thousands more disciples gathered. The Glacier Palace disciples returned to their places while the newly arrived women were given a spot at the very front.

Chen Wentian then flew into the air and extended his spiritual aura to cover the entire stadium.

"Glacier Palace!" Chen Wentian said, "I am Immortal Blue Dragon Chen Wentian. Your sect master Murong Aiyin, your grand elder, and twenty-four elders… have all died in Red Bamboo Province. By the authority of the Immortal Association, I am now the administrator of your sect."

"After I took on this position, I decided to resolve the thousand-year conflict between Glacier Palace and Divine Blazing Mountain. I'm sure you've all heard, Divine Blazing Mountain is also under my administration. As you can see, all your fellow sisters that have been captured by them have returned to the sect today. Those Divine Blazing Mountain men that abused them in the past… I have killed them all. I am in full control of that sect and I promise they won't hurt Glacier Palace disciples anymore!"

There were cries of relief and a thundering round of applause at his words. Everyone was ecstatic, they no longer had to fear of being captured and abused by Divine Blazing Mountain!

Chen Wentian waited for them to quiet down and continued, "Next, I want to implement some reforms within the sect. I want to improve the treatment of all disciples and their living conditions. I will speak to the managing elders directly about this. For day to day affairs of the sect, I will not interfere and let you manage yourselves. As a man, I understand the path of celibacy you have chosen and I will respect that."

He paused and smiled to the crowd, "Finally, I want you all to welcome your fellow sisters back to the sect. We will have a great celebration tonight. Managing elders, please make it happen."

"Yes, sir immortal!"

"Good, that is all." He said and returned to the ground.

He beckoned to his disciples as well as Long Yifei and they quickly gathered around him.

"Yuechan, girls, go have fun. You all earned it!" He said to his disciples.

"Yes master!"

He smiled and watched them excitedly run off, arm in arm, eager to explore their old home.

He then turned to Long Yifei, "Snow Fairy Long, we meet again."

"Sir Chen…" Long Yifei gave a respectable bow.

She was very close to him and he could smell her gentle fragrance that was like gentle breeze in winter. As she bowed low, he glanced down the neckline of her dress and his stomach fluttered as he caught a peek of her deep cleavage and two well-endowed mounds of flesh…

"Cough… cough… Can you show me to the sect master's quarters? I also want to see the historical records of the sect." He said awkwardly.

"Yes, please follow me." She said and glided away.

Chen Wentian couldn't help but stare at her fascinating butt that shook and danced with each step she took. Her snow-white dress could not hide her perfectly juicy roundness nor could it hide the crevasse that was formed between those two glorious cheeks.

He swallowed his saliva and quickly followed after her, hoping she didn't notice anything.

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