Chen Wentian's list had a total of three hundred and twenty-five names. Those that had been sent off to Red Bamboo Province were left off. This was easy enough to figure out based on the records kept on missions and contribution points.

His standard for the Divine Blazing Mountain disciples were already quite generous. If they simply kept it in their pants, they were spared. But many couldn't resist and took advantage of the absence of their senior brothers to abuse the Glacier Palace women that remained.

He was merciless against anyone that touched those women. Some took their death silently while others cried from fear and regret. A group of twenty disciples even tried to escape. They barely got out of the courtyard before Jasmine caught up and vaporized them with her moonbeams.

The great hall of Divine Blazing Mountain was completely covered by a cloud of death and despair when Chen Wentian finally finished. The crowd was much thinner than before. There was a noticeable lack of older and senior disciples as they all had committed crimes at some point or another. Those that remained were the younger disciples, whose weakness ironically saved their lives.

Chen Wentian found to his surprise that Fen Lin had escaped unscathed while his four peers were all executed. "Fen Lin, you stay behind." He said to him and then turned to the crowd, "All of you left can return to your households. You are all still on house arrest and not allowed to leave your household until I say so. Dismissed!"

After the men left, Fen Lin bowed again in panic, "Sir, please. I didn't touch the women. Please spare my life!"

"Relax, you are fine." Chen Wentian said, "Although I am curious why you never did so."

"Oh… when I was in my late twenties, I became impotent. So… I don't have that desire anymore."

"Hey, what does impotent mean?" Jasmine chimed in.


Chen Wentian spoke up, "Being impotent means that a man is unable to have s.e.x. Usually the man's p.e.n.i.s is unable to get erect or ejaculate."

Jasmine looked disgusted. "You perverts, bleh. I'm leaving!" She muttered as she flew away.

Chen Wentian and Fen Lin looked at each other awkwardly. Impotence was an incredibly personal and tragic disability for men. Chen Wentian shuddered to think how his life would be if he couldn't get it up. He would definitely prefer losing a limb or two to being impotent.

"Anyway, back to the main issue." Chen Wentian said. "For the households of the men that were executed, except for the Glacier Palace women and their children, the rest are all banished from the sect. Their descendants are also forever banned from joining the sect. They can take whatever they can carry off the mountain. No man is allowed to take any of those women as their wives. I want them all gone and I want to see it done by tomorrow."

"Yes sir."

Chen Wentian dismissed Fen Lin and returned to the Glacier Palace women. He explained what was happening and let them return to their houses for the time being. He didn't know how to handle some of them that already had children, especially those with sons. He decided to camp out in the sect master's office and personal library and study for a while.

He discovered from reading hundreds of books and journals that Divine Blazing Mountain also had a thousand-year history. There were numerous mentions of Glacier Palace throughout the years and the past sect masters all had many Glacier Palace disciples as their wives. Even the Blazing Sun Art made direct references to the importance of the Eternal Winter Sutra.

He studied the sect master's copy of the Blazing Sun Art closely, trying to see if there were any secrets in it. What he found was disappointing. The art was extremely weak by immortal standards. The cultivators of the art had no chance of breaking through to the Spirit King Realm. The Spirit Lord sect masters also had substantially less lifespan, with an average of about a hundred and fifty years.

He could only guess that this was due to over expenditure of their source of yang. The art's emphasis on releasing yang over and over again was a glaring weakness. A man's source of yang was not infinite and it needed time to regenerate. Regular release was perfectly fine but over release meant they were tapping into their life source to draw out more yang essence.

Two days passed and Chen Wentian still could not figure out the relationship between the two immortal arts. He exhausted all the reading material so he started searching the entire sect up and down for any clues. He went through every room and corridor of the sect and used Chen Mo to squeeze into crevices. Even Jasmine helped after he promised her another feast.

Chen Wentian was the first to discover something and he excitedly led Jasmine down a dark tunnel.

"Momo and I already searched here." Jasmine complained.

"Come, come. Hurry up!" Chen Wentian chided, "You didn't find anything because you didn't have the key!"

He withdrew the stone tablet that contained the true Eternal Winter Sutra. The tablet was faintly vibrating and it only got stronger as they headed deeper. They eventually reached the end where there was a small room containing a row of rectangular stone coffins.

"What is this place?" Jasmine asked.

"The crypt of the sect masters." Chen Wentian said as he read the names on each coffin, "Here, the first sect master…"

He opened the lid, revealing a skeleton with various old and rotten items arrayed around it. He rummaged around and found what he was looking for. It was another stone tablet and it was exactly the same size and shape and made from the same material as the one from Glacier Palace.

Both tablets visibly trembled as he held them up in each hand. He wasn't sure what to do but the tablets answered for him as they glowed red and white. A powerful surge of spiritual energy emanated as the two fused together at the edge, forming a single tablet that didn't have a trace of ever being split apart.

Chen Wentian looked at the newly formed tablet and found that it was responding to his spiritual aura. He obliged and inject a small amount of spiritual energy into it. Rays of red and white light shot out from the tablet, forming clear text in the air. Unlike before with only half a tablet, he could read and understand the contents and so could Jasmine.

"Wow, Summer and Winter's Eternal Sutra…" She read the title, "What does that mean?"

Chen Wentian had a sly expression on his face as he studied it, "This is pretty good stuff… Looks like the Eternal Winter Sutra and the Blazing Sun Art are merely two incomplete halves of this immortal art. Even the so-called true Eternal Winter Sutra is only a small portion of the true text. I don't know how it was separated in two but the first sect master of Divine Blazing Mountain probably had no way of unlocking its secrets and this half remained buried ever since."

Jasmine was also reading through the text and she quickly realized what she was reading… It was a dual cultivation art! She blushed as she read the various dual cultivation 'forms', each one more perverse than the next.

Chen Wentian noticed Jasmine's red face and her discomfort. "Jasmine, what's wrong?"

Jasmine's v.i.r.g.i.n mind had suffered a huge shock from the text. Various wild and angry thoughts raced through her head but she couldn't think of a proper retort. She finally couldn't stand his insufferable grin anymore and blasted him away with her spiritual force.

"Pervert!" She yelled and flew out of the crypt.

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