Immortal Only Accepts Female Disciples

Chapter 150: Divine Blazing Mountain (I)

The twins were good students and obediently serviced Chen Wentian together. They encouraged each other and performed admirably, leading him to another wonderful orgasm. This meant Li Yuechan was the only one left but she was still reluctant after watching her sisters. She was their intrepid leader outside of the bedroom, but she was the most reserved and shy when it came to intimate matters.

It took a combination of his pleading and her sisters' peer pressure to finally convince Li Yuechan. His little dragon was already tired but it happily awoke once more to share the special moment with her. And when her prefect red lips finally wrapped around his sensitive flesh, he understood why she was special even among this group of amazing women.

The ice sisters were each special in their own way and it showed with their unique approaches to blow jobs. Song Wushuang had a slow and soft touch while Xu Lanyi was filled with raw energy and attacked passionately. The twins were giggly and playful and treated his d.i.c.k as an interesting toy.

Li Yuechan on the other hand… her reverent lips and purposeful tongue conveyed a totally different feeling. Her every touch and every action spoke to him without words. She showed him that she held him in the highest regard. This was the pure emotion between a disciple and her dearest master, someone she trusted and respected completely.

And there was also something else…

Her eyes that stared into his were filled with a soulful feeling that he seen before from Wu Qianyu. It was one of heart stirring affection that bordered on love. They were both similar in that way. Apart from their cool and reserved exterior, their inner selves were pure and brilliantly innocent. Chen Wentian couldn't help but find it amazingly attractive.

His whole body was filled with an indescribable warmth when she finally completed her task. His heart fluttered wildly as he watched her carefully swallow his seed, not letting a single drop go to waste.

"Yuechan, you are the best!" He praised.

Her smile was brilliant and stunning.

"Thank you, master…"


After receiving their intimate appreciation, he took some time to discuss how to handle Glacier Palace. He was hoping to convince some Glacier Palace disciples to join his sect but he was worried about how the ice sisters would feel about this. He was also thinking about letting them accept their own disciples from among the Glacier Palace women. They liked both ideas and decided to wait and visit the sect together with the returning disciples.

He had three or four days to spare as a result and chose to visit Divine Blazing Mountain. Before heading off, he remembered to let a certain little fox to accompany him…

"Okay, let's go!" Jasmine cried excitedly as soon as he described the situation.

She had been cooped up for a long time or she simply just missed him. He couldn't tell which but it was what he wanted anyway. Having two immortals was always better than one, especially for controlling a bunch of rowdy men.

They flew into the air together and headed south east towards Divine Blazing Province. It wasn't too far and they simply flew instead of taking the teleportation array. This gave Chen Wentian time to tell the whole story from beginning to the end and also let him enjoy Jasmine's company.

Jasmine was expectedly angry and indignant at Murong Aiyin's betrayal of her disciples. She placed great importance on trust and bonds and a master betraying their disciple was an unforgivable crime in her eyes.

On the other hand, she had a different opinion of the Divine Blazing Mountain's actions towards women. "They are just trying to mate. Isn't that quite natural?" She asked.

"What do you know about mating?" Chen Wentian scoffed.

"You! Don't treat me like a little girl." Jasmine pouted, "I'm more knowledgeable about the world than you think."

"Oh?" Chen Wentian looked at her with interest, "Are you saying you have experience?"

"…" Jasmine realized what he meant and instantly became furious, "Chen Wentian! You dare imply this princess is sullied?"

She chased him around the sky and he had to apologize many times before she finally calmed down.

"Hmph, I am absolutely a v.i.r.g.i.n. Don't you dare doubt me. My knowledge simply comes from my divine beast wisdom and instincts."

Of course… Chen Wentian had to remind himself that Jasmine was a beast and not human. It was reasonable for beasts to have different views towards mating and relationsh.i.p.s. Beasts placed the foremost emphasis on strength and the ability to survive. Males that could overpower their rivals or survive against predators were the ones that got to mate. At the same time, males simply had to overpower the female to mate with them. This could happen even if the female already had a different partner.

Human emotions were an unfamiliar concept for beasts, even those that achieved wisdom. He didn't know enough about divine beasts or their society to know if it was any different. If Jasmine truly believed in the way of beasts, then… he could simply overpower her and make her his right now…

But he wouldn't do that. He was not that kind of man and he would never be like that. His conviction came from his experiences and seeing how arrogant and deceitful men mistreated women and cheated their hearts.

He wanted Jasmine to be his and only his forever. But he had to win her and let her to accept him out of her own free will.

"I understand. I'm sorry for assuming." Chen Wentian apologized sincerely.

Jasmine was surprised, "Oh… thanks…"

Chen Wentian chuckled and rubbed her head and her fuzzy ears.

"Mmm…" She purred happily.

Perhaps winning her wouldn't be so difficult after all. His imagination ran wild and in the blink of an eye, they had already arrived in Divine Blazing Province.

"Jasmine, just remember to follow my lead. Ultimately, I am the once responsible." Chen Wentian emphasized, "Don't randomly kill people."

"Yes, yes. So noisy!"

They flew across the province which was warm and tropical and quickly arrived in front of the mountain that held the sect. Divine Blazing Mountain was the name of the sect as well as the name of the massive cone volcano. The volcano was smoking and bits of lava would spew from the top every once in a while. The mountain was a singular existence in a wide desolate plain where everything looked burned and lifeless.

The mountain was made of black volcanic rock and empty except for one side which had numerous buildings and houses carved into the slopes. It was not as impressive as Beast God City which took over an entire mountain but it was still very suitable for an immortal sect.

Chen Wentian saw multiple message talismans fly off as they approached, no doubt trying to alert their sect master who was already dead. The sect only had some weaker seniors and core disciples remaining besides the juniors. The sect master, elders, and best disciples had all joined the Monster Fighting Competition and they had all lost their lives. There was no one left to stand up for them and their fates were in his hands.

He landed on the roof of the great hall with Jasmine close behind and they both expanded their spiritual auras fully. The disciples that happened to be nearby all shuddered in fear and prostrated themselves on the ground. They didn't dare utter a peep in the presence of two strange immortals.

"Men of Divine Blazing Mountain!" Chen Wentian's voice boomed across the entire sect, "I am Immortal Blue Dragon Chen Wentian. Your sect master, elders, and disciples in Red Bamboo Province… have all died… By the authority of the Immortal Association, I am now the administrator of Divine Blazing Mountain! I want all disciples to gather in the great hall and the main courtyard. You have five minutes!"

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