Immortal Only Accepts Female Disciples

Chapter 141: Sacrifice and Salvation (II)

The twenty-four elders of Glacier Palace were all personal disciples of Muron Aiyin at some point or another. The oldest was the first elder at over ninety years old while the youngest was somewhere around fifty. They liked to believe they held a wealth of knowledge and experience about the world. They believed they knew all about vile men and their disgusting anatomies and wouldn't even blush if a man stood n.a.k.e.d in front of them.

But what if it was fifty men?

The scene in front of them was indeed astonishing. The Divine Blazing Mountain disciples were standing instead of sitting and their clothes were in a pile next to their feet. Their erect jutted out in front of them and they made no effort to hide it. Some elders had to turn their heads while others blocked their eyes with their hands. It was simply too overwhelming.

Most of them realized the men were still under the effects of Frozen Phantasm. It was the illusion art within Eternal Winter Sutra that required immortal strength and it had a particularly strong effect on weak men with strong yang. But they couldn't figure out why master would need these men to be n.a.k.e.d!

"Relax, relax." Bai Qianying said as walked up to Murong Aiyin and bowed, "Master, disciple's life and death belongs to master. Please instruct me!"

"Master!" The other elders also hurriedly bowed, "Please instruct us!"

Murong Aiyin floated up from the ground and turned around. She looked powerful and intimidating and her spiritual aura was slightly strange.

"At ease…" Murong Aiyin muttered, "These months, I have walked the chasm between life and death. That vile spawn Chen Wentian gave me the Frozen Netherworld Jade but it was simply poison!"

Her voice raised to a furious screech. "I was poisoned! Every day was like hell! I simply wanted to die! But my body wouldn't let me die, it simply tortured me with unending pain!"

The elders shuddered as Murong Aiyin's furious aura engulfed the room.

"You know why I had to seek treatment from Divine Blazing Mountain. I didn't want to but it was the only choice I had."

"Master, we understand!" One of the elders cried out.

A chorus of support followed.

Murong Aiyin smiled slightly and her aura receded. "Good disciples…"

She continued to describe the treatment deal with Fen Jue and how she had to trade her own disciples over the past few months to get the male disciples to use the Blazing Sun Art to suppress the netherworld yin energy. She traded ten of her disciples at a time for treatment. It helped for a short time but afterwards but the pain returned even stronger. She tried it again and again and her pain got worse and worse. It was actually the exact same phenomena Chen Wentian experienced. The netherworld yin energy was insidious and seemed to have a mind of its own. It would flee from external sources of yang energy and seek refuge in the woman's source of yin. Especially with the presence of v.i.r.g.i.n yin, the netherworld yin energy was basically immovable and indestructible.

"I no longer wanted to live… I had given up." Murong Aiyin muttered, "I simply wanted the agony to end. And finally, I didn't know why… I was driven by blind instinct…"

She walked over to the closest man and extended a hand down and grabbed his erection roughly.

Several elders gasped in shock.

"I didn't know why I did it. But I did it! I took a man's disgusting thing into myself." Murong Aiyin said as she rubbed the hard rod with her wrinkly hands, "It was a last-ditch attempt driven by madness. But it worked! Heavens, it worked!"

Murong Aiyin became distracted as she continued to caress the man. The elders had a chance to digest her shocking words and some soon realized an important issue.

"Master, your powers!" Feng Wuyan suddenly cried, "What about the Eternal Winter Sutra?"

"Hahaha, Wuyan, all of you! This is the greatest secret of Glacier Palace that has been hidden for a millennium. It is our salvation!" Murong Aiyin cackled as she held up a stone tablet, "This is the secret tome left by the ancestor and it contains the true Eternal Winter Sutra. Only by losing your v.i.r.g.i.n yin will you be able to cultivate the true Eternal Winter Sutra!"

The room was stunned into silence. The true Eternal Winter Sutra? Lose their v.i.r.g.i.n yin? To say the elders were shocked would be an understatement. They didn't know what to think. This went against their entire upbringing and the creed of Glacier Palace. How could they accept this?

But… there was one woman who did not hold the hesitation the others had.

Bai Qianying kneeled on the ground. "Master!" Her voice was filled with eagerness and desperation, "Master, I am willing. I am willing! Please!"


Murong Aiyin pulled Bai Qianying over with her spiritual force and undressed her in an instant. She had Bai Qianying lay down on the ground before forcing the first man to come over.

Any man that laid eyes on Bai Qianying's body would no doubt instantly lose his erection. Apart from her terrifying visage, her frame was skinny and wrinkly. Her b.r.e.a.s.ts were empty bags of skin and her h.i.p.s were gaunt and merely bone. But the Divine Blazing Mountain disciple was still under a spell and had a silly grin on his face. Perhaps in the illusion, the woman in front of him was a beautiful bombshell?

The man stiffly kneeled and spread apart Bai Qianying's legs before collapsing on top of her, thrusting his h.i.p.s roughly. His entire weight was on her as he rutted, grunting and panting heavily. Bai Qianying winced slightly as she took it silently. The man finished pretty quickly and got up. He returned to his position; his erection visibly deflated. Bai Qianying also stood up and stared at her master expectantly.

Murong Aiyin nodded. "Qianying, you are the grand elder. But with this, you are once again my prime disciple!"

"Thank you master!"

"Now, pay attention!"

The tablet in Murong Aiyin's hand glowed and icy blue characters began to form in midair in front of her. There were thousands of strange and unknown words. The other elders could not understand it at all but Bai Qianying could…

She finished reading after a while and tried to use her ice art once again. Eternal Winter Sutra whirled in her hands and the room was engulfed in a blizzard.

"Hahaha! Thank you master! Thank you master!"

She indeed could still use the Eternal Winter Sutra and it even seemed a little stronger than before. The others looked on in amazement.

"That's not all. Channel the art and lie down." Murong Aiyin said.

Bai Qianying obeyed and soon a line of men formed. The elders watched in silent fascination as each man was forced to release their yang inside the grand elder. One by one they took their turn, five… ten… fifteen… twenty… They were raised to hate men and protect their v.i.r.g.i.nity but, in the end, they were still women. Watching these virile men perform what human beings were always meant to do, it couldn't help but draw out female instincts they had buried deep within.

Bai Qianying, in the meantime, was experiencing the effects of the true Eternal Winter Sutra. As she received more and more yang energy, her spiritual sea reacted and boiled into a frenzy. When the twentieth man finished, her spiritual aura exploded and a profound and mysterious icy aura filled the room.

"Ahahaha!" A powerful laugh filled the room. Bai Qianying had been stuck at the Spiritual Awakening lesser realm for fifty years but she had finally broken through!

Spiritual Ascendance, half-step Spirit Lord Realm!

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