Immortal Only Accepts Female Disciples

Chapter 131: Wolves, Sheep, and Shepherds

The entire camp became a mass of confusion and fear. The Glacier Sect disciples didn't know what to make of Long Yifei's command. Retreat? To where? Where was the sect master?

They watched in shock as Long Yifei and a group of the most talented disciples leaped onto horses and immediate fled in the opposite direction. All of the elders and old experts of the sect wasted no time in following their heels. But what about the junior disciples? The junior disciples were brought for support and they carried heavy bags and supplies. They didn't have fast horses. Their only method of transport was heavy horse carriages that were slower that simply running.

No one was more shocked by Long Yifei's unfortunate actions than Li Yuechan. Unconsciously, she had slowly fallen under the halo of the Snow Fairy in the past month, despite her best efforts to resist. She appreciated the way Long Yifei had treated them during the eastward campaign and she was especially impressed by the fairy's performance during the night attack. Yet in the span of a few moments, that admiration turned into disbelief.

"Sis! Sis!" Xu Lanyi's frantic yells broke Li Yuechan out of her stupor.

"What… what's happening now?"

Xu Lanyi looked at her like she was crazy, "Wushuang already sent off master's talisman, but he is back at the sect so he might take some time. Long Yifei ran off, so did all of those bitch elders."

Li Yuechan glanced around and took in the situation. Any semblance of organization in the Glacier Sect camp had broken down and the junior disciples were now huddled together in a mass in the center. Only a few that remained were at the Spirit Initiate Realm, but they all had low talent and fighting ability.

She saw that the Divine Blazing Mountain men had mostly surrounded them by now. Judging from their number and aura, most of the strongest ones had left to chase Long Yifei. Fen Ziping was no where in sight, he must have chased after his prized target as well. Despite this, they were still outnumbered two to one and the power disparity was even greater than before.

Menacing laughs and crude comments could be heard from the men as they closed the encirclement. Screams filled the one woman who tripped and fell was captured, dragged into a sea of red robes. The women watched in despair as she was manhandled by the mass of hungry perverse hands that ripped apart her robes and roamed unhindered across her n.a.k.e.d body.

"Yuechan!" Song Wushuang yelled at her as well. "What do we do?!"

Apart from her sisters's anxious looks, Li Yuechan could also see many juniors were now looking in her direction as if she was the source of guidance.

A determined light finally returned to Li Yuechan's eyes. If Long Yifei would not protect these disciples, then she will!

"Sisters! Hear me sisters!" She called out, her resolute voice resounding across the camp, "My master, Immortal Blue Dragon is heading here right now. Do not give up! We have to fight!"

Some of women were still frozen in fear but many regained some of their fighting spirit.


Li Yuechan then pulled out the mysterious item that was around her waist and activated it with her spiritual energy. It only took her a split second to understand its use and she dropped it onto the ground. The red leathery item seemingly grew in thickness and length as it wiggled around as if alive.

Crunch, crunch!

One end of the mysterious object started to munch and swallow the rocky soil like a worm. It quickly dug deeper and deeper as the soil was pushed out, forming a small hill. Those that could see were confused by this strange instrument, not understanding what it was doing.

Li Yuechan turned to her sisters, "Make a box formation, give me time!"


Song Wushuang, Xu Lanyi, Su Xue, and Su Yue pushed their way in four directions to the edges of the mass of women. They yelled out 'box formation' all the while and the remaining disciples quickly caught on and started to organize once more.

The fire sect men mocked the ice sect women for their feeble attempt at resistance. To them, this was all but a done deal. They had hungered for such pure and fine maidens for years. Getting one's hands on a Glacier Sect disciple was one of the greatest achievements with Divine Blazing Mountain. It happened very rarely and it was usually a core disciple or elder. But today was different, there were hundreds to go around. Even if a few of the best ones got taken by the seniors, there were still plenty of prey left for the juniors, even if they had to share!

More than eight hundred red wolves encircled the flock of beautiful white sheep that numbered barely over four hundred. The pack of bestial men could no longer contain their hunger and surged forward.

The camp became a huge messy melee as white clashed against red. In this backdrop were five distinctive and brilliant colors; light blue, pink, yellow, black, purple.

"Hold the line!" Xu Lanyi yelled.

"Fight! Don't give up!" Song Wushuang cried out.

Su Xue and Su Yue added their own encouragements as the four of them anchored the four corners of a rough box formation.

They hated these vile, disgusting men and they showed them no mercy. Any man that approached them were beaten into submission, with heads cracked and bones broken. Xu Lanyi was especially ruthless as she directly chopped off limbs and other appendages any chance she could. Their dual attribute spiritual energy and their resistance to low grade fire energy made them unstoppable for anyone at or below their level.

"Come back here, I'll rip your d.i.c.k off!" Xu Lanyi yelled as she managed to grab a hapless beast and stab it directly in the crotch. She flung him away like a sack of flesh and charged towards her next target. "Hahaha! This feels great!"

Soon, the men started actively avoiding the corners and go the weaker sides where the women were not as ferocious and fearsome. Song Wushuang saw the problem immediately and cried out, "Clockwise! Clockwise! Rotate!"

The other three heard her and responded as one, charging into the mass of red robes that were attacking the sides. The defensive square devolved into a rotating spiral as the wolves played a game of chase with the shepherds who were defending the flock.

Casualties on both sides mounted but the numbers and strength advantage of Divine Blazing Mountain gradually took its toll. The Fifth Elder of Divine Blazing Mountain, Tang Mohai, was one of the few experts that had remained to capture the junior women. He knew those five women from the other sect were here and he wanted payback for last time. He watched in satisfaction as the battle was finally drawing to a close. There were only about fifty or so women left in the center.

"Good, keep going!" He commanded. "Keep going!"

Fen Chenyuan, who stood beside him, asked, "Elder, do you think I'll be able to have one of those s.l.u.ts from Ten Thousand Flower Valley?"

"Sure! After I'm finished with them… Hahaha!"

The two watched as the women were eventually overwhelmed until only a few were left standing. Annoyingly, the five colorfully dressed sisters were still standing and fighting spiritedly. Tang Mohai didn't care, there was no where to run surrounded by hundreds of men. His imagination ran wild with what he would do to those s.l.u.ts, especially their leader.

Tang Mohai looked back at half of his men who were tying up and standing guard over the Glacier Sect women they had captured. Many already showed signs of abuse. He counted the number captured and suddenly felt a cold terror run through his body. Something was wrong… there were barely two hundred women captured.

He immediately charged towards the center where the women still remained. But he was too far away. He watched in rage and anguish as the women disappeared one by one into the ground, into man-sized hole right beside Li Yuechan. She gave him one last vengeful stare before she jumped into the hole as well. She was the last one and the hole closed up after her.

Tang Mohai finally arrived, standing over a large mound of freshly dug dirt. "No!" He was too late!

He grabbed the closest Divine Blazing Mountain disciple, "What the f.u.c.k happened?" He screamed, "Huh? How did you idiots not see something was happening?"

"But Elder…"

"Dig!" A furious Tang Mohai flung the disciple down. He then turned to those surrounding him, "Dig! I want you all to dig!"

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