"Wrong, try again!"


A stern voice echoed through the forest. It kept repeating a similar phrase over and over again for a long time. Until finally…

"Chen Wentian! You bastard!"

A sharp cry startled the birds in the surrounding and they bolted for the safety of the sky. The calm serenity was broken by a dangerous and angry beast!

Chen Wentian laughed as he ran around a large ancient tree, a certain white clothed, petite lady chasing after him. He was trying to help Jasmine complete a full human transformation but so far it was a total failure. She couldn't walk everywhere in a poofy skirt and a large hat all the time or else people would get suspicious. But try as she might, her tails and ears stubbornly remained.

He got really bored and finally grabbed the tip of her tail. He might have given it a slight pinch but to Jasmine it was bloody murder. Nobody touched her tail! He was not allowed!

"Asshole! Stop!" Jasmine yelled, "I'll kick your ass!"

"Hahaha! Come on then, use those palm arts I taught you. If you can kick my ass, I'll give you a reward."

Chen Wentian ran into a clearing with Jasmine hot on his heels. He turned, and expectedly, a swipe came straight towards his head. He noticed with some dismay that she didn't hold anything back and that it could probably knock him out if it landed.

"So rude towards your master!" Chen Wentian muttered as he blocked at the last moment.


They joined together in close quarters combat as Jasmine showed off her newly acquired Nineteen Demon Subduing Palms. She was quite intelligent and learned the entire palm arts in a couple weeks. She still needed a lot of work to master the forms but her basics were quite good due to her divine beast physique.

Unlike with his other disciples, Chen Wentian didn't need to hold back the power of his attacks and he could showcase the full might of the palms. He focused on teaching, adjusting his pace to match hers. He used the same moves she did, showing her the correct forms, the rhythm of attack and defense, as well as usage of spiritual energy.

Jasmine had never learned or used any proper martial arts. She had merely used her raw speed and power. But after losing their first battle, she took training seriously and soaked up everything he taught.

She began to wear out eventually as she was not used to fighting in her human form. She still used too much spiritual energy unnecessarily. It was a bad habit from never having anybody teach her for over five hundred years and letting instinct drive her movements.

Still, she did not give up. Fully intent on landing a blow on his smug face.

Sweat began to drip down her forehead. Still she persisted.

Her thin dress gradually became wet from her efforts and became plastered to her skin. Chen Wentian could see more and more of her barely budding bosom with small pink pearls on top. Eventually, her shirt was soaked through and he could see everything on full display. A thin layer of fabric was all that was between him and... and it was all just for him!

He greedily memorized this timeless scenery before pulling his eyes away quickly. He stopped the bout and retreated to the sky, "Okay, okay… you improved a lot in the past few days. As promised, I'll give you a reward. Meet me back at the sect." Chen Wentian said and flew off before she could realize what was going on. 

Jasmine watched him leave in confusion. She then felt a cold breeze and looked down at her state of dress and was suddenly in a panic.



Jasmine wore much more clothes when she met him again. Chen Wentian put on an innocent face against her accusatory glare. It wasn't his fault she wanted to be an exhibitionist. Of course, he might have increased the ambient temperature a little bit with his flaming spiritual aura... but he would never admit to that.

"Come here." He patted the seat next to him.

Jasmine was still looking at him warily as she sat but soon became distracted as a mountain of delicious looking food was brought out. Her anger towards him evaporated as she felt her hunger set in. She quickly dug in, fighting an uphill battle against the roats meats and steamed lobsters.

She sighed happily when she was finished and leaned back in her chair. Chen Wentian took the chance to rub her fox ears again and her response was a satisfied purr. The pair sat like that for some time in silence, one master and one disciple, developing their bond and closeness.

He eventually stopped and Jasmine grumbled in complaint. He chuckled and pulled out several items and laid it on the table in front of them.

"What's this?" She asked.

"All for you." He first picked up a small metallic object and placed it in her hands. "Camouflaging spatial bag."

Jasmine injected some spiritual energy into it and transformed it into a ring. She wore it and then inspected the contents. It was much larger than the one given out as a reward during the immortal sect competition. It also contained the same things as all his other disciples including food, clothes, medicine, and anything else he could think of.

"Wow! Orange spiritual crystal? Must be over five kilograms of it in here."

"Mmm," Chen Wentian nodded, "I'm still not sure how you cultivate as a divine beast but use those crystals however you want. But that's not the most valuable gift, these are."

He pointed to the items on the table. It was a set of gear, a pair of long sleeve gloves and a pair of slim knee-high boots. They looked to be made out of the same material, a pale tan colored leather. Jasmine tried on the gloves and boots, finding that they fit her perfectly. There was no impediment of movement and she even felt lighter and faster than before. When she injected her spiritual energy into it, she felt the response of an immortal aura.

"Heavens… Spirit Lord armor!" Jasmine cried out.

"Yup, these four items form a set, called the Crashing Comet. Remember the comet lynx I told you about that escaped?"

Jasmine nodded.

"I used Chen Mo to track it down. It couldn't recover from its crippling injuries so I managed to catch it. This set is made from its hide and also contains its soul." Chen Wentian explained, "It will drastically increase your speed and agility as well as provide a modest boost to your physical attack power. I also designed it so that you'll be able to use it in your beast form."

Jasmine tried out the armor, turning into her beast form and back several times and then shot out of the room faster than the eye could see. She dashed through the sect as an invisible whirling dervish, with her giggling laughter ringing throughout. Soon, she was back in her seat again, her face flushed with joy and excitement.

Chen Wentian noticed she sat much closer than before. She was right next to him and he watched in great fascination as she leaned over unconsciously. He was no longer a shy boy and took the cue to wrap one arm around her shoulders, letting her rest comfortably against him. He watched her close her eyes and give a satisfied sigh. If there were still any doubts about her being his disciple, they were extinguished when she finally uttered…

"Thank you… master."

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