Chen Wentian took Wu Qianyu and Jasmine to his habitual immortal floating island and restaurant. Along the way, he introduced Jasmine to his disciple and let them get to know each other. Wu Qianyu didn't know what to say at first, being very intimidated by a strange immortal. She didn't really understand the concept of a divine beast but she had heard legends of the nine tailed fox and she became fascinated by Jasmine's beautiful fluffy tails.

To Chen Wentian's great surprise, Jasmine was quite nice and amicable to his disciple. He sensed that Jasmine might have realized Wu Qianyu had more intimate relations with him. A fox's sense of smell was very keen and there was no doubt plenty of traces of his scent on Wu Qianyu's body and clothing. He was afraid she would dislike Wu Qianyu the same way she disliked Mei Qiaofeng but he realized he worried too much and Jasmine's dislike of the snake woman was mostly due to jealousy.

This a positive sign for with his secret wish of having Jasmine join his sect. He hadn't brought up the topic with her yet and was waiting for the right opportunity. Regardless if it was the human world or the wilderness, it was extremely perilous to be a divine beast, especially for a Spirit Lord like her. Both human greed and the hunger of monsters were deadly and ruthless. He knew there was a fabled sanctuary for divine beasts but he had no idea where it might be or even if he could find it. He didn't want to leave Jasmine alone. She was bossy and annoying but still a naive little girl even if she was over five hundred years old.

The trio were in a good mood as they flew. Along the way, Chen Wentian tried to get Jasmine to hide her ears and tail but no matter how hard she tried, her human transformation was still not complete and those cute but glaring problems would let anyone with an ounce of common sense instantly recognize what she was. He was thus unceremoniously shoved out of his own flying carriage as Wu Qianyu did her best to disguise Jasmine in women's clothing. She managed to find a cute baby blue dress with a floor length puffed up skirt to stash away the fox tails. She also found an elegant lady's hat from who knows where to hide those furry ears that stuck up helplessly.

Chen Wentian saw Jasmine emerge in her new attire and he was totally smitten. She looked so adorable and darling, he simply wanted to scoop her up and hug her tightly. His greedy heart could barely contain itself. She had to join his sect! It absolutely would not be his dream sect without a cute divine beast like her! 

His womanizing mind began to work furiously as they finally arrived at the restaurant and entered a private room. He did not hold back on the menu and ordered every single expensive item. Steaming plates of exotic beast meats, fresh vibrant vegetables and mushrooms, and more than a few jugs of fragrant spiritual wine soon adorned the large dinner table until it was almost overflowing. He splurged without regard and it ended up being a perfect arrow straight through the heart, or more precisely the stomach. 

Why? Jasmine was a total glutton and a one that had been starved for over two months. 

"Waahhh!" Jasmine cried out in joy as she saw amazingly enticing dishes brought in one after another. "So savory! This one is sour and spicy! Mmmm! Sweet!"

She attacked the food like she had seen her long lost lover. She had surprisingly terrible table manners and used her hands to grab at all of the food. Chen Wentian and Wu Qianyu soon became mere spectators in a one person sport as Jasmine inhaled entire plates of food. Wu Qianyu was ever the attentive disciple and knew what his aim was. She made sure to keep Jasmine's cup filled with wine and made sure all the food was within her reach. He brought out Chen Mo, his shadow fox soul, to keep her entertained while he focused on continuously ordering food and drinks to keep Jasmine happy.

"Momo, eat!" Jasmine grabbed a roast duck leg and shoved it in Chen Mo's face. She had decided to call his shadow fox Momo...

"He's a phantom, he doesn't need to eat." Chen Wentian said.

"Of course I do!" Chen Mo yelped in complaint and bit at the duck. He took a large chunk and swallowed, only for the meat to fall straight to the floor. "You asshole!"

"Hey! You're just insulting yourself."

"Aww, poor Momo." Jasmine patted Chen Mo's head.

Chen Wentian glared at Jasmine, "And you, don't call him that. Momo is a dog's name."

"Whatever..." She huffed and returned to shoveling food into her mouth.

Even bottomless pits have a limit and dinner eventually came to a end. Wu Qianyu received a signal from Chen Wentian and asked in a curious tone, "Jasmine, now that you are free, have you thought about where you will go?"

"..." Jasmine ignored her and instead glared at him, "Chen Wentian, you rescued a beautiful princess like me and you don't even have the decency to offer me a home! Even your disciple is much better than you."

He was taken aback, he couldn't believe it was this simple. Did she already make up her mind long ago?

"Jasmine, my immortal sect is called Ten Thousand Flower Valley. It is in a remote province and I only have a few but trustworthy disciples. You'll be safe there, I'll protect you. I promise, it will be an amazing new home. Will you join my sect?" He said earnestly.

"Mmmm, that's much better." Jasmine said, while still munching on a pork rib, "I will on one condition. Since I am much older than you, also much wiser and intelligent, naturally I should be the grand sect master."

"Absolutely not!" Chen Wentian said immediately.

"Chen Wentian!" Jasmine pointed her dainty jade fingers at him, "Why are you so stingy!"

"It is simply a matter of principle. I created the sect, I am the sect master. You can join as my disciple."

Jasmine choked on her food with laughter, "Hah! You? Hehehe, that is so funny!"

Chen Wentian crossed his arms and said with an evil glint in his eyes, "If you can beat me in a fight, you can be the grand sect master. If I beat you, you can just be my disciple. How about it, do you dare to bet?"

"Master..." Wu Qianyu was worried he would end up chasing Jasmine away.

But she didn't have to worry as Jasmine saw the problem the same way as Chen Wentian. Naturally, only the strongest could be the master and the weaker had to be the disciple! If she could make Chen Wentian her disciple, then she could have Chen Mo play with her everyday!

"Agreed!" Jasmine stuck out her hand.

Chen Wentian took her hands in his for the first time and shook it firmly. Her hands were extremely delicate and beautiful, they were small compared to his but held a mysterious energy as his skin touched hers.



They didn't want to fight in human territory so they arrived in Red Bamboo Province and headed south until they were at the border between it, Rich River Province, and the wilderness. There were no humans around for thousands of miles. Chen Wentian knew this since all Beast God Sanctum members had pull out of this area due to the brawl between the two factions. Wu Qianyu didn't come to watch them as she had returned to her monster fighting competition. She had been distracted by Chen Wentian for almost two weeks so she had to go and regain her ranking.

Chen Wentian faced off against Jasmine in a desolate patch of ground that was relatively flat with a few rocks and dead trees. 

"Are you ready to fight?" He asked.

"Fine, but Momo can't help, and neither can your other critters. And no weapons!"

Chen Wentain agreed and then stepped back ten meters before collecting his blue flames around himself. Jasmine's new clothes mysteriously melded into her body as she returned to her nine tailed fox form. Even in her beast form, she was petite, barely taller than his waist.

Chen Wentian extended his hand and beckoned her to attack.

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