Chen Wentian, as He Xingping, nearly fell over in shock when he sensed the first batch of three Spirit Lords arrive at the battlefield. From the three auras, they were Qu Shen's faction and he was completely astounded that the Eagle lord would commit his entire forces. When the other two Spirit Lords, he didn't fall over. No, he simply wanted to collapse to the ground in laughter. He was only stopped by the fact his men would find it really suspicious.

He had retreated to a safe distance once Qu Shen had appeared. But now, the entire region was no longer safe. He turned to Hong Qi besides him. "Hurry, pull all of our men and scouts back. Abandon camp and retreat to the city immediately!"

His mission here was complete. The only job left was to keep himself alive in case those immortal idiots really got into it.

"Yes sir!" His men immediately responded and burst into action.

They also didn't want to stick around and see if they would become road kill during an all-out brawl between eight immortals. They were all on their horses and escaping at their fasted speed within a few seconds...


Jasmine rolled on the bed giggling as Chen Wentian narrated what he observed through He Xingping. She found it hilarious and it lightened her spirits. Her escape would be effortless. The only remaining matter was how this little shadow fox was going to break her out. She believed in him but she still had a slight tinge of doubt and uncertainty.

Conserving his energy paid off as Chen Wentian still had about eighty percent of his power in the shadow fox. It would be a little tricky as the shadow fox by itself didn't have the greatest attack power and it was still at the Spirit Initiate Realm. Pulling other immortal souls across the soul link was possible but it decreased their power and it also drained a lot of energy at the same time.

Chen Wentian hadn't been sitting idle the past week and he already know the exact construction and structure of the prison's inscription array. It was quite strong and no Spirit Lord would have a chance of escaping from the inside. With all prisons, it also prevented anyone from trying to break it from the outside although that protection was much less intricate and durable. He guessed that He Zicheng was confident in the secret location of the deep tunnel and didn't bother too much with that part. The result was that there was a weak point on the master lock that opened the array controls.

He first tried turning into the Golden Serpent and coiled around the dinner plate sized ethereal lock to try and crush it. He failed multiple times before finally giving up. His thick tree trunk sized body was a bit too clumsy and big and it was no use. The Golden Serpent had a little bit of venom but it wasn't the strongest, so he didn't bother and reverted back to his shadow fox.

"Come on little fox! Are you going to fail me at the last moment?" Jasmine cried out in exasperation.

"Hey, I'm trying my best here, and you really aren't helping."

"Hmph. if you can't open that lock then you are a lying two faced stupid asshole!"

This little girl! No, this old granny. Wait, that wasn't right either. Chen Wentian slapped his own face in anger and tried to ignore her. Jasmine was an amalgamation of both young and bratty and old and needy, two things he disliked in women. Divine beasts were really difficult to deal with. Maybe she would have driven the Snake Lord to an early death if he wasn't betrayed, he thought.

He mentally went through all of his souls and finally brought out the Purple Jade Hercules Beetle. This soul was once of his most special not just because of its strength but that it had an innate compatibility with Dugu's 10th Sword. The Purple Jade Hercules Beetle was probably even better than him at this mysterious sword art that he found by luck. There was a reason he gave the sword to Wu Qianyu, as it also secretly enhanced her cultivation speed of the sword art.

Jasmine stared in fascination as Chen Wentian turned from a towering gigantic snake into a tiny little bug. She wondered how useful it would be as bugs were useless things she crushed and munched on in her spare time.

"Please, Jasmine, I don't need to know that you eat bugs right now..."

"What? I'm a fox! You're a dirty human!"

Chen Wentian shut off his ears and concentrated on the matter at hand. He flew up as the Purple Jade Hercules Beetle and landed on the lock, placing his massive main horn on the neck of the lock. He then meditated for ten seconds to focus his energy on a single powerful attack.

The entire prison soon filled with honed blades of sword energy. The rocks walls began to shake and crumble to dust from the pressure. There was a screeching sound as the prison array tried to protect itself. Even Jasmine could feel a sense of danger as the little beetle's horn glowed bright with power.

Slash the World!

All the sword energies within the room collapsed inward, focusing on the beetle's blade. The air seemed to freeze; time seemed to stop. The lock didn't show any outward signs of damage but a split second later, it split into two as if it was always that way. Chen Wentian used every last ounce of energy left in his shadow and the product was the true first movement of Dugu's 10th Sword and it was simply peerless.

As his shadow body was dissipating, he managed activate the prison controls and the shimmering walls around Jasmine collapsed in an instant.

"Wow!" Jasmine clapped her hands at the explosive display of power. She was really quite impressed; her little fox was the best!

She then leaped off the bed and walked around, making sure the energy shields were really gone. She jumped around in joy at finally being freed. She yawned and stretched a few times before realizing that Chen Wentian had disappeared.

"Little fox!" Jasmine cried out in panic and ran out of the tunnel towards the surface.

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