Chen Wentian enjoyed a few days of very wild and raunchy love making with Qiu Jingyi throughout the manor. He even had to send away some servants so they wouldn't constantly run into them mid-coitus. He had not told her about the pregnancy yet, wanting her find out about it on her own. In the meantime, he took advantage of the medicinal effects of the Ruby Lingzhi Pill and her reborn desire to show her some new bedroom advice.

This included teaching her how to use her b.r.e.a.s.ts to pleasure him. Her assets were not as ample as Song Wushuang or Wu Qianyu but it was enough for the job. He was quickly becoming addicted to having s.e.x with a woman's b.r.e.a.s.ts and he loved the way his c.u.m sprayed all across their faces afterwards.

Another thing that drove him crazy was that Qiu Jingyi started becoming really naughty and inspired with her words. During their ruts she would beg him to breed her, to i.m.p.r.e.g.n.a.t.e her, to fill her with his seed and fertilize her w.o.m.b. It was different from when Zhou Ziyun said it because Qiu Jingyi really believed it. She absolutely wanted it with her body, mind, and spirit. It had a strange and mysterious resonance with his psyche and it always drove him wild.

Perhaps it was fate that Chen Wentian, as He Xingping, was unable to use his contraceptive technique. Maybe it was luck that He Xingping might never have been able to bring Qiu Jingyi to such heights of s.e.x.u.a.l pleasure without Chen Wentian's experience. Or maybe it was just the raw desire within He Xingping that overrode Chen Wentian's fear of commitment. It was due to a myriad of interesting factors that contributed to gift this couple with their most precious treasure.

Qiu Jingyi's female constitution was truly very bad. Both the Lion lord and her clan head had long known about this but never told He Xingping as they saw the pair as useless and average cultivators. It didn't matter if they produced children or not. The Ruby Lingzhi Pill was amazing but might not have necessarily worked if Chen Wentian had not excited and drastically improved Qiu Jingyi's mental state. It was also an open secret among experienced doctors that female orgasm could induce the release of an ovum at the most opportune moment.

All things considered, He Xingping would have been extremely thankful under the circ.u.mstances but of course, there was no need to thank himself. Chen Wentian didn't mind helping his new soul fulfill a lifelong dream. This also allowed him to practice for the future when he i.m.p.r.e.g.n.a.t.ed his beautiful disciples. His perverted mind was like a runaway horse carriage as he dreamed about these e.r.o.t.i.c thoughts.


While He Xingping was experiencing a new spring, the shadow soul was hard at work within the bowels of Lion castle. He had finally completely mapped out the storage room of the accounting executive elder. It was a slow process since he didn't want to trigger any alarms. What he found was more spiritual medicine pills, a lot of spiritual crystal, and some weapons and armor that looked decent.

However, he wasn't able to find anything that indicated a strong soul strength. This didn't make sense as there had to be something in this downward direction. The interference with his shadow anchors was still there. It had gotten to the point where they were pretty much out of commission. He also couldn't head out to replace the anchors with his shadow soul as any stray immortal would be able sense his movements.

Chen Wentian was frustrated as he meditated within the storage room. He didn't bother trying to take any of the treasure in here even though he kind of liked them. It wasn't time yet. He wrapped his head around the possibilities and came up with only one other. There absolutely had to be something down here. The only other explanation was that there was a secret dungeon that even this elder didn't know about, something so secret only the immortals of the faction could be privy to. Maybe this was the Lion lord's greatest secret?

He resumed his search, retracing his steps from the storage room back up slowly so as not to alert anyone. His efforts finally were reward as he finally found a secret wall. The protective runic inscription behind it made it pretty much indestructible except to the most powerful Spirit Lord level attack but it still allowed air to flow in through the minute cracks. And where air could flow, so could his shadow soul.

He slipped in and discovered a small passageway only large enough for one man. The walls were rough and rocky and it looked like it had recently been dug. His mind drifted to the possibilities as he slowly drifted down the darkness. He couldn't help but recall other similar adventures he'd had within secret treasure caves. Every time it left him with earth shaking treasures!

The passageway was very deep, much much deeper than the elder's storage room. He estimated it led pretty much to the center of the mountain. Even if one let out their immortal aura in here, it would be impossible to detect from the city.

Chen Wentian eventually reached the end and saw a soft white light emanating from a large chamber. The light wasn't strong enough to wipe away the shadows so he was fine and he went into the room, alert for any traps. There was nothing in the rocky chamber except for a white and glowing runic inscription in the middle on a raised bed.

He extended his sense to it and could tell that it was extremely powerful, enough to even imprison an immortal. It had to be He Zicheng's work as an ordinary Spirit Lord could not create such an array.

He raised up his head curiously to see what was within it was something he least expected.

What he saw was a white furry mass in the middle about half his size. Its fur was silvery and airy, the hairs were fine and gentle. He could see a pair of pointed ears that twitched occasionally but the head was buried beneath a pair of long fluffy tails that tapered off into pointed peaks. It looked like it was asleep.

His heart seized in his chest as he realized what he had found and it was absolutely the biggest secret of the Beast God Sanctum.

The beast must have sensed him as it raised its head up and stared at him. He froze, unsure of what to do but then a cherubic voice rang out like a song.

"Little fox, who are you?"

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