Immortal of the Nine Realms

Chapter 96: Step Aside, Everyone!

Chapter 96: Step Aside, Everyone!

The street was already crowded due to the presence of the Fang Family, who were led away by the Valiant Saber Guards and the Imperial Guards. Now that the people of the Grand Brilliance Bureau had arrived, the street became swamped with people.

Xiao Shence raised his hand slightly, signaling everyone to stop. He then looked at the approaching group with a hint of curiosity. The person in the lead was none other than the fifth prince, the man in charge of the Grand Brilliance Bureau.

“Fifth Prince.” Xiao Shence arched his hand in greeting. "What brings you here...?"

"Did you come here to join in on the fun, you little brat?” asked Fang Zhentian flippantly.

The fifth prince approached with enthusiasm. He passed by Xiao Shenace without any words, stopped in front of Fang Zhentian, and said, "Oh! How can I not come over and welcome you out of seclusion.” He then turned to his men and ordered, “What are y’all standing there for? Hurry and bring the old master and the Fang Family members back to the Grand Brilliance Bureau!”

The officials of the Grand Brilliance Bureau immediately stepped forward, intending to take over from the Valiant Saber Guards and Imperial Guards.

Xiao Shence and Yan Beihan were both stunned.

Seeing what was happening, Xiao Shence's face darkened, and he groaned, "Fifth Prince, this is against the rules."

The fifth prince’s brows scrunched up, and he spoke in a stern voice. "Rules? What rules? The old man and I haven't seen each other in many years. Can’t I invite him to the Grand Brilliance Bureau for a reunion? If the emperor wants to meet him and his family members, tell him that I’ll personally bring them over in a little bit!”

"That won't do.” Xiao Shenace shook his head slightly. “The emperor has requested for them to be taken to the Hall of Supreme Harmony at once. A dignitary from the Frost Water Empire is awaiting them."

"The members of the Fang Family all hold official positions. If they need to be arrested, then it ought to be the people of the Grand Brilliance Bureau who do it, anyway. What does this have to do with your Valiant Saber Guards?" The fifth prince pointed out, frowning. “What, has your memory failed you, Xiao Shence? You and your guards have no business in the Inner City; you have no authority to handle the affairs of the officials here!”

He then addressed Yan Beihan, his tone berating. "Commander Yan, you guys are also out of line; what are you doing here? Why are you not over at the imperial palace, protecting it? When were you ever allowed to arrest officials?”

Hearing that, Yan Beihan turned embarrassed.

The crowd realized that the fifth prince had arrived and that he was here to snatch the Fang Family away. He didn’t appear to be vying for the merit of their arrest, either.

Ye Qinghe expressed his annoyance from a distance. "There is no way the fifth prince will be able to protect the Fang Family with the Frost Water Empire envoy here. These actions of his only put Grand Xia in a tight spot.”

"He seems to be playing for time so that Fang Chen can return to deal with the matter,” commented Tao indifferently.

"No matter how hard he tries, it's useless! In front of the Frost Water Empire, Fang Chen is nothing!”

Xiao Shence had already guessed the true intentions of the fifth prince by that point, and he could only offer him a well-intended word of advice, politely saying, "Your Highness, I know you’re bidding for time, and I can understand your actions, but this matter is too important. As a prince of the Grand Xia Empire, I believe that you won’t want to see the Frost Water Empire deploying their army against us.”

The moment the fifth prince heard that, he flew into a fit of rage. “What nonsense are you spouting?" he yelled. "It is completely justified for the Grand Brilliance Bureau to apprehend people. Why are you bringing the Frost Water Empire into the picture? Are you an official of the Frost Water Empire or our Grand Xia Empire?"

When the Valiant Saber Guard saw how their commander was being yelled at by the fifth prince, they couldn’t help but clench the handles of their weapons a little tighter as the faintest traces of rage flashed their eyes.

"You should just head back, Fifth Prince,” said Fang Zhentian calmly. "If you have the time in the future, come to the Fang Manor and we can enjoy a cup of tea together. It’s a bad time today.”

"No! It cannot be any more appropriate!” insisted the fifth prince. He then turned back to Xiao Shenace and stood his ground, saying, “Today, I plan to reminisce about the past with the old patriarch. No one can stop me!”

With that, Xiao Shence and Yan Beihan finally understood; even though many years had passed, Fang Zhentian, who had kept a low profile all these years, still had such a high reputation that even the fifth prince dared to risk his life to buy him some time!

It was then that another group of people rushed over. "Your Highness, the Grand Brilliance Bureau shouldn't have come."

They were led by the minister of justice, Jiang Yushu.

The fifth prince was surprised to see him. "Old Jiang, what is this about?"

"We’ve received news that the Fang Family is suspected of several criminal offenses. We wish to invite them to the Ministry of Justice for a chat."

Xiao Shence and Yan Beihan were completely stunned.

The fifth prince practically couldn’t believe his ears, and he couldn’t help but ask once again, "Old Jiang, what are you doing?"

Jiang Yushu’s face was firm and inscrutable.

The fifth prince looked somewhat peculiar. "Well, I won't stop you then. You can take them away."

Xiao Shence finally couldn’t contain his anger any longer and he exploded. "Do you take me for a fool!" he yelled. "You two came here without the emperor's consent, right? If His Majesty learns of this, I doubt your official positions will be safe. Even your families will be implicated!”

"Is my official position worth that much? If you want it, you can have it." Jiang Yushu looked at Xiao Shence and smiled lightly.

When Xiao Shence heard that, he was stunned speechless.

The next moment, the sound of rapid hoofbeats on pavement rang through the air.

When the crowd turned to the source of the sound, they discovered that a group of soldiers had arrived, and from their attire, it wasn’t hard to see that they were from different barracks.

In their uniforms, they glared at what was happening. Though they didn't speak, an invisible pressure emanated from them.

Seeing that, Xiao Shence took a sharp, deep breath, turned to Fang Zhentian, and said, "Is your Fang Manor really planning to rebel, old man?"

They had thought that after Fang Zhentian retired for many years, and with Fang Chen's defeat on the Three World Mountain, the prestige of the Fang Family in the military would've surely plummeted. However, the scene before them now left them somewhat terrified.

Among the approaching soldiers, Xiao Shence recognized some commanding generals. Those generals often criticized the Fang Family, expressing dissatisfaction with Fang Chen's behavior.

Now, all of them showed up. Judging by the situation, the moment Fang Zhentian gave the word, they would turn their swords against the imperial palace.

"These cunning old foxes!" Xiao Shence couldn't help but curse inwardly. He felt that after the day had passed, the situation in the capital had to be reevaluated. They needed to learn how much genuine opposition to the Fang Family there was and how much of it was a fabricated illusion!

"All of you...” Fang Zhentian chuckled before revealing a stern expression. "Step aside, all of you!"

The fifth prince hesitated for a moment, nodded slightly, and quickly left with the Grand Brilliance Bureau.

Jiang Yushu clasped his hands in respect toward Fang Zhentian and also departed with his men. The nearby generals quietly disappeared as well.

The scene truly sent a chill into the hearts of Xiao Shence and Yan Beihan. They couldn’t help but wonder whether that previous spectacle had been just a figment of their imagination.

Fang Zhentian smiled at the two. "Both of you, let's go."

They exchanged a glance, nodded slightly, and finally led the Fang Family toward the imperial palace.

Ye Qinghe and company were shocked. "Incredible...."

Today, they had truly understood the weight of the name “Fang Zhentian” in the capital city.

Tao Yu's eyes flickered in contemplation. "If Patriarch Fang has advanced to the Qi Core stage, then perhaps... things might take another turn.”

At the Fang Manor.

Niu Jue anxiously stood at the entrance and looked all around him.

Watching his actions, his subordinates couldn't help but mutter softly, "Commander Niu, the Fang Family has offended the Frost Water Empire. It's better not to get too close to Divine General Fang."

"You little brat, what do you know?" Niu Jue scolded them, but briefly. He didn’t dawdle on it and ignored them again, continuing to pace around anxiously.

"Niu Jue, what are you doing here?" A voice suddenly rang out.

Niu Jue was delighted and looked up to see Fang Chen, Fairy Yu, and Abbess Qing He.

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